Creffield and the Holy Rollers made page one headlines from 1903 to 1907. When I was researching Holy Rollers: Murder and Madness in Oregon’s Love Cult I spent months transcribing hundreds of articles. I’m not sure why I was so obsessive. Maybe it was my way of immersing my self into a cult without joining one. Anyway, I’m posting them all for those who are really interested in the story, or are interested the history of journalism, or are interested in how a scandalous story played out in the "media" in a by gone era. Since I no doubt made typos and unconsciously corrected papers' typos, these web pages should not be cited in anything serious (e.g. your dissertation). For such projects they should only be used as starting points and you should refer to the original sources. If you want a shorter version of the story, buy my book. Enjoy.
May 8, 1906: Medal to Be Given Mitchell in Recognition of His Killing
Morning Oregonian (Portland) 5/8/1906 p6
Funds for Mitchell’s Defense
ALBANY. Or., May 7.--(Special.)--The report of the shooting of
Creffield, the Holy Roller, was received with satisfaction here, where his
operations were well known. several of his victims
were sent to the asylum from here two years ago, and he married one here. Mitchell,
who shot Creffield, is favorably known here. Many of the citizens are ready to
subscribe funds for Mitchell’s defense it is needed.
Corvallis Gazette 5/11/1906
To Assist Mitchell
Throughout the
states of Oregon and Washington there is an intense feeling of sympathy for and
endorsement of the action of George Mitchell in slaying Edmund Creffield. Mr.
Mitchell is a poor young man and he needs financial assistance. Many of our
prominent citizens are taking the initiative and are contributing.
“The Gazette”
will receive contributions and receipt for the same.
Help the boy in
his trouble.
Morning Oregonian (Portland) 5/8/1906 p6
Career of Creffield
Born In Sweden, Deserted from Army. Sent
to Corvallis by Salvation Army, He Attracted Followers, Who Became Insane.
Edwin Creffield,
self-styled Joshua, and leader of the “Bride of Christ Church,” whose members
were nicknamed Holy Rollers, a convict and teacher of one of the most bestial
forms of faith, is thought by many to have received his just deserts when he
was shot and killed yesterday in Seattle by George Mitchell, brother of one of
the fanatic’s victims. The news of his death in quarters where he was best known, was generally received gladly and probably very few
expressions of sympathy were entertained by those who knew of the practices of
the Holy Rollers.
During his short
careers as a “Joshua,” all too long for those who were affected by his
fanaticism, he passed through a strenuous existence. Creffield was born in
Sweden about 33 years ago, and is said to have had wealthy and well-educated
parents. He deserted from the German army and came to America. He joined the
Salvation Army when he came to Portland and soon after was sent to Salem and
Corvallis. While there Creffield met one named Mercer
and the two organized what they called the “Bride of Christ Church.”
Mercer soon
withdrew from the so-called church and left it in the hands of Creffield who
soon collected almost 100 members. He dubbed himself Joshua and made his
followers believe that he would develop into a second Elijah. His camp meetings
attracted adverse criticism and his teachings, part of which was spiritual
love, were universally condemned. Finally a number of irate citizens of
Corvallis, whose wives and daughters had been attracted to the Holy Rolling
community, raided the Beach house where Creffield and his followers were
quartered. Creffield tried to escape, but was captured and given a coat of tar
and feathers, and warned to leave that section of the country. Creffield
returned to Corvallis the following morning where the tar and feathers were
scraped from his body by friends. Creffield then went to Albany, where he
married Maud Hurt.
The Creffields
then came to Portland and visited at the home of B. E. Starr. Starr, who had
left Corvallis to get his wife away from the evil influences of Creffield,
filed a charge against the fanatic. Creffield escaped, but was captured by
Detective Hartman July 28, 1904, while hiding under the house of Mrs. O. V.
Hurt at Corvallis. He was returned to Portland and was brought to trial.
His fanaticism
developed itself in court as it has done at the camp meetings. Refusing the
services of a lawyer and with a Bible in his hands he quoted scripture in his
defense and harangued the jury on the justness of his religion. A jury returned
a verdict of guilty, and Creffield was sentenced to two years in the
penitentiary. He made no plea for mercy, saying only that he, like Christ, was
misunderstood. His sentence was commuted and last February he was released.
Again working up
fanatical enthusiasm among a few of his followers he took them to Waldport,
where he again tried to carry on his practices. He was given to understand,
however, by the residents there that his camp would not be tolerated and from a
lack of food he was forced to give up and fled with his wife to Seattle, where
he was followed by Mitchell and killed.
One of the most
harmful results of Creffield’s teachings was the insanity caused to a number of
his followers. Mr. O. V. Hurt was committed to the insane asylum. Mrs. Starr’s
young sister, Ester, and sister also of George Mitchell, was a victim of
Creffield. She was turned over to the Boys’ and Girls’ aid Society and later
sent to relatives in Indiana.
Oregon Daily Journal (Portland) 5/8/1906 p1
Creffield’s Slayer To Escape, Disciples
Medal to Be
Given Mitchell in Recognition of His Killing. Fanatical Leader--Money for
(In a box)
Seattle, Wash,
May 8.--If the expression of public opinion is any
guide, George Mitchell, the young man who shot and killed “Joshua Creffield,
leader of the notorious Holy Roller fanatics, will escape Scot free. Whoever is
familiar with the creed and practices of the dead man expresses approbation for
the deed and regret that the end was postponed so long.
The Holy Rollers
as a religious body are doomed to early extinction. Already disintegration
among the ranks has set in and the victims are coming to their senses.
Creffield’s mode
of procedure was to select weak-minded women over whom he obtained fanatical
control, tell them that they were destined to be goddesses of love or duty,
according to the disposition of the victim. But for them to reach the desired
state of perfection, it was necessary for him, as the supreme one, to lay his
hands upon them and purify them. Once in his power the most horrible orgies
were carried on under the guise of religion.
Dispatch to the Journal)
Seattle, Wash,
May 8.--That a medal will be presented to George
Mitchell by the citizens of Corvallis, Oregon, in recognition of his killing
Franz Edmund Creffield, leader of the Holy Rollers, on the streets of Seattle
yesterday morning, is the statement made this morning by O. V. Hurt of
Corvallis, the father of Creffield’s widow. Hurt reached Seattle last night to
aid the man who had murdered his son-in-law. Hurt declared this morning that
immediately on hearing of the murder a committee of Corvallis citizens was
appointed to solicit funds for the defense of Mitchell and money also to
purchase a medal for him.
Hurt expressed
no grief at the slaying of his daughter’s husband. He says that he believes
Creffield only obtained his just deserts. Hurt says he will take care of
Creffield’s wife. Hurt said:
“I never saw
more excitement in Corvallis than when the news was received of the killing of
Creffield. Everyone went crazy with joy. I received the first word of it in a
telegram from Mitchell and I showed it to a few friends.
Some one
suggested starting a fund to buy Mitchell a medal. This was taken up at once
and a committee appointed to get the money. A committee was also appointed to
raise money to defend Mitchell.
“I have no
sorrow for Creffield. He simply received the reward for his actions. I knew he
would be killed. He could not hope to go on ruining women as he and his
followers did without some one taking revenge on him. My
daughter was completely in his power. I shall take care of her. Creffield drove
her insane once, and she had to be put in the insane asylum.
“He had my
daughter hypnotized. His control over her was wonderful. I am glad he is dead. Glad
for my daughter’s sake. He also had my son under his influence. My son was a
good boy until he came under that man’s influence.
