Creffield and the Holy Rollers made page one headlines from 1903 to 1907. When I was researching Holy Rollers: Murder and Madness in Oregon’s Love Cult I spent months transcribing hundreds of articles. I’m not sure why I was so obsessive. Maybe it was my way of immersing my self into a cult without joining one. Anyway, I’m posting them all for those who are really interested in the story, or are interested the history of journalism, or are interested in how a scandalous story played out in the "media" in a by gone era. Since I no doubt made typos and unconsciously corrected papers' typos, these web pages should not be cited in anything serious (e.g. your dissertation). For such projects they should only be used as starting points and you should refer to the original sources. If you want a shorter version of the story, buy my book. Enjoy.
July 9, 1906: Killing of Judge Emory May Effect Mitchell
Seattle Daily Times 7/9/1906 p3
Killing of Emory May Effect Mitchell
Attorney Will Morris Has Bailiffs Instructed to Take
Every Precaution to Keep Jury in Ignorance of Crime.
Judge Frater Expresses Regret That it Is
Impracticable to Adjourn Court, and Defense Hastens Proceedings.
Oregon Daily Journal (Portland) 7/9/1906
Mitchell Jury Is Kept In The Dark
Men To Decide Holy Roller Case Ignorant Of Emory
Trial Of Slayer Of Creffield To End Soon
Physician Testifies That Defendant Was Insane At The
Time He Killer “Apostle”--But One Witness Remains For Defense To Examine.
Former Judge George Meade
Emory’s death at the hands of young Chester Thompson has interjected itself
into the trial of George Mitchell, charged with murder in the first degree for
the killing of Franz Edmund Creffield on the morning of May 7.
Evidently fearing that a
knowledge of the latter crime might have a certain moral influence on the jury
should that body become possessed of it, Attorney Will H. Morris, for the
defense, at the opening of court this morning, took the matter up with Judge
Frater before the jury was brought in. Mr. Morris called attention to the
distressing death of Judge Emory and stated to the court that inasmuch as the
courthouse flag was flying at half-mast in honor of the dead jurist, he desired
the bailiffs to be instructed to take the jury to the hotel by a route which
would preclude its observing the flag and to otherwise use extreme precautions
to prevent any knowledge of the shooting coming to the ears of the men who will
determine the fate of the defendant in the present trial.
Judge Frater in reply stated
that he greatly regretted the impracticability of adjourning the court in his
department out of respect to former Judge Emory, but that he felt that the jury
was entitled to all consideration and in view of the long confinement and
inconvenience which it had been put to he felt that it would be an injustice to
prolong the trial even one day more than was absolutely necessary. Judge Frater
instructed the bailiffs to comply with the request of Mr. Morris as regarded
the jury.
Mr. Morris then stated that
in order to so hasten matters as to make it possible to adjourn court on the
day of the Emory funeral the defense would waive the right to place a number of
witnesses on the stand, and that with the exception of Dr. John Wotherspoon and
Dr. Wright, called as insanity experts, he would excuse the balance of his
The jury was then brought in
and Dr. Wotherspoon called to the stand. In answer to a number of hypothetical
questions, put by Attorney Shipley, and covering evidence adduced at the trial,
the witness stated that in his opinion any man so affected was insane. This
expression of opinion was not arrived at without much effort on the part of the
defense as many of the questions were objected to by the prosecution and in
some cases sustained by the court. Mr. Shipley was persistent, however, and by
changing the wording of his questions succeeded in getting the greater part of
the desired evidence before the jury.
A severe cross-examination
conducted by Deputy Prosecuting Attorney John Miller failed to shake the
testimony of the witness in any material respect. This cross-examination was
not completed at the hour of the noon recess and was taken up at the afternoon
session of court. The examination of Dr. Miles was commenced this afternoon and
it is probable that the arguments will be commenced tomorrow, or possible at a
late hour this afternoon.
