Creffield and the Holy Rollers made page one headlines from 1903 to 1907. When I was researching Holy Rollers: Murder and Madness in Oregon’s Love Cult I spent months transcribing hundreds of articles. I’m not sure why I was so obsessive. Maybe it was my way of immersing my self into a cult without joining one. Anyway, I’m posting them all for those who are really interested in the story, or are interested the history of journalism, or are interested in how a scandalous story played out in the "media" in a by gone era. Since I no doubt made typos and unconsciously corrected papers' typos, these web pages should not be cited in anything serious (e.g. your dissertation). For such projects they should only be used as starting points and you should refer to the original sources. If you want a shorter version of the story, buy my book. Enjoy.
June 10, 1903: Salvation Army Major Deserts and Joins the Holy Rollers
Sara Robbin & Jon Ashley Hall
as Mollie & Frank Hurt
Corvallis Times 6/10/1903 p3
Desertion From The Ranks
Major Brooks Forsakes the
Salvation Army and Joins the Comeouters
Charles Edward Brooks who has had charge of the Salvation Army work in this
locality for some months has a charge of desertion laid against him by his
former associate and ex-comrade who so long marched by the major’s side in
pursuance of his duty as a lieutenant of the Corvallis corps. “Yes,” said Lt.
Mannes to a Times writer, “the major has deserted us. In his talks on the
street you no doubt have heard him declare how certain he was that was saved in
the army. At last he concluded that he was not saved and affected to believe
that he could be saved only through the Comeouters. He pretends to know now
that he is saved and affected to believe that he could be saved only through the
Comeouters. He pretends to know now that he is saved, but whether he was lying
before or now I can not tell. Ever since months ago so
many members of the army here went over to the Comeouters, or Holy Rollers as
they are sometimes designated, the work of the army has been very difficult
because that organization seems to make a greater effort to win members of other
churches than it does to win sinners.” These were the words of Lt. Mannes,
spoken in a dejected manner, and he was doubtless much affected by conditions
of affairs. Ensign Brown, who has charge of the social work of the army in
Portland was here Monday to wind up the affairs of the organization in
Corvallis. He gave up the building in which meetings have been held, and the
furniture and fixtures were stored for the present in rooms near by. The
Salvation Army is to withdraw from Corvallis for an indefinite time. The boom
of the bass drum is hushed, and the notes of “Down Where the Living Waters
Flow” is silent, possibly forever in Corvallis.
At one time
membership of the Salvation Army here numbered about 25, but some months ago
they went over almost in a body to a sect established here denominated
Comeouters. This new order is apparently very devout, but their customs, rites
and formalities are so queer and unusual that the organization has been the
subject of much comment from those who do not enter fully into the idea of
allowing persons to worship God in the manner that seems to them best. At
present the Comeouters are holding a protracted camp meeting on the Kiger
Island, and here it was that Major Brooks was converted to their belief. It is
said that the conversion of Brooks was quite spectacular; that in his spiritual
excitement he saw and described the devil approaching enwrapped in a network of
snakes, and having frogs, lizards and other hideous reptiles clinging to his
body; that as a means of placating his devilish majesty he tore off his
Salvation Army cap and coat and hurled them into the fire. Then he swooned and
became oblivious to his surroundings, and incident common to the rites of the
Access to
the camp ground and to the services is not enjoyed by
the public, presumably for the reason that many wish to attend through
curiosity mainly.
Corvallis Times 6/20/1903 p3
James Berry
was not able to be on hand for business yesterday morning. Late Thursday
evening he started south on the state road on his motor bicycle. He rode
swiftly. Out a short distance south of the Smith school house the front fork of
his machine broke. A traveler came along afterward and picked James up. There
were scratches and bruises about his face, and James was so shaken up that he
didn’t quite know what was going on. He was brought to his home at Victor
Hurt’s where a good night’s sleep restored him sufficiently to realize
everything, save what happened when the wheel broke and for a few hours
Dalles Weekly Chronicle 6/24/1903 p3
raving for several days in the city jail, the young man by the name of
Phillips, who was arrested Monday night for running about the streets yelling
and disturbing the peace, quieted down and was discharged last night. It was
not thought necessary to examine him as to his sanity as it was supposed undue
excitement at a holiness meeting caused the temporary unbalancing of his mind.
Corvallis Times 6/27/1903 p4
J. K. Berry--Bicycles
The bicycle
has become such an important means of conveyance that the city has not an
agency or repair shop for this 20th century vehicle is indeed and exception. Mr.