“Yes, you can
say for me I am glad Creffield is dead. I am glad that he was murdered like a
dog. I will do everything in my power to aid Mitchell. He only did what any man
would have done. I do not want to see him suffer. The citizens of Corvallis
will see that he has plenty of money to make a fight for his liberty. I shall
tell the jury what I know of Creffield and I am sure they will see Mitchell did
right in shooting him.
Hurt also asked
Sheriff Smith to furnish Mitchell with as good quarters as possible. He told
this official that he bore Mitchell no malice, but considered his act worthy of
the greatest praise.
A. J. Johnson,
mayor of Corvallis, who is also a national bank inspector, was in Seattle
yesterday and made the following statement:
“Creffield never
dared to come back to Corvallis after his release from the Salem penitentiary. He
had been treated to a coat of tar and feathers while in the city and warned
that if he ever showed his face there he would be shot down like a dog.
“Mitchell was
not the only man looking for hi on account of his conduct. Only a few weeks
ago, when he tried to start his new colony at Ocean View he took the wife and
daughter of a man named Hartley away from their husband and father.
“Hartley went
after his wife and child and I understand that he tried four times to shoot
Creffield, but his revolver snapped each time.
“The outrages
that have been committed by the ‘Holy Rollers’ in Corvallis and in the vicinity
of Oregon City have been too numerous to mention. They have broken up dozens of
families with their vicious doctrine. In the case of the Hurt family, there was
only one member of the entire family that was not under the influence of
Creffield at the time of his death, that being the father, O. v. Hurt, who is a
respected citizen in Corvallis, and even he was under the hypnotic spell of the
infamous creed for some time.”
Oregon Daily Journal (Portland) Tue 5/8/1906 p1
Creffield Won Victims of Telepathy
Mental telepathy
was the means by which “Joshua Creffield,” who was shot and killed in Seattle
yesterday by George Mitchell, gained his absolute control over the members of
the Holy Rollers sect and forced them to indulge in the revolting practices
prescribed by the creed which he promulgated. At least
this is the assertion of persons who knew the self-styled prophet for years
past and are familiar with the debasing doctrines he taught his followers.
He was more than
average intelligence, well educated, an orator of ability and possessed a sort
of magnetic influence, it is claimed, that appealed to men and women,
especially the latter. Those most intimately acquainted with him deny that he
was mentally unbalanced. They say he simply descended into complete moral
degeneracy, became a pervert and was ruled by bestial passions. He made his
followers believe implicitly in his alleged divine powers and that the debasing
doctrines of ”purification” which he taught, were given to him by God himself
by means of personal communication between the Almighty and himself.
From a man who
has known Creffield’s history from the date he first came into this section of
the country some five or six years ago it is learned that he was originally educated
for the priesthood. During his schooling he made a particular study of mental
telepathy and it is claimed, became something of an expert in the science of
thought transference.
For some reason
he never entered the priest hood for which he was trained, but came to Portland
and became a laborer. On Sundays and at other opportune times it was his custom
to preach to such congregations as he had opportunity. This was before the time
Holy Rollerism had ever been thought of. A man who has heard him preach during
this period says he was a most forceful, convincing and magnetic speaker.
“About four
years ago,” said this man, “he began to gather a little congregation about him.
He preached to them regularly and began to promulgate a new doctrine. The revolting
features of his creed, however, he kept a year or more. He won their confidence
first by his gift of oratory, his peculiar magnetism, and his manner of dealing
with them he made them believe he possessed divine powers, that he was in
direct communication with God and that he was a holy apostle by means of mental
telepathy. He even succeeded in making his followers themselves broach him the
doctrines of “purification” which the creed of Holy Rollerism contains He
accomplished this in this way:
“When he thought
the time ripe for the promulgation of his revolting doctrines he told his
followers that God had spoken to him and told him that he had some new
teachings which he desired to unfold to his people. ‘But,’ said Creffield, ‘ it
is not for me to tell you what these teaching are. You must ascertain them for
yourselves through prayer.’ He wrought the people up to the highest pitch of
mental excitement, kept them in constant prayer and by means of mental
transference of thought made them conceive the bestial doctrines
which his own perverted brain had evolved. When some of them approached
him and suggested that free love was essential to “purification” he told them
that they were tight, that this was the doctrine God desired to reveal to them.
“This made his followers believe he was really what he
claimed to be and they accepted any teaching he gave as divine and God-given. He
worked upon their credulity to such an extent that he robbed them of their reason, he stole their minds from them, drove them insane
and filled the asylum with his mentally deranged followers. the sins that brought destruction upon Sodom and Gomorrah were not equal to the
things he made his followers do under the belief that such practices were
necessary for their purification and sanctification.”
There is a
popular belief that the sect derived its name from the practice of rolling upon
the floor or the ground in a nude condition when praying. This is an enormous idea,
according to the assertion of those in a position to know. The name was derived
from the fact that all members of the sect were required to sign a document or
register in the form of a roll and called the Holy roll. The signers were
called Holy Rollers.
By those who
know anything of the sect, how it originated and was kept extant, it is
believed that it will become extinct now. There is no one, it is said, who bids
fair to become Creffield’s successor, and public feeling has been so strongly
aroused against the sect and its bestial practices that there is little
likelihood of it flourishing longer.
Creffield is
said to have been in the German army at one time, but is alleged to have
deserted and taken flight to America, coming to the Pacific coast shortly after
arriving in the country. At one time, after reaching Portland, he was a member
of the Salvation Army. It was in 1903 that he went to Corvallis and organized a
sect of Holy Rollers. A year later, when people of that town learned the nature
of his pernicious teachings, they took him and his right-hand man, Charles
Brooks, and gave them coats of tar and feathers. Following this he was hunted
down by the Portland officials, captured under a house at Corvallis, where he
had been in hiding for several weeks, and brought to this city for the trial on
a statutory charge preferred by the husband of a woman whom Creffield had
entangled in his net. He was convicted and sentenced to two years in the
penitentiary. After his release Creffield went back to the vicinity of
Corvallis, though he did not dare enter the town for fear of being killed on
sight. By correspondence he gathered his followers together at Waldport, in
Lincoln County. He was pursued by Louis Hartley of Corvallis,
whose wife had fallen a victim to Creffield’s wiles. Hartley snapped his
revolver at the Holy Roller’s leader five times, but it did not fire because
the cartridges did not fit the fun. Realizing that his life was in danger,
Creffield fled secretly to Seattle, where Mitchell followed him and shot him
O. V. Hurt of
Corvallis, step-father (sic) of Mrs. Maude Creffield, Mrs. B. E. Starr and
George Mitchell, who killed the Holy Rollers; leader passed through Portland
last night on his way to Seattle to look after his daughter and the prisoner. Mr.
Hurt is a well-known merchant of Corvallis and is a respected citizen. His home
was completely wrecked by Creffield, every member of the family, saving himself
and George Mitchell, having fallen under the baneful influence of the alleged
prophet. Creffield married one daughter, was sent to prison for relations with
another, caused the latter to desert he husband and children in Portland and a
younger daughter to desert he home to follow him, and even got the mother
within his power. It was this that led Mitchell to pursue him to Seattle and
shoot him down like a dog.
B. E. Star,
husband of the woman who deserted he home an children to follow Creffield, and
brother-in-law of Mitchell, who killed the alleged prophet, has gone to Seattle
with his father-in-law to assist in doing what he can for the man who killed
the destroyer of his home.
