Creffield and the Holy Rollers made page one headlines from 1903 to 1907. When I was researching Holy Rollers: Murder and Madness in Oregon’s Love Cult I spent months transcribing hundreds of articles. I’m not sure why I was so obsessive. Maybe it was my way of immersing my self into a cult without joining one. Anyway, I’m posting them all for those who are really interested in the story, or are interested the history of journalism, or are interested in how a scandalous story played out in the "media" in a by gone era. Since I no doubt made typos and unconsciously corrected papers' typos, these web pages should not be cited in anything serious (e.g. your dissertation). For such projects they should only be used as starting points and you should refer to the original sources. If you want a shorter version of the story, buy my book. Enjoy.
November 11, 1903: “Apostle” Creffield Still
Under Cover

Joe Haege as Edmund Creffield
Evening Telegram (Portland) 11/11/1903 p6
“Apostle” Creffield Still
Under Cover
Leader of the Holy Rollers
Holds the Fort and Denies Himself to All.
Coast Special]
Or., Nov. 11 -- With all the exposures that have been made of the “Holy
Rollers” religious fanatics, the organization still remains a puzzling mystery.
Their declaration that they are training for the missionary field in
explanation of the fact that no new converts are wanted at this time is but a
lame excuse for keeping the public in ignorance of what is transpiring in the
“Church of God,” as the Hurt home has been dubbed by the fanatics and adds
interest to the case. Apostle Creffield’s Keeping within the walls of the Hurt
home as closely as if he were a prisoner is another matter giving the public
goof for comment, as is also the fact that he positively refuses to submit to
an interview of any kind.
fanatics have practically severed all connections with the outside world, and
are leading a life of seclusion in the midst of a thickly settled community. Rules
of etiquette have been discarded. The members apparently are drifting back to
the mode of existence of people upon whom the stamp of civilization has not yet
been place. By burning their furniture and destroying their trinkets of value,
they attempt to place themselves upon the level of primitive man in order, as
they assert, to follow the unadulterated teachings of the Bible in its
entirety, without entering into a compromise with the world.
By pure
accident O. V. Hurt consented to discuss the motives of the “Holy Rollers”
yesterday for the first time since he became a member of the strange band, but
he failed to throw any light on the subject inasmuch as he appeared totally at
sea so far as the basis of the organization was concerned. Instead of the
neatly dressed man of a few weeks ago, Hurt now wears the poorest kind of
clothes, and his face is partly hidden behind a sprouting beard of several
days’ growth. He wears a soft shirt and a slouch hat, and his general
appearance betrays a heavy mental strain.
But the man
who once was chairman of the Benton County Democratic Convention (sic) either
did not know why the Holy Rollers roller, or else he had reasons for keeping his
knowledge within himself.
“We follow
the Bible,” was all that was to be deduced from the interview, which, by the
way, was cut short through the interference of one of the Misses Hurt, who did
not “think it necessary for her father to answer any questions propounded by
the newspapers.”
from the humble way in which the man of the house obeyed this admonition, he is
under complete control of the fair members of the Rollers, who in turn seem to
center their utmost faith on Creffield, the apostle.
Creffield is said to be possessed of some hypnotic poser. He is a German
vationist (sic). It was through his connection with the Salvation Army that he
became acquainted with the Hurt family, and worked his way into their graces. He
came to Corvallis about a year ago, after having been absent from the Valley
town for some four years. Frank Hurt was at that time a soldier in the Army,
and two became close friends. Gradually the rest of the Hurt family was induced
to enroll in the ranks of those who give their testimony on the street corners.
Last summer Creffield discovered that he had the “power of receiving messages
from God,” and so began his new sect or creed. Not caring or perhaps daring to
begin work openly in the city, he took his followers to Kiger Island, a short
distance from Corvallis, and there in the open commenced practicing the rites
for which the organization has since become famous. In Campbell and Levins he found two ardent supporters. The
indolent life of a summer camp in the woods surrounded by entrancing scenery
was inducement enough for them to remain loyal to the cause, and they are still
acting as pillars in the “Church of God.” Enjoying the hospitality of the Hurt
home, they roll with the rest at night, and in the daytime, spend their time
leisurely in their tent sleeping, and at times reading the Scriptures. Seldom
are they seen on the street except when making their way to the Hurt home,
about a half mile distant.
personnel of the Holy Rollers now numbers six men and about 15 women. The men
are Creffield, Brooks, O. V. Hurt, Frank Hurt, Levins and Campbell. Brooks and Creffield are
star boarders at the Hurt home, and for several days, in fact, since their
return, after being warned to leave town, have not been seen on the streets. Brooks,
a man about 34 years of age claims to have seen much of life, and he is
considered a “smooth article.” Both Brooks and Creffield refuse to be seen. It
was these who were arrested and subsequently released. At that time, it is
alleged, Creffield made the statement in answer to a direct question that, if
God so commanded, he would no hesitate to burn a child.