Interest in the trial still
keeps up so far as the spectators are concerned and the courtroom was
comfortably filled this morning. The defendant is still the object of attention
on the part of women and the pretty young woman who had taken a particular
interest in Mitchell was in court again after an absence of two days. She left
the courtroom a few minutes before adjournment, but when Mitchell was taken
down stairs by Deputy Sheriff Bert Thompson, she met him at the landing and
after a word or two handed him a large bunch of sweet peas, which were accepted
with a warm smile.
While it is not known
positively who this admirer of the defendant is, her name is believed to be
Corbett. While the defendant by his actions indicates that he is appreciative
of the good wishes of all those who have so evidenced their feelings, it is
patent to the officers of the court that it is this girl in the picture hat who
has aroused his interest and that he missed her presence in court during the
two days that she failed to put in an appearance has been quite evident.
Since the completion of
taking testimony from those witnesses who related the events leading up to the
killing, Mitchell had displayed little interest in the proceedings and has
acted as though bored by the long drawn out efforts to prove him insane.
Seattle Star 7/9/1906 p1
Mitchell Jury Is Kept In Ignorance
Men Who Are Trying Creffield’s Slayer Are Not Told Of
The Killing Of Judge Emory.
The death of Judge Emory was
referred to at the opening of this morning’s session of the Mitchell murder
Attorney Morris, for the
defense, made touching reference to the tragic incident and in connection there
with asked that the judge instruct the bailiff in charge of the jury to keep
form the jurors all knowledge of the killing and to take them to and from the
court room in some way so that their attention would not be called to the flag
flying at half mast above the court house.
Judge Frater in a few words
regretted that he could not adjourn his court. He felt that the
interests of the defendant would be prejudiced by doing so, and that it
would also be unfair to the jurors.
Mr. Miller, for the state,
referred to the killing as a most pathetic unfortunate occurrence, almost
crushing in its nature, but felt that the court was acting wisely in continuing
the trial.
The only witness of the
morning was Dr. John Wotherspoon, called by the defense as an insanity expert.
Dr. Wotherspoon was on the stand all morning and a part of the afternoon.
After the examination of Dr.
Wotherspoon, Dr. Miles was called, and before the adjournment today the defense
will have rested.
Evening Telegram (Portland) 7/9/1906 p11
Murder Kept from Mitchell Jurors
Judge Instructs that Killing of Judge Emory Must Not
Reach Members.
SEATTLE, Wash., July 9.--When the Mitchell trial opened this morning Attorney Will
H. Morris asked Judge Frater to instruct the bailiffs to take extraordinary
precautions that the jury might not learn of the murder of ex-judge Emory by
Chester Thompson.
Judge Frater pointed out the
fact that the Courthouse flag was flying at half-mast, and the bailiffs were
instructed to take the jury to and from the boarding-house by a route on which the members could not get a view of the flag. The court did
not want the jurors inquiring why it was flying at half-mast. The bailiffs were
also instructed to see that no knowledge of the murder got to the jury for fear
it might influence them.
The defense stated that as a
result of the Emory killing it would only call two more witnesses, both medical
experts. It declared however, that it had many other witnesses to call. Dr.
Wotherspoon, a local doctor, was the only witness today. He testified in answer
to hypothetical questions that a person put in Mitchell’s position would
probably be insane.
The rigorous
cross-examination on the part of the state failed to shake the witness. One
more witness will be called by the defense, and then after a short time spent
in rebuttal testimony and possibly a day given over to arguments, the case will
be given to the jury. A verdict is looked for by Thursday evening.
Morning Oregonian (Portland) 7/10/1906 p1
Admit Jury Acquit Mitchell
State’s Attorneys Now Confess Defeat.
No Testimony In Rebuttal
Attempts To Break Down Defense Considered Useless.
Facts Cannot Be Denied
O. V. Hurt’s Exposure Of Holy Roller Creffield’s
Hideous Crimes Turned Scale In Avenger’s Favor--Trial Will End Today.