Evening Telegram (Portland) 5/7/1906 p1
Portland Man After Creffield
B. E. Starr, Whose Home Was Despoiled by
Holy Roller, Threatened Apostle.
extermination had been determined on by the men whose families had been ruined
by the Holy Roller, and the killing of the self-styled apostle in Seattle today
by George Mitchell was the second attempt made on Creffield’s life by the band
of avengers. There was a mutual understanding, if no actual organization, among
the men that the first to find Creffield face to face was to efface him from
society. These determined men would not swerve from their purpose of taking the
law into their own hands, and this Creffield knew, for he had been traveling
with two large revolvers lashed to his body prepared to meet the emergency,
which he realized would come in the course of time. The brotherhood of revenge
maintained a strict watch of the Holy Rollers and their movements in the hope
of being led eventually to Creffield’s place of concealment. These avengers
were located in various parts of the state, and had Creffield been found in
Portland there was a man here who considered it his duty to wipe out the stain
on his escutcheon. This Portland avenger is Burgess E. Starr of 429 East Main
With joy in his
heart, a smile on his lips and a revolver in his hip-pocket,
Starr received the tidings that his brother-in-law, George Mitchell, had
succeeded in killing the leader of the band of fanatics. Mrs. Starr and her
sister, Esther Mitchell, are two of the women whom Creffield had enticed from
their homes. It was Starr who sent Creffield to the penitentiary at Salem for
an outrageous crime committed in Fulton, Multnomah County.
It was Mr. Hurt,
of Corvallis, one of the most wronged men in Creffield’s list of enemies, who
sent the joyful news to Starr this morning.
“George got that
fellow in Seattle,’ said Hurt. “George is in jail and the other fellow is in
exclaimed Starr. “But it would have been better had Creffield been found in
For of all the
husbands and fathers who have suffered from Creffield, Starr has had the
heaviest cross to bear. It was because of his relations with Mrs. Starr that
Creffield was sentenced to the penitentiary for two years, after freely
confessing his guilt and attempting to justify himself.
Burgess Starr is
happy. But the revolver which he has carried with him
constantly since Creffield reappeared and reorganized the Holy Rollers still has its five chambers loaded. Had Creffield been recognized in the city,
George Mitchell would not have found his journey of vengeance to Seattle
“I expected to
go out myself,” said Starr, significantly pointing to his weapon, which lay
within his reach as he worked.
There was no
braggadocio in his manner. Creffield would have had to be quick on the draw to
save himself from this outraged husband whose wife had deserted him and her
children to become a victim of Creffield’s wildest orgies and bestial
There is no
happier man in Portland today than Starr.
Where his
runaway wife is he does not know; but there is intense and genuine satisfaction
in the knowledge that Creffield is where he can cause no more trouble to
“George got him.
Good!” said Starr. “This is a happy day. The authorities will not cause George
to suffer, for if ever a man was justified he was. Creffield was a brute, a--
Starr paused. He
could not find words sufficiently strong with which to express his detestation
of the man who unbalanced the mind of Mrs. Starr.
“It was certain
to come,’ continued Starr, “but George happened to be the most fortunate. All
the rest of us have to work, and while we were waiting to hear of Creffield
turning up somewhere, George, who is not working, did detective business until
he located this beast. Oh, if he had only been seen in Portland!
“We were
determined to get Creffield. Louis Hartley made an attempt recently, but he
failed. It was at Newport. Hartley’s daughter was one of the Holy Rollers, and
she was sent to the insane asylum. Harley borrowed a bulldog revolver and got
some rim-fire cartridge, when the gun only shot center-fire. For this reason,
when Hartley drew a bead on Creffield, as he was pulling away from the
seashore, the revolver just snapped and Creffield was saved.
“I don’t know
why Creffield didn’t take a shot at Hartley. Perhaps because
he was out of pistol range. Creffield, when he left the penitentiary,
was seen wearing two revolvers strapped to his waist. He made the statement
that he was going to kill his enemies. The enemies, of course, meant Hartley,
Mr. Hurt, of Corvallis, George Mitchell, myself and several
others who had suffered.
“Creffield was a
deserter from the German army. He came to Portland and here became a member of
the Salvation Army. They sent him to Salem and Corvallis. While there he met a
man named Mercer, a good talker, and they organized the Holy Rollers. When
Creffield’s practices became intolerable, Mercer left him. Mrs. Starr and I met
Creffield in Corvallis. Esther Mitchell, Mrs. Starr’s sister, joined the band,
and so did my wife. I tried to have her return home, but she wouldn’t.
“Finally I
obtained evidence against Creffield and sent him to the penitentiary for two
years, but his time was shortened for good behavior. All his followers were sent to the insane asylum, but my
wife. I brought her home and she remained quiet until he was released, and then
I could see that she was anxious to join the band again, although she denied
it. One night, a couple of weeks ago, she disappeared between 11 and 1 A. M.,
taking scarcely anything and leaving the two children and the baby with me.
“Before she met
Creffield she was a model wife and mother. She was a good girl. Creffield was a
hypnotist, or something similar, for he had a great power over people. When he
placed his hands on their heads they were absolutely in his power and did
anything he told them. He abused them and called them names, but they never
resented, and had he told them to jump in the river they would not have
hesitated a moment, but plunged in. He was a very homely man too, but he
attracted women wonderfully.
“The Mitchells
come from Illinois. I married my wife in Portland six years ago, and everything
was serene until Creffield appeared. This is also true of the Hurts, Hartleys
and the others. Creffield married Hurt’s daughter. The only man, practically,
in the Holy Rollers besides Creffield himself, was young Hurt, brother-in-law
of the leader. Hurt was a promising youth until Creffield set him crazy. He had
a good job in Seattle and left this, taking about $300 of his savings. this money and what little Creffield could secure from the
women in his following seems to have kept the Holy Rollers going. Creffield
held his meetings behind closed doors, and would not let any one not belonging
to his band enter. He didn’t want outsiders. Creffield made his dupes believe
that they would be infused with Pentecost, and spread over the world. He made
everyone insane who associated with him.
“Creffield was
bad, thoroughly bad. In killing him George Mitchell has done the world a
“I have never
received news which pleased me more.”
Los Angeles Examiner 5/8/1906 p3
Fanatic Killed by Brother of Victim
(The usual, plus …)
Creffield it is claimed was the man who, as head of the “Holy Jumpers” made an evangelical tour through Southern California in August and September, 1904, and was finally forced by mobs, incited by his wild ravings against the established churches and by stories of Mabel Lynch, supposed daughter of the founder, who recanted, to leave the country. Creffield was also threatened with violence by an Alabaman named Hinton whose wife had deserted him to join the sect. Hinton followed the band from place to place in his endeavors to break up the meetings and get his wife back.
Evening Telegram (Portland) 5/8/1906 p1
Deed of Avenger Endorsed
Citizens of Albany and Corvallis Declare
Creffield Deserved Death.
ALBANY, Or., May 8.--”Only justice was done.” is the universal comment
in Albany upon the death of Edmund Creffield. The shooting of the “prophet” was
the topic of Albany conversation last night, and young Mitchell’s harsh methods of dealing out justice was generally commended.
Mitchell is the
boy continuously shadowed Mrs. Creffield, but did not indicate his intention to
kill the leader of the fanatic Holy Rollers. He intimated, however, that men in
Corvallis were bent on his destruction.
There is a
report current here that Creffield was seen at Thurston’s sawmill near the town
of Crawfordsville last Thursday, and it is probably correct. the camp at Waldport was broken up Sunday and Creffield walked most of the way from
the coast to the Willamette Valley. He was seen in Blodgett Valley, going
south, Monday, but it is not known where or when he caught a train to Seattle. all north-bound trains passing Albany last Monday and
Tuesday were closely watched by two men from Corvallis, who thought the “apostle”
would try to join his wife, but they did not discover him.