Those who
have seen the rolling performance describe it as most disgusting. Stretched out
their full length on the floor, the Rollers will beat the floor with their
hands and feet , moan and groan, and at irregular intervals yell at the top of
their voice, “Oo, God; oh Jesus.” For hours this will be kept up without
cessation. Speaking of this matter, one living in the vicinity of the Hurt home
said: “In the early stage of the game I was invited to attend one of the
meetings. The fanatics certainly acted strangely, and it was shocking to see
that people could become so indifferent to all the laws of propriety under the
cloak of religion. It was simply ridiculous the way they carried on. I did not
attempt to conceal my disapproval of the scene, and since then there has been a
wide breach between me and the Rollers.
Despite the
fact that Frank Hurt declares that the Rollers view of marriage is identical to
that of other sects, if has leaked out that one particular person in Corvallis
refused to have anything to do with them because of the alleged reason that “he
knew that they did not observe the marriage vows.”
summing up the situation, it becomes clearly apparent that the Holy Rollers
have no intelligent basis for their organization except the broad statement
that they follow literally the teachings of the Bible. This commendable
qualifications, however, is outweighed by the fact that instead of being
willing to accept sinners and give them the opportunity to share in their
blessedness, the Rollers are exclusive and jealous of the way which they claim
leads to happiness in life and Heaven hereafter.
Chapters of Holy Rollers where these articles are some of the sources:
Chapter 2: Creffield's Preachings
Chapter 5: A Sacrificial Bonfire
November 7, 1903: Is Creffield Back?
November 24, 1903: Girl of Sixteen Almost Insane
Newspaper Articles about Creffield & the Holy Rollers
1897-1903: B.C. (Before Creffield)
October to December 1903:Holy Rollers Burn Furniture & Pets
January to March, 1904: Holy Rollers Tarred and Feathered
April to June 1904: Holy Rollers are Committed to the Asylum
July 1904: Creffield is Found & Arrested
September 1904: Creffield's Trial
April 1906: Men are Gunning For Creffield
May 1906: Creffield is Murdered, Murderer is Considered a Hero
May 1906: Holy Rollers Found Starving Near Heceta Head
June 1906: George Mitchell's Trial Begins
July 1906: Hurt Testifies of Debauched Wife and Debased Sisters
July 1906: Esther Mitchell Kills Her Brother
August to October 1906: Seattle Prepares for another Big Trial
November 1906: Maud Hurt Creffield Commits Suicide
April 1909-August 1914: Esther Leaves the Asylum
1953 Stewart Holbrook's Murder Without Tears
1951Startling Detective Magazine, Nemesis of the Nudist High Priest
Chapters from
Holy Rollers: Murder & Madness in Oregon's Love Cult
Part 1: The Seduction
Chapter 1: Trust Me, Brothers And Sisters
(Life Before Creffield [B.C.])
Chapter 2: God, Save Us From Compromising Preachers
(Creffield's Preachings)
Chapter 3: The Flock
(Profiles of the Holy Rollers Were)
Chapter 4: The Holy Rollers
(Things Start to Get Wild on on Kiger Island)
Chapter 5: Housecleaning
(There's a Sacrificial Bonfire)
Chapter 6: Community Concerns
(Officers Visit)
Chapter 7: Esther, The Chosen One
(Creffield Plans to Marry 16-Year- Old)
Chapter 8: Tar and Feathers
(The Men of Corvallis Act)
Chapter 9: Sane People Don’t Go Bareheaded
(Holy Rollers are Committed to the Asylum)
Chapter 10: More Beast Than Man
( Creffield is Arrested)
Chapter 11: God Will Plead Creffield's Case
(Creffield in Court)
Chapter 12: Scandal
(Shocking Testimony at the Trial)
Chapter 13: Calm Before the Storm
(The Holy Rollers Resume their Lives)
Chapter 14: Giving Up The Ghost
(Men are Gunning for Creffield)
Part Two: The People V. Creffield
Chapter 16: The Widow Creffield
Chapter 19: An Inherited Streak of Insanity
Part Three: The Madness
Chapter 23: Seeking Reconciliation
Chapter 24: Another Holy Roller Page One Murder
Chapter 25: What Can Papa Do For You?
Chapter 26: Human Life is Too Cheap In This Community
Chapter 30: The Final Chapter
(What Happened to Everyone Afterwards)
The Epilogue
(Heaven's Gate)