Creffield and the Holy Rollers made page one headlines from 1903 to 1907. When I was researching Holy Rollers: Murder and Madness in Oregon’s Love Cult I spent months transcribing hundreds of articles. I’m not sure why I was so obsessive. Maybe it was my way of immersing my self into a cult without joining one. Anyway, I’m posting them all for those who are really interested in the story, or are interested the history of journalism, or are interested in how a scandalous story played out in the "media" in a by gone era. Since I no doubt made typos and unconsciously corrected papers' typos, these web pages should not be cited in anything serious (e.g. your dissertation). For such projects they should only be used as starting points and you should refer to the original sources. If you want a shorter version of the story, buy my book. Enjoy.
May 1, 1906: Creffield Takes Credit for The San Francisco Earthquake
Oregon Daily Journal (Portland) 5/1/1906 p8
Mrs. Starr Walks To Holy Roller Camp
Dispatch to The Journal.)
Corvallis, Or., May 1.-- A telephone message this morning from Alsea
states that Mrs. Bert Starr, who left her husband and three children in
Portland Saturday night, was seen passing through Alsea afoot today en route to
the Holy Roller camp. She was in Corvallis Sunday.
Corvallis Times 5/1/1906 p2
Camp Given Up
Morning Oregonian (Portland) 5/2/1906 p6
Rollers Run Out
Creffield Said to Have Disappeared--Followers
Leaving Waldport.
Lincoln Ranchers hostile to Creffield’s
Followers. Denied Food Supplies. Ex-convict Leader Disappears, and Mrs. Starr,
of Portland, Travels Thirty Miles Afoot From Camp by
the Sea.
There are signs
that the Creffield camping proposition at Waldport has miscarried. Two of those
who started for the rendezvous recently arrived in Corvallis yesterday, and a
third passed out to Albany on today’s train. Creffield himself, is said to have been two or three days at the camp and he then disappeared and
has not since been seen. The belief is that all the others will within a short
time, return to their homes, and that Creffield will go elsewhere to carry out
his devilish enterprise.
People familiar
with the situation are convinced that the residents of the vicinity of the camp
turned out to be hostile to the undertaking, and through fear of bodily harm,
Creffield abandoned his plans. Mrs. Starr who deserted a seven months baby and
another small child in Portland Saturday to join the party is said to be in
Alsea. She arrived here Sunday and is supposed to have traveled most of the way
to Alsea on foot. A story of her desertion of her home and children appears in
last night’s Portland Journal.
Creffield tells
his dupes now that he cursed San Francisco and that is why the western
metropolis is in ruins, and that he has a similar curse on Portland and
Evening Telegram (Portland) 5/2/1906
“Holy Rollers” Scatter From Secret
Fanatic Leader Assumes Title of ‘Christ.’
Gathers Followers and Arouses the Citizens. Creffield’s Wife Is In Portland,
Husband Hiding.
[Telegram Coast
ALBANY, Or., May 2.--Terrified by rumors of a threatened raid, the
Holy ?Rollers have abandoned their camp near Waldport, Lincoln County, and are
scattering in all directions. All the followers of Edmund Creffield have taken
separate routes, but it is supposed they have planned to meet in some new
Men from
Corvallis whose relatives have been enticed the second time into the lawless
fanatical band, are eagerly searching for the “apostle,” and is it generally
believed in this part of the state that stern punishment will follow if he is
captured. Some predict lynching. “Rollers are being constantly followed in the
hope that they are going to a new camp and that Creffield thus will be located.
Mrs. Maud
Hurt-Creffield, wife of the leader of the fanatics, spent yesterday afternoon
in Albany, and went to Portland last evening. She came from Yaquina at noon,
intending to take the afternoon train for Portland. It was late and she did not
leave the city until 7 o’clock last evening.
It was learned
from meager information she gave out in several attempts which were made to
converse with her that the Waldport camp, founded a few weeks ago to renew the
old shocking rites and ceremonies of Creffieldism, was abandoned last Sunday. She
admitted that almost all of those at the place had left, but would not intimate
where they had gone. She also refused to tell where she was going, but she
bought a ticket for Portland.
She was closely
shadowed all the time she was in this city by a young man from Corvallis named
Mitchell. His sister is in the band the “apostle” gathered at Waldport. He
watched Mrs. Creffield get aboard the train, then swung on the car behind that in which she was sitting. Mitchell did not prove a
very good sleuth, however for Mrs. Creffield noted his constant attendance, and
having formerly known the boy in Corvallis, realized she was being watched. She
intimated as much in her conversation.
“Where is
Creffield?” she was asked pointblank, after other attempts to gain information
“Oh, he’s over
there yet,” she said.
“He stayed at
the camp, did he?”
“No, he’s not
right there,” was the vague answer, and the wife of the “Modern Joshua” smiled.
It was rumored
Creffield had come from the coast on the Corvallis & Eastern train Sunday,
and fearing to come through Corvallis had left the train at Blodgett station. He
is thought to have struck off southward intending to walk to Junction City,
Harrisburg or some other point between Albany and Eugene, and there take a
northbound train.
Thinking that Creffield
might meet his wife on the train two other Corvallis men made a thorough search
when the train, but she was not aboard.
It is stated
that Mr. Hartley of Corvallis whose wife and daughter have been induced to
desert him the second time to join the Holy Roller band, is determined to find
the “apostle” and that her is working with others whose homes were wrecked in
the first outbreak of the frenzy, among whom are many men of Corvallis, where
the first outbreak of the strange fanaticism occurred, and from which city most
of Creffield’s followers came.
If the apostle
should fall into the hands of these men it is believed he would receive little
mercy. Though violence might not be resorted to, all are anxious to effect his capture so that the courts, at least, could
attend to his case a second time.