Reports that
Creffield had been in Seattle some time are incorrect. It is true that he went
there after being liberated from the Penitentiary, but he went to Waldport
immediately after his reconciliation with his wife, the first week in April. They
scarcely could have been in Seattle one week, for, as stated, Mrs. Creffield
was in Albany last Tuesday afternoon. It is very probable that Creffield had
not been with his wife more than a day or two.
While Creffield
never lived in this city he was known here, as were those who adopted his
fanatical teachings, and his death has aroused much interest and comment. It
has been stated here that Hartley, Hurt and other Corvallis men whose homes
were wrecked, were determined to end the “prophet’s” career, and news of his
death caused little surprise.
Evening Telegram (Portland) 5/8/1906 p8
Arranging for Defense of Mitchell
CORVALLIS, Or., May 8.-- With hardly an exception, the people of this
city express themselves as impressed with the conviction that the killing of
Holy Roller Creffield has removed a man who constituted a dangerous element in
the community.
“His teachings
led to degradation and shame. Many households were threatened by his presence
in the county, and it is a matter for congratulation on the part of citizens of
Corvallis that he is dead,” said a citizen today in referring to the killing of
Edmund Creffield yesterday in Seattle.
Many of his
former victims in Benton County left their homes to follow the teaching of the
false prophet, as has been reported in The Telegram.
One or more of
the leading attorneys of this section will assist in the defense of young
Mitchell, according to plans being formulated by citizens of Corvallis.
Oregon Daily Journal (Portland) 5/8/1906 p8
Death of Roller Causes Joy
Murder of Joshua Creffield Warmly
Approved by People of Corvallis. Frightful
Creed Taught to Weak-Minded Women. Regret Expressed That End Did Not
Happen Long Ago--Many Homes Ruined and Asylum Filled With Victims of
Self-Styled Apostle.
Dispatch to The Journal)
Corvallis, Or., May 8.--When the message flashed over the wires from
George Mitchell at Seattle to O. V. Hurt in this city, “I got my Man; am in
jail. Mitchell,” there was no need to question, for like wildfire the news
spread and from tongue to tongue was handed the words, “Creffield is dead.” There
was general regret expressed that the end had not come before so many homes had
been ruined by the Holy Roller chief.
Edmund, alias
Joshua Creffield, came to Corvallis six years ago, left for a while and
returned. He was a lieutenant in the Salvation Army and in 1903 established a
Holy Roller colony on Kiger Island, a few miles from Corvallis.
His teachings
were never so fully known as they are today, when some
of his dupes tell of the orgies that went on in the tents of the chief and some
of his followers.
Creffield first
gained the entire confidence of his disciples, would keep them praying for him
for eight and ten hours at a time, pretending that unless they prayed and
fasted he would be taken away from them. This was doubtless the only hypnotism
he possessed, but it was sufficient.
If a disciple
became suspicious, he or she was banished from the fold and in this way
Creffield culled his flock until only easy victims remained.
(The usual)
(The usual)
Since his
release in December 1905, he has gained control again of his victims and all
recently congregated at Waldport on the coast, from which place Creffield
disappeared a week ago and was followed by several men whose families had been
ruined, and by George Mitchell, who tracked Creffield to Seattle, and whose
terse telegram told the story of the apostle’s tragic ending.
Parties who are
familiar with all the teachings of the late chief Roller stated that never in
history had such fiendish practices been known as those of Creffield.
There were other
men, relatives of girls who had been led astray by Creffield who it is said
would have shot the latter on sight if they could have found him. The Seattle
tragedy caused no surprise here and there is universal hope that Mitchell may
be cleared.
Evening Telegram (Portland) 5/7/1906
Corvallis Commend Deed
People of City Where Creffield Began
Crusade Show No Sympathy.
[Telegram Coast
CORVALLIS, Or., May 7.-- The news of the killing of Edmund Creffield at
Seattle, which reached here this morning, spread rapidly over the city, and the
universal verdict is that the Holy Roller apostle got what he deserved. Young
Mitchell, who did the killing, has two sisters who were betrayed by the
self-appointed prophet. If a Benton county jury were to sit on the case it is
declared a verdict of “justifiable homicide” would certainly be returned.
One of Mitchell’s
sisters, Mrs. Burt Starr, is the woman whose evidence sent Creffield to the
penitentiary two years ago.
The revolting
details of the crime that Creffield committed, as sworn to by Mrs. Starr,
appeared in the daily press at that time, and do not need repetition.
Esther Mitchell,
another sister, 16 years old, was also under Creffield’s influence during his
orgies at Corvallis, and while a number of his followers were sent to the
insane asylum she was sent to the Reform School at Salem.
Upon her release
she was taken east by relatives, but as soon as Creffield was discharged from
the penitentiary she ran away, came to the Pacific Coast and followed him to
his late camp at Waldport.
Seattle Post Intelligencer 5/8/1906 p11
History of The ‘Holy Rollers
People of Corvallis at One Time Drove
Them Out of Community.
When Franz
Edmund Creffield first appeared in Corvallis early in the spring of 1903
announcing himself to be the reincarnation of Joshua
and thru a spiritual message the direct personal representative of God, he was
generally looked upon as a harmless fanatic. Even while drawing people to his
self-made creed, the citizens summed up their estimate of him with a tap of the
finger on the forehead. But this was the result of a lack of knowledge of the
true tenets of his belief. Creffield’s religion in public
meetings and that carried on in private gatherings of his followers were two far different things.
Although a man
without much seeming magnetic influence, Creffield nevertheless held some weird
and uncanny power over a number of his followers.
The first
converts to the new sect were the family of O. V. Hurt the father of Creffield’s
wife. The Hurt house was made headquarters for the “Holy Rollers,” and it was
there that the meetings were held nightly. During the summer of 1903 Creffield
secured a following of nearly 100, and by the time the townspeople had become
accustomed to the nightly antics and turmoil of the Rollers while engaged in
their devotions.
The meetings
were always presided over by Creffield who invariably, with his exhortations
and harangues, worked himself and the weaker minded members of the sect into an
insane frenzy. Crying out in wild shrieks they would beat themselves and fall
on to the floor rolling about in their temporary madness.
The novelty of
the new “apostle” had just about worn off and begun to pall on those on the
outside, when new interest was awakened, an interest which was really the
beginning of the end for Creffield.
It was on
November 2, 1903, that Corvallis was startled one night with the spectacle of a
huge fire outside the Hurt home. This was the sacrificial fire ordered by
Creffield, who asserted divine inspiration as a sacrifice, and which the entire
furniture of the Hurt home was thrown for fuel by the “Rollers.” This mad freak
was followed in a few days by another sacrifice in which cats and dogs were
burned alive.
Then came the
rumors of the inside workings of Creffield’s religion, the evidences of fast
breaking minds and the breaking up of homes.
In the following
January, however, the citizens of Corvallis, infuriated and wrathful at what
they then knew to be true, took the law into their own hands and seizing
Creffield and a companion one night, stripped them and after tarring and
feathering them, drove the two from the town.
Still staunch to
their leader the Hurt family began a search fro Creffield and a day or two
later discovered his hiding place in the underbrush a few miles out from
Albany. His companion has not been heard from to this day.
The Hurts took
Creffield to their home, where he was again surrounded with a large part of his
following and where a few days later he married Miss Maud Hurt.
