Creffield and the Holy Rollers made page one headlines from 1903 to 1907. When I was researching Holy Rollers: Murder and Madness in Oregon’s Love Cult I spent months transcribing hundreds of articles. I’m not sure why I was so obsessive. Maybe it was my way of immersing my self into a cult without joining one. Anyway, I’m posting them all for those who are really interested in the story, or are interested the history of journalism, or are interested in how a scandalous story played out in the "media" in a by gone era. Since I no doubt made typos and unconsciously corrected papers' typos, these web pages should not be cited in anything serious (e.g. your dissertation). For such projects they should only be used as starting points and you should refer to the original sources. If you want a shorter version of the story, buy my book. Enjoy.
September 16, 1904: Creffield is Guilty
Rachael Perrell as Donna Starr
Oregon Daily Journal (Portland) 9/16/1904 p1
Creffield Is Guilty
High Roller Offers No Defense--Says God Is On His
Side. Mild Court Sensation. Evidence Against Leader of Peculiar Sect Is
Overwhelming--He Quotes the Bible in Extenuation of His Actions.
Brownsville Times 9/23/1904 p4
Creffield Found Guilty
Holy Roller Apostle Offers No Defense.
Edwin Creffield was adjudged
guilty in Judge Sears’ court at 11:30 this forenoon.
At 2 p.m. he was sentenced to
serve two years in the state penitentiary. This is the maximum sentence.
“In the eyes of your law,
yes, I am guilty. In the eyes of God I am innocent. I know He is on my side. And
while you may lock me in my prison cell, I can still cry ‘Glory to God!” and
rest secure in the knowledge that when my time comes God will plead my case!”
Facing his accusers and a
judge and jury the “Holy Roller” thus wound up a passionate address in his own
behalf. But it had no effect.
The jury retired for 15
minutes and returned with a verdict of guilty as charged. The trial of the
preacher of extraordinary doctrine was behind closed doors and was sensational
from the beginning. He forsook no principle of his religion. He admitted his
guilt freely, according to United States law, but declared that God was on his
side and would see to his vindication.
When asked if he had an
attorney or desired on, Creffield replied negatively, saying it was against his
religious beliefs to employ a lawyer; that all he asked for was the jury to
listen to his defense.
Mrs. D. E. Starr, whose
husband made the accusation against the preacher freely confessed her guilt,
saying she participated in the crime because she was inspired by God to do so “for
the purging of her soul of devils.” She did not regret it in the least and
still knew that she was right. She acted of her own free will and volition. While
testifying Mrs. Starr smiled frequently. In her lap she held an infant.
The woman’s husband testified
that he first heard of the illicit relations between his wife and Creffield in
March and at once made the complaint against him.
Mrs. Coral Worrell of Carson
Heights said she was a member of the church until she heard of the
objectionable doctrine, as was her husband.
Both then withdrew. They
testified regarding the conduct of the wife and the preacher in their presence.
The real name of the church, said Mrs. Worrell, is the Bride of Christ, and
Creffield is the apostle. Mr. Worrell had notified Creffield to stay away from
his house after hearing of his practice.
Louis Hartley of Corvallis
testified that his wife and daughter were members of Creffield’s congregation
and the latter is in the asylum at Salem as the result.
The defendant then made his
defense. He quoted Scripture at great length in an endeavor to justify his
strange faith, after affirming, rather than swearing, the truth of what he was
to say. The laws of the country, he said, are founded on the Ten Commandments
and he had never violated one of those commandments.
“Six months ago,” continued
Creffield, “God called me to preach His will. My first assignment was to the
Dalles and then to Corvallis. I was threatened by mobs, but I stayed there
until God told me to go to another station. Among my converts was this woman. It
was all an individual matter, a matter of conscience, as she has told you. God
teaches that one must have direct connection with him before he can be saved.”
The court--You don’t claim to
be God, do you?
“No, but one had to have
direct connection with Him.”
After this mystifying attempt
to explain, Creffield quoted from Corinthians, from Paul, from Genesis and from
St. Mark and asked the jury to turn to the passages he had designated. He
denied that he possesses any hypnotic power. His defense was founded on the Holy
Bible, he said. Judge Sears was by this time scanning the good book closely,
evidently impressed with the belief that the preacher was insane.
“God called me to do all I
have done and I am obeying Him.” Creffield went on.
“The gospel He put on me was
to purge the body and I have done so. Jesus Christ, I tell you, has chosen me
to purge the flesh from sin of all those who are willing.”
“You admit this crime, then,
according to the law of the land?? queried the court.