J. K. Berry conducts an up-to-date bicycle store and repair shop and is
prepared to give entire satisfaction either in the way of a new wheel, skillful
repairing, or in supplying any of its parts. He is the agent for Rambler,
Raycycle and Tribune wheels and conducts a bicycle livery in connection. He
also handles the California motorcycle and the Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine,
and carries a full line of fishing tackle. In the repair department he does
brazing, enameling, and is fully equipped for doing any kind of repairing
promptly and skillfully. He also handles guns and ammunition and loads shells
to order. Mr. Berry has been in business here for two years and his prices are
reasonable and all his work guaranteed. Give him a call.
Corvallis Times 6/27/1903 p3
May Hurt
and Grace Starr went to Portland Monday for a visit
with relatives.
Corvallis Times 7/22/1903 p3
Frank Hurt
and Miss Molile Sandell were married Monday. The ceremony took place at the
Hurt home, and was witnessed only by relatives. The knot was
tied by Justice Holgate.
Corvallis Gazette 7/24/1903 p3
marriage of Mr. Frank Hurt and Miss Mollie Sandell was solemnized at the home
of the groom’s parents of this city last Monday
afternoon. The ceremony was performed by Justice Holgate in the presence of relatives and a few invited guests. The groom is a well known young man of this city. His bride came here from
Seattle, where her parents reside, for a visit last March. With another young
lady, she had charge of the work of the Salvation Army here about three years
ago. Mr. and Mrs. Hurt will remain in Corvallis until fall when they will go to
Seattle to reside.
Corvallis Gazette 7/31/1903 p3
marriage of Mr. a. H. Sharp and Mrs. Sarah E. Dennis was solemnized at the home
of the bride’s daughter, Mrs. Oscar Starr, in this city yesterday morning at 10
o’clock. Rev. Nobel officiated. The happy pair took the morning train for
Albany, from which point they will proceed to Portland. After a few days at the
metropolis they will return to Corvallis to make their home.
Corvallis Gazette Fri 7/31/1903 p3
J. K. Berry
went to Portland Tuesday to secure an Oldsmobile, which will be placed on
exhibition at his bicycle factory. He is expected home tomorrow.
Corvallis Times 8/1/1903 p3
A marriage
license was granted Wednesday to A. H. Sharp and Sarah E. Dennis.
Marriage of Bert Sharp and Mrs. Dennis occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Starr Thursday. The ceremony occurred at 10 o'clock and Rev. Noble of the
Baptist church officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Sharp left on the 11 o’clock train for
Albany where the bride has relatives.
Corvallis Times 8/5/1903 p3
The automobile
that has been spinning about town the past two days is the property of James
Berry. He brought it from Portland, arriving here Saturday evening. It is an
Oldsmobile, which is one of the handsomest styles manufactured in that it
exhibits no ungainly housing. All machinery is encased in what might be an
ordinary jump-seat buggy box arranged for two persons. Its speed capacity is 30
miles per hour under favorable conditions. It is claimed that it can be
propelled up any hill road which wagons ordinarily
traverse. The price of this machine in Corvallis is $690.
Corvallis Gazette 8/7/1903 p3
peaches are ripe in the Kiger orchard. Mr. Kiger has kindly remembered the
Gazette man with a box of this luscious fruit, and our thanks are hereby
Corvallis Gazette 8/7/1903 p3
The Gazette
man is indebted to J. K. Berry for his first spin in an automobile. He didn’t
ride far. The ethics of his profession do not permit of enjoyment to the point
of satiety. But the exhilaration; the pulse quickening strange sensation of
even a short excursion on an Oldsmobile machine beats the tintinnabulation of
the sleigh bells and the--see how easy it is to lapse into poetry when there’s
inspiration. This machine is the one referred to in this paper a week ago. It
is a handsome vehicle capable of making 30 miles an hour and is propelled by a
four-horse motor. It is valued at $690.
Corvallis Times 8/8/1903 p3
J. M. Ingle
took a ride on an auto the other day, but not without temporary and preliminary
difficulties. He climbed into the Berry machine on the apron in front of the
brick livery stable. He sat down with an air of satisfaction with the world and
expectation of a delightful ride. From some cause the machine seemed to start
off so briskly that John lost his balance. His feet flew up, and the late
candidate for congress rolled out over the cushioned seat and dropped all heels
up on the walk a couple of feet below. He was not hurt, and gathering up his
hat Mr. Ingle climbed in again and with the wisdom of experience braced for the
start, and the outfit glided away with speed and grace ...