By this time
Corvallis had become too hot to hold Creffield, and he left that city for
Portland, where he lived at the house of Mrs. B. E. Starr, a sister of
Mitchell, the murderer.
Mrs. Starr, with
her sister Esther, were ardent believers in Creffield, but it was only while he
was staying in Starr’s house that the latter awakened to the true condition of
affairs. Starr then swore out a criminal complaint against Creffield, but the
accused got wind of it and left the city.
For several
weeks he could not be found, but in the meantime Mrs. Hurt had become violently
insane and was taken to the asylum.
On July 29 one
of the younger sons of Hurt happened to look under the house and discovered
When taken out
he was so famished and weakened that he could barely stand, and it was then
discovered that during the first week of his stay and up to the time of her
commitment to the asylum, Mrs. Hurt had knowledge of his presence there and had
few him and attended to his wants.
When tried he
was sentenced to a two-years term in the penitentiary which he served. This, he
said, was his death from which he would arise with greater divine glory.
Seattle Daily Times 5/8/1906
Justifiable Homicide?
Corvallis Times 5/11/1906 p1
Justifiable Homicide?
If Corvallis Stories Are True Mitchell
Will Go Free!
(In a box in the
Seattle Daily Times)
If the stories
from Oregon, to the effect that Creffield was the leader of an immoral sect and
had been the cause of breaking up many homes, sending many women to the insane
asylum and debauching many young girls, prove true, then Mitchell will be
justified for his deed in the eyes of the majority of the people, particularly
if his own sisters were involved in the Corvallis Orgies.
ACCORDING to legal bookworms, the killing of “Joshua”
Creffield by George Mitchell yesterday morning was murder in the first degree. According
to fathers with families and to brothers with defenseless sisters it comes
within the same category of the law as the killing of a mad dog. It is,
perhaps, proper that in cases where human life is at stake there should be some
such difference of opinion in order to discourage too hasty judgment by
If this man who
was instantly killed on one of the most prominent street corners of the city
was the debased brute, clothed in a cloak of religion, he is said to be, George
Mitchell deserves immediate freedom that he may display the gold medal his old
neighbors in Oregon wish him to wear.
If the
statements made by this young man and others in any way approach the truth, he
has merely gone straight at a task for which his duty to his family and the
community made him the proper instrument.
In accomplishing
it he seems to have shown straightforwardness of purpose and a high disregard
for selfish fears about the consequences. His work was to take a life for the
removal of which the law did not provide the means. It was not lynch law--this
is usurpation of the functions of the courts. In such cases as this, the courts
are powerless. The old, primitive, animal law holds, and this was its fulfillment.
It is dangerous,
perhaps, to say that every man whose women-folk are injured in such a manner
should take the life of the man responsible, yet it is a law which has held
good and true in the main all through the ages since the doctrine of “Free
Love,” which this man is declared to have taught, was confined to the minds of
hypocritical libertines, who still use it for their own purposes in the guise
of religious or sociological teachings.
Yet when a case
is fully established, the crime of the man and the helplessness of the woman
proven, the inability of the courts to measure out any adequate punishment is
usually made only too clear.
Consider, then,
a weapon in the hands of the man whom society expects to lay down his life, if
necessary, to protect his helpless ones. There is not much to be said on the
side of a law which places his act in killing the
destroyer of his home alongside the miscreant who shoots down a traveler to rob
him of his purse.
It may not be
technically correct to take the life of such a scoundrel--but if there were
more men like George Mitchell there would be fewer human beasts and still fewer
broken, ruined women in insane asylums and on the streets.
George Mitchell
is in the county jail. There has been no denial that the man whom he killed was
all that Mitchell says he was. If the Oregon stories are true, the issue is
The verdict will
be largely a matter of public opinion.
Evening Telegram (Portland) 5/8/1906
Gold Medal For George Mitchell Who Killed
Holy Roller Apostle
Slayer of Creffield, Leader of “Holy
Roller” Fanatics, Will Be Rewarded by Corvallis, Oregon, Citizens. Father of
Dead Man’s Widow Comes to Seattle to Arrange for Defense of Boy Who Revenged
Wrongs to Sisters. Body of the Self-Styled Joshua Will Probably Be Laid Away in
the Potter’s Field at Expense of King County.
Seattle Paper Commends Taking Off of
Creffield. Hurt Reaches The City. Father of Dead
Holy Roller’s Wife Will Do All He Can for the Defense of George Mitchell, the
Father-in-Law of Dead Prophet Says Popular
Subscription to Provide Reward for Slayer Has Been Started.
Seattle Daily
Times 5/8/1906 p1
Mitchell to Get Medal For Murder
Morning Oregonian (Portland) 5/9/1906 p6
Justifies The
[Telegram Coast
the slayer of Franz Edmund Creffield, the self-styled “Joshua”, leader of the
band of fanatics calling themselves the “Holy Rollers,” is to be presented with
a handsomely engraved gold medal as a reward for shooting to death Creffield on
First Avenue yesterday morning. When the medal is presented Mitchell will
probably be the only man in the country who has been so honored for a murder.
The donors are
to be a committee of respectable citizens of Corvallis, Oregon where Creffield
and his band created so much excitement and indignation three years ago. The
man who brought the word to Seattle that the gold medal is forthcoming is O. V.
Hurt, a Corvallis resident, and the father of Maude Hurt Creffield, the dead “prophet’s”
The man who
brought word to Seattle that the gold medal is forthcoming is O.V. Hurt, a
Corvallis man, and father of Maud Hurt Creffield, the dead prophet’s widow.
Hurt arrived in
Seattle this morning, and to officers whom he saw at the depot he announced
that he had come here for the purpose of taking care of his daughter, but
mainly to make arrangements for the defense of George Mitchell, who has been
removed to the county jail to await trial on the charge of first degree murder.
O. V. Hurt
declares that as soon as the news reached Corvallis that Creffield had been
killed by Mitchell a committee of citizens at once started a subscription for
the purpose of raising money to present Mitchell with a medal and to hire a
good criminal lawyer to defend him.
friends, or more especially the good citizens who were opposed to Creffield’s
immoral teachings, will go to the limit of their resources to defend the young
man,” said Hurt. “We do not propose, if it is in our
power to prevent, to have Mitchell punished for an act which deserves
commendation. It would have been better had that fraud’s life been ended long
ago. There would have been fewer unhappy families in Corvallis.”
Hurt says that
the minute the news of Creffield’s death reached the Oregon town that it spread
like wildfire and that there was universal joy. For weeks persons in Corvallis
who had been disgraced through the influence that Creffield had on members of their families had been searching for the Holy Roller
leader. He had been driven from one town to another, and for a month lynching
was threatened. It was generally believed that it was only a question of time
until some citizen feeling the outrage that had been perpetrated upon him,
would take the law into his own hands.
well-aimed shot spared others the trouble of sending Creffield to an eternity
that he deserved.” said Hurt in substance.
Hurt’s entire
family at one time was under the spell of this religious fanatic. It was at
Hurt’s home in Corvallis that some of the disgraceful scenes of the Holy
Rollers were enacted. Hurt himself was once under the influence, but it didn’t
take him long to throw it off, and since then he has been one of Creffield’s
most pronounced enemies.
At one time
during the orgies of the Holy Rollers, all the furniture in the Hurt House was
piled in a heap in the front yard and set on fire by Creffield who announced
that it was a burnt offering to God; that religious people had no right to have
furniture for furniture was a luxury. At another time live cats and dogs were
offered up in the fires while Creffield went through his incantations and
worked himself and his followers into a frenzy of emotion.