SEATTLE, Wash., July 9.--(Special.)--George Mitchell’s fate will be left with the
jury tomorrow night. The defense in the Creffield murder case rested this
afternoon, after a day spent in the examination of insanity experts, and the
state took a night off to consider whether any expert medical testimony in
rebuttal should be offered. All the interested attorneys told Judge Frater just
before adjournment that they expected to make but short addresses, and each in
turn suggested that the case could be submitted to the jury tomorrow evening.
Judge Frater is tonight preparing his instructions to the jury.
After their conference
tonight, Prosecuting Attorney Mackintosh and Assistant Prosecuting Attorney
John F. Miller decided not to offer any testimony in rebuttal. Mr. Mackintosh
will begin the argument for the state early in the morning. He
will be followed by the attorneys for the defense, and then Mr. Miller
will close.
The state expects an
acquittal. This can be said authoritatively, and it can be added that the
prosecution has believed its case was lost ever since the testimony of O. V.
Hurt was given to the jury.
“Had the defense rested when
the old man from Corvallis finished telling the jury of the debasing practices
of the Holy Rollers, the case would have been decided by the jury without
leaving the box.” This is the way a member of the Prosecuting Attorney’s office
summed up the situation tonight, adding, “We have been beaten for a week.”
Rebuttal offers nothing to
the state. The prosecution cannot offset the damaging testimony as to the Holy
Roller Practices and the general discrediting of “Joshua” Creffield by the
“I-told-George-Mitchell” witnesses for the defense. All the state could do,
were such testimony available, would be to prove that George Mitchell did not
know of the Holy Roller orgies. The state tried hard to get such testimony on
There is absolutely no way
of proving that George Mitchell’s mind was not inflamed by the stories of
Creffield’s act. It would be impossible to get in evidence contradicting the
practices of the Corvallis sect.
One insanity expert the
defense consulted, but did not produce. That was Dr. Loughary, formerly
superintendent of the Steilacoom asylum for the insane. The only question in
the minds of the prosecuting attorneys when they left the courtroom tonight was
whether Loughary ought to be called for the state in rebuttal on the insanity
plea. After all, however, the state does not think much of insanity testimony.
In the closing arguments the
state will attempt to dissuade the Jurors from the opinion that Creffield’s
killing was justifiable. Neither of the states attorneys believes there is much
of an insanity plea to overcome. They think the insanity plea is merely offered
as an excuse to the jury for a verdict of acquittal. That this
excuse will be accepted by the jury is fully believed by the
prosecution. When the arguments begin tomorrow, the state’s representatives
will talk feeling they are leading a forlorn hope.
A desperate effort may be
made tomorrow by the prosecution to get some inkling of the murder of Judge
George Emory before the jury. Some chance remark, some slight intimation or
else a bald reference to the tragedy may be given. It is a subterfuge and a
trick, and one likely to result in punishment for contempt of court, but the
attorneys representing the state may attempt to influence the jury by letting
the arbiters of Mitchell’s fate know that another man has been shot down in Seattle
by a youth who will plead insanity.
Today’s was a dry and dull
hearing, enlivened by just two questions asked on cross-examination by John F.
Miller, Deputy County Attorney. Dr. W. T. Miles was testifying for the defense,
and had answered innumerable hypothetical questions, when Mr. Miller asked, on
cross examination:
The founder of the Mormon church claimed that he had received a revelation from God,
and that he had been directed by this divine inspiration. Was that an insane delusion?”
“If he actually believed
it,” Dr. Miles answered, “it was.”
Again Mr. Miller declared
that there were some people who believed that prayer is answered and ills are
cured by prayer. He asked whether the physician regarded such a belief as an insane
“If adhered to beyond the
point of reason, it is, Dr. Mills insisted. Continuing, he explained that those
holding such opinions were entitled to their beliefs, and so long as they did
not carry them to the point of absurdity, the “divine” healers could not be
classes as demented. Then Mr. Miller went at it in another way and recited the
fact that a certain sect believes the Christ has not yet appeared, while
another insists that he came in Jesus. The attorney asked Dr. Miles to pick the
insane delusion, but the physician held there was none.