The speed,
ease and grace with which the Berry and Fisher autos glide through the streets
and out into the country make on-lookers sigh for a ride, or for the wherewithal
to own a machine. Prevailing opinion is that the auto is to be largely the
conveyance of the future, and in time the buggies, even for general use will be
largely superseded. Even then, however there will have to be lower priced
machines so that the man with the hoe can take his turn at ownership. Even on
Benton county roads the local machines make a speed of fifteen or twenty miles
an hour without sensibly shaking up the rider.
Corvallis Times 8/12/1903 p3
Last Sunday
Wm. Hartley and a friend strolled out on Mary’s river flat and the former
approached a pony which was staked there. Mr. Hartley
liked the looks of the animal and began caressing him. “I like the looks of
this little fellow very much” said Mr. Hartley. “I should like to buy him. He
appears so kind and gentle.” Mr. Hartley passed his hand down the pony’s hind
leg to discover any blemishes. Like a flash the animal smote the hand that
caressed him, and wheeled and kicked viciously with both hind feet sending Mr.
Hartley’s hat high in the air. The gentleman essayed to retaliate in kind, but
he was soon compelled to retreat the length of the stake rope only saving him
from utter annihilation. Since the encounter Mr. Hartley has not been able to
work on account of a lacerated hand and probably a number of in apparent injuries which he does not care to disclose. He is
endeavoring to find the owner of the pony, not for the purpose of buying the
animal, but with the intention of presenting a claim for damages.
Corvallis Times 8/22/1903 p3
J. K. Berry
thinks he knows who is digging potatoes in his garden on Second Street between
Adams and Washington, but he offers $5 reward for conclusive evidence. Somebody
better “look a little out.”
Corvallis Gazette Fri 9/4/1903 p3
J. K. Berry
has sold his interest in the bicycle business heretofore known as Berry Bros.,
and will leave shortly for the East. The business will be carried on by Berry
and Carl, both young men expert in the business.
Corvallis Gazette 10/2/1903 p3
Warren B.
Hartley came down from Bohemia Tuesday and will remain several days.
Chapter of Holy Rollers where these articles are some of the sources:
Chapter 1:
Life Before Creffield (B.C.)
January 18, 1903: Fred Mitchell Attempts Suicide
October 31, 1903: Zealot Worshipers Burn Furniture, Dogs & Other Things
Newspaper Articles about Creffield & the Holy Rollers
1897-1899:Local Lore, News Of Corvallis and Vicinity Told in Brief B. C. (Before Creffield)
1900:Holy Rollers' Lives Before Creffield
1901:Holy Rollers' Lives Before Creffield
1902:Holy Rollers' Lives Creffield
January 18, 1903: Fred Mitchell Attempts Suicide
June 10, 1903: Salvation Army Major Deserts and Joins the Holy Rollers
October 31, 1903: Zealot Worshipers Burn Furniture, Dogs & Other Things
November 2, 1903: Fanatics In Court
November 3, 1903: Had Promise of Tar and Feathers
November 4, 1903: Flight of The Apostles
November 5, 1903: Once-Esteemed Family No Longer Has the Sympathy of the Community
November 6, 1903: Rollers Take On New Life
November 7, 1903: Is Creffield Back?
November 11, 1903: “Apostle” Creffield Still Under Cover
November 24, 1903: Girl of Sixteen Almost Insane
November 25, 1903: In Pursuit of Creffield
November 27, 1903: The Lord May Starve Them
November 28, 1903: Holy Rollers Receive Unwilling Baptism
December 7, 1903: Demented Woman Suffers
December 8, 1903: Hurt Seen In Portland
December 11, 1903:Holy Rollers Roll Into Eugene Church
December 21, 1903:Holy Roller Victim Worse December 22, 1903: Linn County Holy Rollers December 23, 1903: Is Crazy Now