A short time
prior to the date that the Corvallis people captured Creffield and tarred and
feathered him, he succeeded in inducing Maude Hurt, O. V. Hurt’s daughter to
marry him. Creffield his in the woods after he was tarred and under the cover
of night returned to the Hurt house where he crawled beneath the floor and
remained a week, where he was fed by Mrs. Creffield.
Later Creffield
sought refuge in the house of B. E. Starr at Portland. During his stay there
the husband of Mrs. Starr filed a charge against him that led to his sentence
of two years in the penitentiary. Mrs. Creffield in the meantime had become
insane and was sent to an asylum about the same time that Creffield went to the
Salem prison. Mrs. Starr is a sister of George Mitchell, the slayer. Mitchell
also claims that Creffield enticed his younger sister Ester into the ranks of
the Holy Rollers and disgraced her for life. For there two acts Mitchell swore
After a time
Mrs. Creffield was discharged from the insane asylum. She returned to her home
in Corvallis and while away from the influence of Creffield, appeared to
improve. Creffield was finally released from prison and after a short time
again got into communication with his wife, who had in the meantime secured a
divorce. She came and as already told in The Time he remarried he here April 3
and induced Frank Hurt to again join the Holy Rollers, which he attempted to
reorganize at Waldport, Or.
O. V. Hurt has
little to say about his daughter, Creffield’s widow, other than that he would
see that she is well taken care of. Mitchell is in the county jail, and at the
advice of his counsel, Will Morris, has refrained since yesterday from making
any public statements. Mrs. Creffield is at the home of the police matron, and
she too refuses to talk today, saying that she has been advised by the
prosecuting attorney to say no more.
Just what will
be done with the body of Creffield has not been decided. When killed he had $21
in money and a watch. It is
probable that this money will be given to his widow and the body laid away at
the expense of King County.
Among the
effects found in the clothing of Creffield after he was shot were several
envelopes addressed to “E. Sandell, Seattle, Wash., General Delivery.” The letters had been removed from the envelopes. They came from
Albany, Waldport and other towns in Oregon, and it is believed that Creffield
used the name “E. Sandell” to throw followers off his track. It is supposed the
letters were from the few followers of his creed which he had gathered together after his release from prison.
A loose note
without date, and written with a lead pencil, reads as follows: “I arrived in
Seattle this morning. Father sent me to be the connecting link between you and
Jim. Without me you would cut yourself loose and Jim could not live. My faith
was tried in Albany. Satan was there rebuked. Meet me on the corner of
Frederick & Nelson’s. “DEBRIAH.”
The coroner’s
office, which has the letter, has not determined the meaning of the contents.
Who is Jim and who the person who signed the note are
not known.
Seattle Daily Times 5/10/96
Doings of Holy Rollers at Corvallis
Wednesday, May 9.--”I got my man. Am in Jail.” These
words flashed over the wire told that young George Mitchell, crazed by the
debauching of his sisters by Edmund Creffield, had sent the soul of the
self-styled Joshua of the Holy Rollers to be judged by the God whose prophet he
claimed to be. Had Burt Starr, Lewis Hartley, George Baldwin, Ira Bray,
Clarence Starr or other relatives of Creffield’s victims met him fist it would
be one of them and not George Mitchell who would be charged with the death of
this prophet.
Two years ago
Creffield was sent to the Oregon penitentiary upon the sworn testimony of Mrs.
Burt Starr of Portland, a sister of young Mitchell. During the imprisonment of
the Holy Roller leader, women members of his flock, who had been sent to the
insane asylum recovered their reason and returned to their homes. Freed from
the influence of Creffield, they have confessed to husbands, fathers and
brothers such a revolting tale of his practices that he was doomed, and it was
only a question of which one of a half dozen men reached him first.
Creffield was
first heard of at Grants Pass seven years ago. At that time he was a Lieutenant
in the Salvation Army and together with Captain Dodson of the corps sang and
marched in the streets of that city. So little interest, however was taken in their work that they often went hungry and finally Dodson
proposed that they apply for work on a public sewer, as landlord Winters, with
whom they were stopping had threatened to throw them out. Dodson went to work,
but Creffield demurred, saying that the Salvation Army owed him a living, and
with his blankets on his back he tramped out of town.
The next summer,
in 1901, he was in Corvallis, still a lieutenant with the Salvation Army, but
before he was there long he had a row with some of his fellow workers, and left
for Salem where he was next heard of assisting in Holiness Meetings being held
at the campground near there by the Ryan Brothers.
It was here that
he became acquainted with some of those who afterward became identified with
the Holy Rollers. These were Mrs. Victor Hurt, her son Frank, and Miss Maude,
who is now Mrs. Creffield.
In November, 1902, Creffield again appeared in Corvallis. This
time accompanied by a preacher named Mercer, and these two began to hold
services in the old Salvation Army building, announcing that they had come to
found a new church. They were very abusive to all other denominations, but
proclaimed themselves the elect of God. They taught that all forms of mental
and bodily suffering could be cured by the laying on of hands, and claimed
special powers for themselves along this line. They also taught the possibility
of a personal communion with God and claimed that they had reached a state of
spiritual perfection that made this possible for them and that they at all
times were acting under divine direction.
From the very
first they seemed to acquire an influence with those who afterwards became
members of ‘God’s Elect’ that seemed to be something of an hypnotic nature. During the winter of 1902 Creffield and Mercer spent several
months at The Dalles, but receiving little encouragement they returned to
Corvallis in the summer of 1903. The Starr Brothers, Burt and Clarence, with
their families, were camped on Kiger’s Island about three miles above town,
where the men were engaged in cutting wood to fill a contract. Mrs. Victor
Hurt, their sister, and her family took their tent to the island for an outing as later on did other former members of Creffield and
Mercer’s congregation. Here they were found by these
ministers of God’s Elect, and a revival meeting was begun.
It was at this
time that some of Creffield’s peculiar doctrines began to creep out. Becoming
jealous of Mercer, he soon announced that God had revealed to him that he was
the real leader, and that Mercer was insincere, etc. In this way he soon got
rid of his fellow worker. He also announced that God desired that he be no
longer called Edmund Creffield, but that new name must be given him. Another
revelation produced the name and “Joshua, the Prophet of God” appeared on the
He also
instituted the long prayer service, lasting at times all day and night, during
which he encouraged a religious frenzy that developed into the rolling and
tumbling that later on gave his followers the cognomen of ‘Holy Rollers.’ As he
gradually strengthened his influence over his followers he began to weed out
those who hesitated to believe that he was divine. He claimed to have
revelations about such people that turned his other members against them and
soon caused them to pack their belongings and leave.
He was particularly
anxious to get rid of the men, and soon disgusted all but Frank Hurt, Levins,
Campbell, and Brooks. The last was a former Salvation Army man whom Creffield
persuaded to leave the army and join in with him. Brooks afterwards became his
right-hand bower and stuck to Creffield til the tar and feather episode which happened later on.
Among those who
left the island, severing connection at this time with the rollers were Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Starr, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sharp, Burt Starr, and James Berry. The
latter, a well-known businessman of the city was never a convert, but used to
ride out from town in his automobile to attend the services and visit with the
campers. Creffield told him on one occasion that he had just been told by God
that Berry was to sell his machine and turn over the proceeds to help build a
temple. Berry could not see the proposition in that light, and was immediately
informed that his presence at the meetings was no longer desired.