When the attorneys were done
with Dr. Miles, Will H. Morris announced that the defense rested. Mr. Miller
began a plea for time for consultation, when Judge Frater interjected an inquiry
as to whether the case could be closed tomorrow. Both sides agreed it could.
Extraordinary precautions
are being taken by the court to prevent the news of Judge Emory’s assassination
from reaching the jury that is trying Mitchell. Mitchell’s counsel today
abandoned their plans for the examination of all remaining witnesses, save
those who could testify regarding Mitchell’s probable insanity, and hurried
through with these.
All other departments of the
Superior Court adjourned out of respect to Judge Emory at an early hour. Before
the Mitchell jury was called in, Judge Frater discussed an adjournment with the
attorneys in the case, but finally held that it was essential that the hearing
be completed and the jury freed from its confinement.
Judge Frater recognized the
danger of the news of the Emory murder by minute instructions to the bailiffs
in charge of the jury. He instructed them to take every precaution to prevent
any news of the tragedy reaching the jurors. The Courthouse flag is flying at
half-mast, and the court ordered the bailiffs to take the jury to and from
their meals by a new route that will avoid any glimpse of the flag. Curiosity
might result in the jury learning of the Emory murder, and the court declared that
from this time on the jury men must be virtual
prisoners. Will H. Morris, counsel for Mitchell, took the initiative in
securing these instructions.
Dr. John Wotherspoon was the
defense’s first insanity expert. Answering hypothetical questions, he declared
a man in Mitchell’s condition would be insane. The defense had to fight hard to
get its expert testimony, for the state objected repeatedly to the manner in
which the questions were framed. Finally Attorney Shipley got a satisfactory
statement that Deputy County Attorney Miller could not shake. Dr. Wright,
another expert for the defense, substantiated Dr. Wotherspoon.
“The girl with the picture
hat,” who has attended the Mitchell hearing faithfully, but who has been absent
for the past few days, reappeared today. A few moments before the noon
adjournment she slipped out of the courtroom and met Mitchell with Deputy
Sheriff Bert Thompson on the stairs. She handed the prisoner a bunch of sweet
peas, the disappeared. Mitchell has apparently missed the girl’s presence and
her flowers, for he brightened considerably when he met her again today. Though
she has tried to conceal her identity, the young woman’s name is said to be
The crowd that has attended
the trial thinned out slightly today, but there was the usual number of women
Oregon Daily Journal (Portland) 7/9/1906
Modern Ark Drifts into Harbor, But Finds no Ararat
Home of Salvation Army Man Floats Away While Owner is Absent, but is Captured by Lower Bridge.
Not wishing to emulate the
fool who buildeth his house upon the sands, and not being wealthy enough to
produce a solid foundation within walking distance, J. A. Garner, the little
man who smashes time on the big bass drum for the Salvation Army, buildeth an ark
upon the water. The winds came and the rain fell upon the roof, but unlike the
mansion erected upon the stands, it fell not; the June freshet carried away
snags and monstrous fields of drift and tugged and tore violently at the ark,
but, like the house plastered upon the rocks, it stood the racket.
In complimenting himself
upon having buildeth wisely and well, however, the strong-armed bass drummer
over-looked the human parasite , who, with a grudge in
his heart and upon mischief bent, sneaks about at night playing wicked pranks
at the expense of his fellow men.
This black-hearted sinner,
whoever he may be, came along last night and, envious of the peaceful
surroundings of the Garner houseboat, cut the moorings. The tide came and gentle
zephyrs came, too, and the ark began to drift until it finally fell in grasp of
the maelstrom of the Willamette.