December 29, 1903: Holy Rollers’ Not Liked at the Dalles December 30, 1903: Owner of Property Refuses to Permit Séances January 6, 1904: Holy Rollers Tarred and Feathered January 9, 1904: Their Welcome Departure January 12, 1904: Editorial Comment: “Put yourselves in our place!” January 13, 1904: Where Brooks Went January 19, 1904: Our Brainy Contemporaries January 25: Holy Rollers’ in Hobo Camp Life February 1, 1904: Camp In Linn County Is Broken Up By Officers February 6, 1904: How They Tell The Holy Roller Story In Far Off Scotland February 11, 1904: Medium Mystify Corvallis People March 1, 1904: The “Holy Rollers” Offend Humanity March 16, 1904: Holy Rollers to Be Arrested on Serious Charge March 17, 1904: Where is the Apostle? March 21, 1904: Reward For Creffield's Capture March 23, 1904: Fugitive Creffield March 28, 1904: Reward is Offered April 1, 1904: “Holy Roller” Chief Very Badly Wanted April 18, 1904: Holy Roller High Priest Is Seen April 29, 1904: Urania Seeley is Arrested May 2, 1904: Frank & Mollie Hurt are Committed to the Asylum May 4, 1904: Maud Hurt-Creffield & Sophia Hartley are Committed May 7, 1904: Attie Bray &Rose Seeley are Committed June 11, 1904: Attie Bray Escapes June 17, 1904: Mae Hurt is Committed June 29, 1904: Sarah Hurt is Committed July 22, 1904: Holy Roller on Death Row July 29, 1904: Creffield Found Half Dead Under Hurt’s House July, 30 1904: Armed Guards Protect Creffield July, 31 1904: Corvallis Could Not Raise a Mob August 1, 1904: Creffield says, "I am Elijah" August 2, 1904: Creffield Does Not Dislike Prison August 4, 1904: Creffield Says He Is Entirely Purified August 5, 1904: He Does Nothing Unless Directed by God August 6, 1904: Creffield Believes in Satan and Eternal Punishment August 9, 1904: No Flowers For Creffield August 13, 1904; The Holy Rollers And The Man Who Made Them August 16, 1904; Creffield Reward Will Be Returned August 19, 1904: Followers in Asylum Stick To Faith August 23, 1904: Creffield Will Fight His Own Case August 28, 1904: Creffield Destroys His Revelations September 16, 1904: Creffield is Guilty September 21, 1904: Holy Rollers go in and Out of the Asylum March 22, 1905: Prison Life Of Joshua Creffield> April 8, 1905: Life In Corvallis Returns to Normal December 12, 1905: Frank & Mollie Hurt Have a Baby Girl April 24, 1906: Creffield Establishes a Camp Near Waldport April 30, 1906: Donna Starr Leaves Children to go to Her Spiritual Love, Joshua Creffield May 1, 1906: Creffield Takes Credit for The San Francisco Earthquake May 3, 1906: Creffield In Fear Of His Life May 7, 1906: Holy Roller Shot Down Like A Dog May 8, 1906: Medal to Be Given Mitchell in Recognition of His Killing May 9, 1906: Oregon Prosecutor Would Aid Mitchell May 10, 1906: Shows No Emotion At Husband’s Grave May 11, 1906: Bail Is All Ready May 12, 1906: Mitchell Denied Bail May 13, 1906: Creffield is Due To Rise Today May 14, 1906: Creffield’s Widow Watches At Grave May 15, 1906: Corvallis Starts Fund for Defense of Mitchell May 16, 1906: Holy Rollers Starving Near Heceta Head May 17, 1906: Public Sentiment Favors Mitchell May 18, 1906: Creffield Railed in Vermont May 19, 1906: Mitchell to Enter Plea of Not Guilty May 27, 1906: Joshua Says Not to Worry June 1, 1906: Morris Claims Mitchell Rid World of a Fiend June 16, 1906: Prosecution and Defense are Making Last Preparations June 19, 1906: Many Witnesses For Mitchell June 24, 1906: Trial Will Cost Taxpayers Ten Thousand Dollars June 25, 1906: George Mitchell on Trial For His Life June 26, 1906: Mitchell Jury is Selected With Care June 27, 1906: Mitchell Trial Held Up By Squabble June 28, 1906: Jury is Secured to Try Mitchell June 29, 1906: Trial is Now on in Earnest June 30, 1906: Mrs. Creffield's Testimony July 1, 1906: Creffield’s Ghost Controls His Flock July 2, 1906: Esther Mitchell on Stand Refuses To Aid Brother July 3, 1906: Hurt Tells of Debauched Wife and Debased Sisters July 4, 1906: Creffield’s Unsavory Record Presented to the Jury July 5, 1906: Expected Admissibility of Evidence Will Arouse Controversy July 6, 1906: Others Testify They Wished to Kill Creffield July 7, 1906: Insanity Expert on the Witness Stand July 8, 1906: Plan To Revive Holy Rollerism July 9, 1906: Killing of Judge Emory May Effect Mitchell July 10, 1906: Mitchell Case Goes To Jury July 12, 1906: General Rejoicing at Mitchell’s Acquittal July 13, 1906: Esther Mitchell Kills Her Brother! July 14, 1906: Mitchell Boys Are Done With Esther July 15, 1906: Hurt Will Come to Aid of His Daughter July 16: 