Up to this time
Creffield had professed a horror of all things carnal; personal purity was a
favorite theme of his, and he broke up an engagement between young Campbell and
Sophia Hartley, two of his flock, claiming that the relation of man and wife
was unholy, and under his teaching wives refused to return to their homes, and
daughters were led to believe that they must accept nothing from unbelieving
During the
latter part of the meetings on the island, he began to introduce his ideas in
regard to free love, which later on became the principal part of his religion,
which finally landed him in prison and which is today responsible for his
death. He here “endowed” his lady followers with the “grace of love.” To carry
out this ceremony it was necessary to retire with him to a tent and there
engage in a long prayer service, at the end of which the disciple was supposed
to put her arms around his neck and kiss him. Some of the girls refused to
carry out this part of the program, and were immediately denounced by him as being
“carnal and of the Devil.”
After the Kiger
Island meetings broke up, services were resumed at the residence of Victor Hurt
in this city, and as they continued the actions the Hurt residence was
surrounded by a mob of 300 who had gathered with the attention of giving Creffield
and Brooks a ducking. Failing
this, they stoned the residents and tore up shrubbery and walk.
At this time the
Holy Rollers began to burn their clothing, jewelry, furniture, etc., because
Creffield declared that all such were carnal and must be destroyed. Following
this demonstration by the citizens of Corvallis Creffield, and Brooks
disappeared for a time, next appearing a couple of months later at the home of
Frank Hurt, situated just across the river in Lynn County. Campbell and Levins
soon appeared on the scene and six women, five of whom were young girls, all
former members of Creffield's ‘Gods Elect,’ gathered to do the prophet honor. It
was here that Creffield consummated his long laid plan as to free love, and it
is necessary to draw a veil over the peculiar ceremonies inaugurated by him and
participated in by those who believed that he could do no wrong. Wesley Seeley,
a new convert, refused to become a party to the practices urged by Creffield
and was thrown out. Through him an inkling leaked out as to what was going on,
and one January night 20 determined men surrounded the house, captured
Creffield and Brooks, or Levins and Campbell, escorted them into Benton County,
where they were tarred and feathered and warned to leave the country under the
penalty of being hung to the nearest tree if they returned.
Brooks has never
been heard of since, but Creffield returned to Frank Hurt’s home, where, with
his assistance the sticky covering was removed. Early next morning he and Maud
Hurt drove to Albany and were made man and wife.
The apostle was
next heard of in Portland, where Burt Starr swore out a warrant against him,
his victims being the sisters of George Mitchell. Creffield, hearing of the
warrant escaped from Portland, and was not seen for four months. Rewards
aggregating $300 were offered for his capture.
In the meantime,
his followers in the city began to show signs of insanity. They appeared on the
streets bare headed and bare footed, and scantily clothed, and when questioned
would invariably answer ‘blessed be Jesus.’ One after another they were
arrested, examined, and confined to the asylum until only the wife of Louis
Hartley remained. Those so committed were Mrs. Victor Hurt, Mrs. Maud
Creffield, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hurt, Attie Bray, Sophie Hartley, and Rose
Seeley. Mae Hurt, age 16 years, and Esther Mitchell, age 15, were sent to the
boys and Girls’ Aid Society of Portland as they were
too young to send to the asylum.
Esther Mitchell
was the young sister of George Mitchell and when she fell victim to Creffield's
teaching the quite harmless young men determined upon vengeance. Only deferred
by Creffield's imprisonment and which was fanned by the recent occurrences which proved that they were again under the
influences of the Holy Roller control. Late in June Roy Hurt, an adopted son of
Victor Hurt while playing around the house looked underneath and saw a man (text illegible) Coming to town he reported to his father
his discovery and the officers hurried to the scene and dragged out to the light
Creffield, naked, dirty, emaciated, and unshaven. In a shallow pit under the
house he had lived under the house for four months fed by the members of his
flock. With this (text illegible) After the men of the family had departed to
their daily labor, Creffield would emerge and hold services in the back room of
the house, at which times he sought by example to teach how (text illegible)
was the use of clothes of any kind.
As his followers
were sent away to the asylum (illegible)
He went to Los
Angeles and from there sent letters (illegible) to Esther (illegible).
They met at the
home of Frank Hurt in Seattle and were married. Frank was persuaded to give up
his position there, convert his furniture into money, about $300, and himself
and wife, a daughter of Frank Sandell of Seattle, accompany him to the Oregon
coast where a new camp was formed on the Yachats south of Waldport.
Here his old
followers began to gather around him, and at the same time the relatives of his
victims began to close in on him determined to put an end to the man. Lewis
Hartley followed him to the Coast, and young Mitchell came in from Portland. Ira
Bray, father of Attie Bray, also took the trail. Creffield learned in some way
of their intentions and disappeared, leaving his followers to look out for themselves. Young Mitchell, however, believing that Mrs.
Creffield knew of the prophet’s destination, and seeking his two sisters,
followed her to Seattle, where (text illegible) Creffield, he fired the shot
that stopped for all time the practices of the Holy Roller leader.
Seattle Daily Times 5/10/1906 p1
Bullet Only Way to Save His Sisters
Joshua Creffield
was buried today with the deluded remnant of his flock still insisting that he
would arise from the dead within four days. The strange power he has held over
his people for four years still endures over the handful to whom his hypocrisy
has not even yet been made apparent and the divinity of his person which he
taught them still holds a footing in the minds of men and women whose
intellects have been shuttered as their ideas of moral and proper living have
been debased under his tuition.
George Mitchell,
to whose straight shooting the world in general, and Corvallis, Oregon, in
particular, owes the removal of this “Prophet” is in a cell of the county jail
where he is welcomed even by the criminals around him as a
man who has done something good in the world. As a mark of good
fellowship he was hauled before the “Kangaroo Court” yesterday and fined $2.50,
which represented his worldly capital.
This is
mentioned simply to throw some light upon the character of this young man to
whom a reporter for the Times talked at length in the presence of his attorney,
Will H. Morris, this morning. Aside from the fact that Mitchell has never
before been in jail, he had not even heard of this “kangaroo court,” the
existence of which is known to every man in the country whose habits or
associations lands him anywhere near a jail or men who unwillingly frequent it.
George Mitchell
might be taken as a composite of the honest, simple farmer boy who more than
one wise man has said forms the backbone of the American nation, as the type
furnishes the material for the best of its soldiery. Sandy-haired, somewhat
freckled, with large hands that show the signs of the work that has been
necessary since he was a small boy, this young man of 23 years looks upon life
from the simple viewpoint of a quiet unostentatious worker in the toll of the
world. Some men call him a hero. Others declare he is a cowardly murderer.
Pleaded with
If you should
ask him which he was he would not know how to answer. And right there is the
keynote to the character of this youth who has imperiled his neck and his
liberty in defense of the sisters whom he and others declare this dead man has
ruined and debased.
“I did my best
to keep them away from him,” this boy said. “I argued and pleaded with my
sisters. Sometimes I was successful and hoped that they had forgotten, as I
tried to forget and forgive. I had my own living to make, and you can’t make
enough in a lumber mill or a lath factory to give up all your time to such
things. I helped to send this man to the penitentiary, hoping that while he was
there my sisters would recover from the influence he had on them. I don’t know
what you call it. I don’t know what hypnotism is exactly, but maybe it was
that. My married sister called it a spell,” whatever that is. But anyway, I
though they would get over it, and I thought they did.
“My sister, Mrs.
Starr, told her husband that she was sorry for what she had done, that she hadn’t
meant to do anything wrong and that she didn’t know shy she had done as this
man bid her. She said she realized it all now and that she would never again do
these things which he had led her to do.