“Yes, in the eyes of the
world, I am guilty. But God is on my side.”
“How do you reconcile the
“Well, when Christ came on
earth the first thing he did was to break the Sabbath, in the eyes of the Jews
and they crucified him. I have broken the laws of the land, and I don’t expect
the jury to understand me any better than the Jews understood Christ. If I were
a court in a case of this kind, I would act just as you are about to act. I
would convict. I don’t expect to be freed. I know the prison cell is staring me
in the face, but I am not ashamed of God’s command and will do what he has told
me to do.”
The jury had returned with
the verdict, having been out just 15 minutes and Creffield stood erect, his
lips parted in a smile, while the word “guilty” was read. He sat down and a
moment later walked calmly back to his cell, murmuring, “Glory to Jesus, glory
to God.”
A large crowd stood in the
hallway awaiting news of the verdict, but no demonstration was made.
The jurors in the case were
S. D. Paddock, J. H. Leader, William Denhohn, Owen Martin, Hans J. Mickleson,
Michael McNulty, J. D. Neer, John S. Kocher, S. L. Stone, J. N. Ross, Jacob
Spiegl and Louis Floss.
Evening Telegram (Portland) 9/16/1904
Goes To Salem For Two Years
“Holy Roller” Creffield Is Placed Where He Can Do No
Harm. Takes a Jury Just Twenty Minutes to Find Him Guilty.
It took a jury just 20
minutes to determine that Edwin Creffield, the leader of the “Holy Rollers,”
was guilty of adultery this morning. Creffield was tried before Circuit Judge
Sears, and he refused to call any witnesses in his behalf, preferring to place
his faith in the Lord. The witnesses for the state were Mrs. B. E. Starr, whom
Creffield was charged with having wronged her husband, B. E. Starr; Mrs. C. E.
Worrell, who was an ardent Holy Roller until Creffield made an improper
proposal; her husband, J. F. Worrell, and Lewis Hartley.
As some of the testimony was
indecent, Judge Sears ordered the doors of the courtroom closed. Mrs. Worrell
testified that she had seen Creffield and Mrs. Starr kiss each other, and also
that she had seen them in a room together. As for herself, she said that she
was a member of the sect until Creffield declared its doctrine, which she
though was improper. In public the sect was known as the “Holy Rollers,” in
private, “The Brides of Christ.” The testimony of the other witnesses was
substantially the same.
The case was presented for
the state by Deputy District Attorneys Moser and Adams. Creffield acted as his
own attorney. He made a rambling speech to the court and the jury in which he
said that all his actions had been guided by the Lord. He might be guilty in
the eyes of the people, but not in the eyes of God. At 11:05 the case was
submitted to the jury and at 11:25 a verdict of guilty was returned. the only
questions to be determined under the charge of Judge Sears was whether
Creffield was insane or whether under the evidence he had been proved guilty. It
is understood that the jury gave up 15 minutes of its time to a discussion of
the question of insanity and the remaining 10 minutes to a discussion of the
When the verdict was rendered
Creffield said that he was ready to receive sentence, but Judge Sears decided
to postpone the matter until this afternoon. At 2 o’clock Creffield was
arraigned, and when asked if he had anything to say replied in the negative. Judge
Sears then sentenced him to two years in the penitentiary, the longest sentence
prescribed by law.
“God Bless you,” said Creffield when the sentence was pronounced, and he left the courtroom with the deputy sheriffs who had him in charge without saying another word.
Morning Oregonian (Portland) 9/17/1904 p8
He Goes To Prison
Creffield, the Holy Roller Confesses His Crime. His
Victim Admits Guilt. After Quoting Scripture and Haranguing the Court He Is
Sentenced and Goes to Penitentiary, Unmoved in His Creed.
Corvallis Times 9/21/1904 p1
Now In Penitentiary
Holy Roller Creffield Confesses His Crime. His
Victim Also Makes Confession After Quoting Scripture and Haranguing the Court,
He Is Sentenced for Two Years to the Penitentiary.
Edwin Creffield, the apostle
of the Holy Rollers, after a sensational rambling speech in Judge Sears’s court
yesterday, in which he confessed, and quoted Scripture in extenuation of his
crimes was found guilty by a jury of having sustained improper relations with
Mrs. L. Starr. While admitting his guilt and saying it was hard to be confined
to a lonely prison cell, Creffield said God was on his side, and will see his
Judge Sears instructed the
jury that Creffield might be acquitted if he was found to be insane, and this
should be stated in the verdict. The jury returned a verdict of guilty at
11:30, after 15 minutes deliberation, and at 2 o’clock Creffield, having requested
that sentence be pronounced, he was sentenced to two years imprisonment in the
penitentiary, which is the maximum penalty. When asked if he had anything to
say why sentence should not be pronounced, he answered, “Nothing,” and after
the Judge had passed judgment the prisoner said “God bless you.”