1906: Will Mortgage His Home for Daughter July 17, 1906: Let’s Think When We Talk July 18, 1906: Mrs. Starr’s Life Threatened July 19, 1906: Mrs. Creffield Weeps in Jail July 20, 1906: George Mitchell’s Attorney Offers Aid to Murderesses July 21, 1906: Mitchell Boys to Stand by Esther July 22, 1906: Hurt Thinks Both Women Are Insane July 23, 1906: Frater Favors a Commission of Alienists July 24, 1906: Mackintosh Will Oppose Calling Commission July 26, 1906: Is Reconciled to Holy Roller Wife July 27, 1906: Holy Rollers Seek Home in Wyoming July 28, 1906: Mitchell Juror is Insane July 30, 1906: Esther Will Deny Committing Murder In The 1st Degree July 31 1906: Esther Mitchell Says Not Guilty August 1, 1906: Relatives to Help Esther Mitchell August 4, 1906: Creffield Greatly Hurt True Religion August 6, 1906: Mitchell Boys in Drunken Row August 8, 1906: St. Louis Woman Coming to Convert “Rollers” August 12, 1906: Esther Mitchell Close to Death from Typhoid August 13, 1906: Esther Mitchell Not Seriously Ill September 1, 1906: Four Charged with First Degree Now in County Jail September 10 1906: To Examine Minds of Slayers September 12, 1906: Hurt Thinks His Daughter Insane September 13, 1906: Esther Mitchell Objects to Help September 14, 1906: Women Not Agitated September 15, 1906: Mrs. Creffield’s Trial Set for Next Month September 17, 1906: Mrs. Creffield on Stand September 18, 1906: Maud Creffield Anxious to Hang September 19, 1906: Are They Sane of Insane? September 21, 1906: Both Women May Go Scott Free September 22, 1906: Where is This Thing to End! September 23, 1906: Murders Must Be Tried September 24, 1906: Must Not Deport September 25, 1906: Judge Frater is in Very Small Business September 28, 1906: Insanity Board Not Paid October 1, 1906: Holy Roller Woman Dies While in Trance November 9, 1906: Mrs. Creffield Said to Be in Very Nervous State November 17, 1906: Maud Creffield Dies in the County Jail November 18, 1906: Death May End a Hypnotic Spell November 19, 1906: Reviews Findings in Examination of Brain November 20, 1906: Mrs. Creffield Killed Herself with Poison! November 21, 1906: Poison Is Found In The Stomach Of Mrs. Creffield November 22, 1906: Esther Says Maud Did Not Kill Herself December 4, 1906: Washing Dirty Linen December 17, 1906: Sad Christmas For Holy Roller February 21, 1907: Esther Mitchell Goes to Asylum April 30, 1907: Esther Mitchell Still Believe in Creffield & His Return April 6, 1909: Esther Mitchell Leaves Asylum April 9, 1914: Esther Mitchell Marries James Berry August 3, 1914: Esther Mitchell is Dead By Own Hand 1953 Stewart Holbrook's Murder Without Tears 1951 Startling Detective Magazine: Nemesis of the Nudist High PriestA List of All the Articles
Chapters from
Holy Rollers: Murder & Madness in Oregon's Love Cult
Part 1: The Seduction
Chapter 1: Trust Me, Brothers And Sisters
(Life Before Creffield [B.C.])
Chapter 2: God, Save Us From Compromising Preachers
(Creffield's Preachings)
Chapter 3: The Flock
(Profiles of the Holy Rollers Were)
Chapter 4: The Holy Rollers
(Things Start to Get Wild on on Kiger Island)
Chapter 5: Housecleaning
(There's a Sacrificial Bonfire)
Chapter 6: Community Concerns
(Officers Visit)
Chapter 7: Esther, The Chosen One
(Creffield Plans to Marry 16-Year- Old)
Chapter 8: Tar and Feathers
(The Men of Corvallis Act)
Chapter 9: Sane People Don’t Go Bareheaded
(Holy Rollers are Committed to the Asylum)
Chapter 10: More Beast Than Man
( Creffield is Arrested)
Chapter 11: God Will Plead Creffield's Case
(Creffield in Court)
Chapter 12: Scandal
(Shocking Testimony at the Trial)
Chapter 13: Calm Before the Storm
(The Holy Rollers Resume their Lives)
Chapter 14: Giving Up The Ghost
(Men are Gunning for Creffield)
Part Two: The People V. Creffield
Chapter 16: The Widow Creffield
Chapter 19: An Inherited Streak of Insanity
Part Three: The Madness
Chapter 23: Seeking Reconciliation
Chapter 24: Another Holy Roller Page One Murder
Chapter 25: What Can Papa Do For You?
Chapter 26: Human Life is Too Cheap In This Community
Chapter 30: The Final Chapter
(What Happened to Everyone Afterwards)
The Epilogue
(Heaven's Gate)