“Her husband
forgave he and life for all of us seemed to be worth living again. My little
sister Ethel (sic) who is 18 years old talked the same way. We sent her back to
Illinois where we came from for a time, and when she came back she went to work
in a woolen mill in Oregon City and seemed to be all right. I think she had
some idea of getting married, but she never told me herself.
“Then they let
this man Creffield out of the penitentiary. He wrote letters to my sisters. He
soon influenced Ester to go to his camp at Waldport and about two weeks ago my
brother-in-law, Burt Starr, awakened and found my other sister gone. There was
a note she had left. She said good-bye and that she was going to leave him forever. She said she couldn’t go in the daytime because the
children would cry and want to go with her and that she couldn’t stand that. She
said she had taken $3.50, but she thought she had been worth that much to him. she said she wasn’t taking even enough to pay her railroad
fare to the place she was going and that she would have to walk.
“We found out
the truth a few days later, although we had guessed it from the first, because
this man Creffield taught them that it was holy to break up families and desert
husbands and children. We found out that she had walked the ninety miles to
Waldport and was again with this man Creffield.
“As soon as I
found out that he was in Seattle I came here. I guess you know what happened. Everything
else that I had tried wouldn’t do any good. I won’t say anything more about
that man, but I’m not afraid. I won’t be afraid whatever they do to me. I
realize that it is a serious matter without Mr. Morris telling me that it is. But
I know what was going on down there in Oregon and I get some satisfaction out
of knowing that it can’t go on any longer
Mitchell said
this sitting on a stool in the visitors’ cell at the jail, with his big browned
hands twisting in a nervous clutch, but with his eyes looking straight out at
his questioner. He isn’t used to the limelight, and it was this that made him
nervous. There was not the slightest trace of an appreciation of the fact that
he had done anything unusual or that he was any more interesting to the world
than when he worked at his place in the mills of Portland.
In response to
questions he said that he had never carried a revolver before in his life,
because he had never any occasion to and despite his straight shooting upon
this one occasion said that he had never fired more than a few times when he
was a youngster. He was born in Illinois and his father now lives there at Bluford, in the southeastern part of the state. The family
came to Oregon when the children were young and the father settled his family
upon a ranch. There, the mother died when the boy was 12 years old, leaving the
father with the boy, the two sisters who have been mentioned and an older one
who has never been connected with the Creffield scandals and who Mitchell
desires to keep out of it.
He himself had
lived in Corvallis, Portland and other places in Oregon, working in the mills
and supporting himself. He shared his earnings with his younger sister until he
found out that the money he worked for and sent to her was steadily finding its
way into Creffield’s pockets, and then he says he stopped.
“They were good
Christian girls” he said, speaking of his sisters, “until
this man came along. They met him in a Salvation Army mission when he was an
officer of the army. They believed in him and thought he was a godly man. I
guess they believe in him yet. In spite of the fact that he
has ruined them and disgraced the rest of us. I tried to make them see
it like we and everybody else saw it, but it was no use as long as he was around.
Well, he ain’t around now.”
On the subject
of his movements and motives after he found that his two sisters were again
victims of Creffield, Mitchell is silent. He will say nothing about it. He has
been made to realize that the law terms his act in protecting his sisters and
other deluded women murder and that a determined and guarded defense may be
made by men who hold close to the letter of the statute books.
Indeed, John F.
Miller, assistant prosecuting attorney, is determined
upon a rigid prosecution of what he calls deliberated, cold-blooded murder. Mr.
Miller is inclined to be somewhat indignant.
“There are two
sides to this case,” he said today. “In my mind it is the worst murder that has
been committed since I have been in Seattle and it seems strange that if public
opinion in Oregon is in the mood it is represented to be, that these people
could not have done their killing down there without picking one of the most
prominent corners in Seattle as the wash-line for their dirty linen.”
Mrs. Creffield
declines to be seen by newspaper men. She is in a
highly nervous condition and both at her own request and that of the
prosecuting attorney all interviews are denied.
(right under this was the following article)
Polygamy will be up for discussion before the Southern
Presbyterian general
assembly this month. Dr. S. S. Laws of Virginia, having charged that some of
the missionaries of the church at Leubo, Africa, have received into church
membership certain converts who have not abandoned their plural wives. Dr. Laws
has appealed to the assembly for positive orders forbidding any missionaries to
admit a polygamist convert into the church until he has discarded every wife
except the first one married. Dr. Laws recommends, however, that converts who
so renounce plural wives shall have church aid in providing suitably for the
wives and children put away.
Chapter of Holy Rollers where these articles are some of the sources:
Chapter 15: I Got My Man
May 7, 1906: Holy Roller Shot Down Like A Dog
May 9, 1906: Oregon Prosecutor Would Aid Mitchell
Newspaper Articles about Creffield & the Holy Rollers
1897-1903: B.C. (Before Creffield)
October to December 1903:Holy Rollers Burn Furniture & Pets
January to March, 1904: Holy Rollers Tarred and Feathered
April to June 1904: Holy Rollers are Committed to the Asylum
July 1904: Creffield is Found & Arrested
September 1904: Creffield's Trial
April 1906: Men are Gunning For Creffield
May 1906: Creffield is Murdered, Murderer is Considered a Hero
May 1906: Holy Rollers Found Starving Near Heceta Head
June 1906: George Mitchell's Trial Begins
July 1906: Hurt Testifies of Debauched Wife and Debased Sisters
July 1906: Esther Mitchell Kills Her Brother
August to October 1906: Seattle Prepares for another Big Trial
November 1906: Maud Hurt Creffield Commits Suicide
April 1909-August 1914: Esther Leaves the Asylum
1953 Stewart Holbrook's Murder Without Tears
1951Startling Detective Magazine, Nemesis of the Nudist High Priest
Chapters from
Holy Rollers: Murder & Madness in Oregon's Love Cult
Part 1: The Seduction
Chapter 1: Trust Me, Brothers And Sisters
(Life Before Creffield [B.C.])
Chapter 2: God, Save Us From Compromising Preachers
(Creffield's Preachings)
Chapter 3: The Flock
(Profiles of the Holy Rollers Were)
Chapter 4: The Holy Rollers
(Things Start to Get Wild on on Kiger Island)
Chapter 5: Housecleaning
(There's a Sacrificial Bonfire)
Chapter 6: Community Concerns
(Officers Visit)
Chapter 7: Esther, The Chosen One
(Creffield Plans to Marry 16-Year- Old)
Chapter 8: Tar and Feathers
(The Men of Corvallis Act)
Chapter 9: Sane People Don’t Go Bareheaded
(Holy Rollers are Committed to the Asylum)
Chapter 10: More Beast Than Man
( Creffield is Arrested)
Chapter 11: God Will Plead Creffield's Case
(Creffield in Court)
Chapter 12: Scandal
(Shocking Testimony at the Trial)
Chapter 13: Calm Before the Storm
(The Holy Rollers Resume their Lives)
Chapter 14: Giving Up The Ghost
(Men are Gunning for Creffield)
Part Two: The People V. Creffield
Chapter 16: The Widow Creffield
Chapter 19: An Inherited Streak of Insanity
Part Three: The Madness
Chapter 23: Seeking Reconciliation
Chapter 24: Another Holy Roller Page One Murder
Chapter 25: What Can Papa Do For You?
Chapter 26: Human Life is Too Cheap In This Community
Chapter 30: The Final Chapter
(What Happened to Everyone Afterwards)
The Epilogue
(Heaven's Gate)