He was taken to the
penitentiary on the evening train.
Mrs. Starr, seated in the
witness chair with an infant in her lap, in a smiling way made a confession. She
said she was inspired by God “for the purging of her soul of devils,” and knew
she was right.
B. E. Starr, the woman’s
husband who made the complaint against Creffield, also testified.
Mrs. Coral Worrel, of Carson
Heights, testified that she and her husband had been members of Creffield’s
church until she learned of the objectionable doctrine, when they withdrew. She
said the name of the church was the Bride of Christ, and Creffield was the
J. F. Worrel, who notified
Creffield to keep away from his wife, and Louis Hartley, whose daughter is in
the asylum as the result of Creffield’s religion, were also witnesses.
Creffield then began his
speech, standing erect on the witness stand, facing the jury and spectators, of
whom there were about 30, comprising the witness, court attaches, lawyers and
newspaper reporters. He quoted Scripture a great deal and said:
“Six months ago God called me
to preach his will. My first assignment was to the Dalles and next to
Corvallis. I was threatened by mobs, but I remained there until God told me to
go to another station. Among my converts was this woman. It was all an
individual matter, a matter of conscience, as she has told you. God teaches us
that we must have direct connection with him before we can be saved.”
Creffield quoted more from
the Bible and then said man was composed of the spirit, soul and body, and it
was necessary to purge the body. “God called me to do all I have done, and I
obeyed him,” he said.
“You admit this crime, then?”
remarked Judge Sears.
“Yes, in the eyes of the
world I am guilty, but God is on my side.”
In conclusion, in explaining
his position, the prisoner said:
“When Christ came on earth
the first thing he did was to break the Sabbath, and the Jews crucified him. I
have broken the laws of the land, and I don’t expect to be understood any
better than the Jews understood Christ. If I were a court in a case of this
kind, I would act just as you are about to act, I would convict. I don’t expect
to be freed. I know the prison cell is staring me in the face, but I am not
ashamed of God’s command, and I will do what he has told me to do. This is why
I did not want a lawyer.”
The jury which tried the case
was composed as follows: S/ D/ Paddock, J. H. Leader, William Denholm, Owen
Martin, Hans J. Mickleson, Michael McNulty, J. D. Neer, John S. Kocher, S. L.
Stone, J. N. Ross, Jacob Spiegl, Louis Floss.
A man who has known Creffield
ever since he came to Portland states that Creffield deserted from the German
army. He never worked, but was a tramp, and after a while joined the Salvation
Army. He says Creffield does not like to be controlled by others, but wants
everything his own way, and that is why he left the Salvation Army and formed
the holy Rollers sect.
Creffield has a strong voice,
which he uses to good advantage, and has a good flow of language, and a
dramatic manner.
(Under this is an article cut
off with the headline “Five Couples Divorced.)
Corvallis Times 9/17/1904 p3
--The trial of Creffield
began in a Portland court at 9:30 o’clock yesterday morning. News from the
scene of the trial is awaited here with much interest. The universal hope is
that there may be a conviction, and that the longest sentence the law can
impose may be meted out to the bogus saint. The charge against him is adultery,
his victim being one of his followers. District Attorney Manning, according to
reliable accounts, has assured persons in this city that a conviction is almost
certain, the evidence in the case being very strong. The penitentiary, the
walls of which close the world to its inmates, is an elegant place for this
saintly impostor, whose teachings send his followers through a pearly gate into
the asylum for the insane.
--A dispatch just received as
the Times went to press announces that Creffield was tried in a Portland court
yesterday and found guilty of adultery. He is to receive sentence this Saturday
Evening Telegram (Portland) 9/17/1904
Creffield’s Punishment
However the public may
approve of the promptness with which Edwin Creffield has been brought to book
for the commission of unmentionable crimes, under the guise of religious
leadership, there will scarcely be avoided a sentiment that the punishment he
is to receive is not commensurate with the sorrow he has caused and the damage
for which he is responsible. The proceedings in Creffield’s case have been
entirely within the limitations of the law, as they very properly should be,
but one cannot escape the conviction that the penalty imposed is in no wise
adequate to the public protection against a man of this character.