At dawn this morning it was
in the middle of the harbor between the Madison Street and Morrison street bridges and plebeians who came along by that way
stopped and gazed upon it in amazement. Apparently without a hand to steer it
the strange craft drifted toward the draw of the lower bridge and narrowly
escaped being run down by the steamer Undine when she arrived from Astoria. The
pilot of the stern-wheeler failed to discover the ark until he was almost upon
Luckily for Mr. Garner, old
Willamette does not believe in rushing things with the thermometer hovering
about the 100 mark and hence the capture of the ark this morning was not half as
sensational as the stranding of the original house that Noah built. By
alternating with right and left swings when pounding boom, boom, boom, boom,
boom, boom out of the big drum, Mr. Garner has developed a strength of arms
remarkable and it was an easy matter for him to tow the runaway home into a
place of safety at the foot of Alder street.
Although instinctively good natured, Mr. Garner was much wrought up over the incident. “I came home last night at 10 o’clock only to find no home,” he said while busy securing the house at its temporary berth. “The house has been moored at the east end of the Morrison street bridge for some time, but some one cut the cable last night and sent it adrift. I spent half the night searching the beach, but finally had to give up the job and went to a friends house to sleep. It made me happy when I saw my house in the middle of the harbor this morning, for it contains everything I have.”
Chapter of Holy Rollers where these articles are some of the sources:
Chapter 21: Two Other Murders
July 8, 1906: Plan To Revive Holy Rollerism
July 10, 1906: Mitchell Case Goes To Jury
Newspaper Articles about Creffield & the Holy Rollers
1897-1903: B.C. (Before Creffield)
October to December 1903:Holy Rollers Burn Furniture & Pets
January to March, 1904: Holy Rollers Tarred and Feathered
April to June 1904: Holy Rollers are Committed to the Asylum
July 1904: Creffield is Found & Arrested
September 1904: Creffield's Trial
April 1906: Men are Gunning For Creffield
May 1906: Creffield is Murdered, Murderer is Considered a Hero
May 1906: Holy Rollers Found Starving Near Heceta Head
June 1906: George Mitchell's Trial Begins
July 1906: Hurt Testifies of Debauched Wife and Debased Sisters
July 1906: Esther Mitchell Kills Her Brother
August to October 1906: Seattle Prepares for another Big Trial
November 1906: Maud Hurt Creffield Commits Suicide
April 1909-August 1914: Esther Leaves the Asylum
1953 Stewart Holbrook's Murder Without Tears
1951Startling Detective Magazine, Nemesis of the Nudist High Priest
Chapters from
Holy Rollers: Murder & Madness in Oregon's Love Cult
Part 1: The Seduction
Chapter 1: Trust Me, Brothers And Sisters
(Life Before Creffield [B.C.])
Chapter 2: God, Save Us From Compromising Preachers
(Creffield's Preachings)
Chapter 3: The Flock
(Profiles of the Holy Rollers Were)
Chapter 4: The Holy Rollers
(Things Start to Get Wild on on Kiger Island)
Chapter 5: Housecleaning
(There's a Sacrificial Bonfire)
Chapter 6: Community Concerns
(Officers Visit)
Chapter 7: Esther, The Chosen One
(Creffield Plans to Marry 16-Year- Old)
Chapter 8: Tar and Feathers
(The Men of Corvallis Act)
Chapter 9: Sane People Don’t Go Bareheaded
(Holy Rollers are Committed to the Asylum)
Chapter 10: More Beast Than Man
( Creffield is Arrested)
Chapter 11: God Will Plead Creffield's Case
(Creffield in Court)
Chapter 12: Scandal
(Shocking Testimony at the Trial)
Chapter 13: Calm Before the Storm
(The Holy Rollers Resume their Lives)
Chapter 14: Giving Up The Ghost
(Men are Gunning for Creffield)
Part Two: The People V. Creffield
Chapter 16: The Widow Creffield
Chapter 19: An Inherited Streak of Insanity
Part Three: The Madness
Chapter 23: Seeking Reconciliation
Chapter 24: Another Holy Roller Page One Murder
Chapter 25: What Can Papa Do For You?
Chapter 26: Human Life is Too Cheap In This Community
Chapter 30: The Final Chapter
(What Happened to Everyone Afterwards)
The Epilogue
(Heaven's Gate)