Creffield’s record has proved
him to be nothing more nor less than a lazy and dissolute knave, who has lived
upon his fellows by the profession of most revolting sacrilege. As a result of
his masterly depravity ruin has fallen upon peaceable and respectable families,
and his victims are to be numbered among those who will possibly pass the
remainder of their lives in the insane asylum. so degenerate is this monster
that he fails to experience anything like contrition at the havoc he has
wrought. In lieu thereof he poses to the last as a martyr, the victim of
persecution, albeit his indulgences have been of a character that forbid public
exploitation. The two years in the penitentiary that this miscreant will serve
will have passed and he will emerge from prison as dangerous to the peace of
the community as he is at present. There is, of course, the possibility that
Creffield may be insane. If such fact has been found, it would have been rather
to the public advantage. His detention in an asylum under such circumstances
would have been measured by his insistence upon the view of martyrdom, and his
return to confinement immediate upon the repetition of his nefarious practices,
or even the preaching of his doctrine of degeneracy. When all the circumstances
in this remarkable case are considered, it is to be regretted that the law does
not impose such penalty on this moral pervert as would effectually shield
society from further manifestation of his devilishness.
Oregon Daily Journal (Portland) 9/17/1904 p7
Creffield Goes To Penitentiary
Edmund Creffield will be sent
to the penitentiary this afternoon. Sheriff Word thinks it probably that
Special Deputy Clyde Evans will act as his custodian. Creffield has spent his
time since being sentenced by Judge Sears yesterday in walking up and down the
corridors shouting “Glory be to God” and singing hymns. The other prisoners, in
mock religious zeal, march in his wake and echo all his utterances.
Evening Telegram (Portland) 9/17/1904 p10
Creffield To Go To Penitentiary
Order of Commitment Issued
This Afternoon by Clerk of Court.
According to an order of
commitment issued this afternoon by Marion Johnson, deputy clerk of the State
Circuit Court, Edmund Creffield, convicted of the crime of adultery, will be
taken to Salem tonight to commence a two years term in the State Penitentiary. This
ends a religious drama which started nearly two years ago and which resulted in
many wrecked homes.
Edmund Creffield, self-styled
“Joshua,” the originator of a peculiar sect of fanatics who were given the name
of “Holy Rollers,” still preserves his imperturbability, although faint signs
of nervousness now and then are evident.
“It served him right,” was
the verdict of the spectators in the courtroom, and then speculation was rife
as to whether his followers will adhere to him while he is in the penitentiary,
a convicted felon.
Creffield’s followers are
scattered throughout the state. One or two are in the asylum for the insane at
Whether the others observe
the tenets of the faith which has ruined their homes in many instances and
which has heaped ridicule and persecution on them is unknown. Possibly they
meet and observe their religion in secret.
Oregon Sunday Journal (Portland) 9/18/1904 p2
Holy Roller Is Taken To Salem
Edmund Creffield, the high
Holy Roller sentenced to serve two years in the penitentiary by Circuit Judge
Sears, was taken to Salem yesterday afternoon by Special Deputy Sheriff Clyde
Evans. He was handcuffed by the deputy.
When Creffield left the jail
the other prisoners hooted and hissed him. He shouted “Glory be to Jesus!”
Corvallis Gazette Tue 9/20/1904 p3
Creffield Gets Two Years
The lecher Creffield,
self-styled Elijah II, bogus prophet of God, religious hypnotist, impostor and
all-round dangerous individual, goes to the Oregon state prison for two years
for the crime of adultery. This was the decision of a just tribunal that tried
his case last Friday. Until the very last, this brazen moral leper, claimed
innocence and in the face of overwhelming testimony of his guilt claimed that
he was not guilty and further added to the sacrilegious infamy of his cause by
asserting boldly that God would plead his cause. What grounds he had for
claiming innocence or by what interpretation of Scripture he justified his
assertion is a mystery. If God plead his cause his whole scheme of religion has
met with divine disapproval, unless he considers disgrace and prison life and
ostracism as an evidence of divine favor, which he may yet claim in order to
further delude his unhappy victims.
By the judgment of an
impartial judge, an unbiased jury, by eye witnesses and by the force of his own
acts for more than two years, Creffield has been pronounced guilty and has been
sentenced to suffer for the wrongs he has committed.
The sentence is too light. It
is not commensurate with the enormity of the crime. The work of this dangerous
man has been far more extensive and far-reaching in its results than most
people allow themselves to think.
The stigma of the insane
asylum will never leave those who are there even though they in time gain their
liberty. The dangerous religious doctrines inculcated will probably never be
eradicated from their minds. The very fact that the city of Corvallis has
endured him and his sect for so long without making pronounced effort to have
them removed has had a baleful and deadening effect upon public morality.
Corvallis Times 9/21/1904 p2
Creffield’s Confession
Newspaper accounts of the Creffield
trial tell how the scoundrel confessed his crime, and how he claimed he was
ordered of God to do the deed. It appears also that he regularly taught the
practice of adultery as a part of his doctrines. His example is an extreme case
of depravity, robed in the livery of Heaven, posing as a saint and mouthing of
sacred things while secretly playing the libertine. His like in perfidy and
dishonor would be hard to duplicate on the face of the earth. The man who lies
in wait and shoots his victim down is a gentleman compared to this man-shaped
reptile. The fire-bug is one of the lowest and most despicable of offenders,
but he is even more respectable compared to this rotten Creffield. The ordinary
libertine who enters a home and contaminates it is vile beyond compare, but
this offense is trivial in contrast with that of him who does the same thing on
a false pretense of Christianity and with the name of Jesus and God on his
dirty lips. In vileness, diabolism and all-round deviltry, Creffield is
unmatched, and matchless as his own avowals and the desolate condition of his
asylum victims so faithfully prove. In his brazen confession, there is full and
satisfactory explanation of why those he had wronged drove him, tarred and
feathered from Corvallis, and a wonderful exhibition by them of self control
and respect for legal authority, in that they did nothing worse.
Chapter of Holy Rollers where these articles are some of the sources:
Chapter 12: Scandal
August 28, 1904: Creffield Destroys His Revelations
September 21, 1904: Holy Rollers go in and Out of the Asylum
Newspaper Articles about Creffield & the Holy Rollers
1897-1903: B.C. (Before Creffield)
October to December 1903:Holy Rollers Burn Furniture & Pets
January to March, 1904: Holy Rollers Tarred and Feathered
April to June 1904: Holy Rollers are Committed to the Asylum
July 1904: Creffield is Found & Arrested
September 1904: Creffield's Trial
April 1906: Men are Gunning For Creffield
May 1906: Creffield is Murdered, Murderer is Considered a Hero
May 1906: Holy Rollers Found Starving Near Heceta Head
June 1906: George Mitchell's Trial Begins
July 1906: Hurt Testifies of Debauched Wife and Debased Sisters
July 1906: Esther Mitchell Kills Her Brother
August to October 1906: Seattle Prepares for another Big Trial
November 1906: Maud Hurt Creffield Commits Suicide
April 1909-August 1914: Esther Leaves the Asylum
1953 Stewart Holbrook's Murder Without Tears
1951Startling Detective Magazine, Nemesis of the Nudist High Priest
Chapters from
Holy Rollers: Murder & Madness in Oregon's Love Cult
Part 1: The Seduction
Chapter 1: Trust Me, Brothers And Sisters
(Life Before Creffield [B.C.])
Chapter 2: God, Save Us From Compromising Preachers
(Creffield's Preachings)
Chapter 3: The Flock
(Profiles of the Holy Rollers Were)
Chapter 4: The Holy Rollers
(Things Start to Get Wild on on Kiger Island)
Chapter 5: Housecleaning
(There's a Sacrificial Bonfire)
Chapter 6: Community Concerns
(Officers Visit)
Chapter 7: Esther, The Chosen One
(Creffield Plans to Marry 16-Year- Old)
Chapter 8: Tar and Feathers
(The Men of Corvallis Act)
Chapter 9: Sane People Don’t Go Bareheaded
(Holy Rollers are Committed to the Asylum)
Chapter 10: More Beast Than Man
( Creffield is Arrested)
Chapter 11: God Will Plead Creffield's Case
(Creffield in Court)
Chapter 12: Scandal
(Shocking Testimony at the Trial)
Chapter 13: Calm Before the Storm
(The Holy Rollers Resume their Lives)
Chapter 14: Giving Up The Ghost
(Men are Gunning for Creffield)
Part Two: The People V. Creffield
Chapter 16: The Widow Creffield
Chapter 19: An Inherited Streak of Insanity
Part Three: The Madness
Chapter 23: Seeking Reconciliation
Chapter 24: Another Holy Roller Page One Murder
Chapter 25: What Can Papa Do For You?
Chapter 26: Human Life is Too Cheap In This Community
Chapter 30: The Final Chapter
(What Happened to Everyone Afterwards)
The Epilogue
(Heaven's Gate)