Three years ago,
Creffield succeeded in getting a large company of men and women so completely
in his power that they performed rites and strange ceremonies
which astounded not only this state, but the nation. It was one of the
marvels of religious fanaticism. His second attempt has apparently failed. It
has been “nipped in the bud.”
The self styled
apostle established his cam in the woods near Waldport, as nearly as can be
learned, about a month ago. He selected this place in the hope that he and his
followers would not be molested. Waldport is on Alsea Bay, and lies in an
isolated region, and the Holy Roller camp was in a secluded valley between two
gathered his followers with great secrecy. As soon as he was liberated from the
State Penitentiary where he had served for two years for illicit relations with
one of his followers, he evidently began work. He did not send letters directly
to former victims in Corvallis for fear of arousing suspicion, but is believed
to have sent word through friends in Oregon City. When all was ready he sent
word to those where were again in his mysterious power to go to Waldport.
There his
followers gathered. It is known that there were at least seven people there. There
may have been more. Those known to have been at the camp were Creffield and
wife, Frank Hurt and wife, Mrs. Hartley and daughter and the Mitchell girl. It
is said others were on their way to the headquarters of Rollerism when the camp
was abandoned.
stories are said to have shown Creffield that the location of his supposed
secret camp was known and friends in the Willamette Valley are believed to have
sent him word.
Three years ago
Creffield had his followers in such a frenzied state of mind that most of them
were sent to the State Insane Asylum.
Mrs. Creffield
was Miss Maud Hurt. All her family were in Creffield’s
first camp. She married Creffield in Albany, the two, with Frank Hurt and his wife having driven to this city the day after Creffield
was tarred and feathered by a wronged and indignant body of men in Corvallis. When
her husband was sent to the penitentiary she was sent to the asylum with other
victims of the “apostle’s” teachings. She was later discharged as cured of her
fancies, but Creffield was not at liberty long before she was again in his
power, and she appears to take pride in speaking of him as “my husband.”
Creffield is
said to call himself “Christ.” He says he has risen from the dead to again lead
the faithful. The two years he spent in the Oregon (rest of article is cut off)
Oregon Daily Journal (Portland) Wed 5/2/1906 p4
Creffield Poses As Jeremiah
Holy Roller Claims to Have Brought on the
Earthquake at San Francisco. Condemns Corvallis To A Similar Fate. Disciples
Testify That They Obeyed the Order of the Lord in Flocking to the Coast--Leader
Claims to Be the Holy Ghost.
(Journal Special
Corvallis, Or., May 2.--”Creffield is Jesus Christ; he condemned the city
of San Francisco and brought the earthquake; he has condemned the city of
Corvallis and an earthquake will destroy this place.”
Such, in
substance, is what Mrs. Lewis Hartley and her daughter, Miss Sophia, declared
to Drs. Farra and Pernot and Judge Watters in an examination held for the
purpose of determining whether the females are sane or insane. Complaints were lodged with the clerk, charging mental derangement
of both Mrs. Hartley and her daughter, by W. C. Swann.
When questioned
by the court as to why the old-time followers of Joshua Creffield assembled
together at the coast a week ago, the witnesses stoutly declared that they had
held no communication whatever with the fallen apostle, but that “God told them
to board the train that day and go,” and they simply obeyed the command, as did
all the other members of the faith who happened to go to the coast that day,
when Mr. and Mrs. Creffield went to Yaquina.
When questioned
why Joshua Creffield hired a team at Airlie and drove through to Wren station,
instead of passing through Corvallis on the train en route to the coast, the
witnesses stated that “Creffield, who is the Holy Ghost, has condemned
Corvallis, and he never returns to a city that he has condemned.”
Perhaps the
memory of a warm coat of tar and feathers applied by Corvallis citizens one
fine night something over two years ago may have decided Joshua to travel by
private conveyance.
was stated by the witnesses examined that the Holy Rollers in camp on Ten Mile
Creek, below Waldport, are simply awaiting the commands of God, and that they
will be governed accordingly.
When asked if
they obeyed Creffield in all things, they replied that they first took the
matter to God in prayer, and that Creffield’s orders had always proven to be
the desire of God--all of which is sufficient proof to them that he is the
Aside from this
mania Mrs. Hartley and daughter answer all questions with perfect intelligence. They were brought home from the coast by the husband and
father, Lewis Hartley, who is a highly respected resident of this city.
Morning Oregonian (Portland) 5/3/1906 p6
In Fear Of His Life
Holy Roller Creffield Disappears From
All Trains Are Searched. Despoiler of
Homes May Be Roughly Handled if He Falls Into the Hands of Some of the Irate Husbands.
ALBANY, May 2.--(Special.)--The wrath of deserted husbands caused
Creffield and his Holy Roller followers to scatter from their late rendezvous near
Waldport, in Lincoln County. Mrs. Maud Creffield, wife of the “Apostle” and
daughter of O. V Hurt, a prominent citizen of Corvallis, was in Albany last
evening on the way to Portland. She seemed to have fully recovered from her
recent mental trouble that caused her confinement in the state insane asylum. While
her mind seems right, she declares her intention of remaining with Creffield.
When the
Creffield's went to their camping ground on the coast, they were immediately
followed by many of the women of Benton County, who had been under the spell of
the “prophet,” and the orgies of the Holy Rollers were reported to have begun
again. People in Benton County became aroused and heads of families that were
broken up by the teachings and practices of Creffield began talking ominously. Some gun play was indulged in by irate fathers and
husbands, who followed Creffield to Waldport and Creffield found things too hot
for him.
When Mrs.
Creffield appeared in Albany, she was trailed by a number of Corvallis men, who
were seeking through her to ascertain the whereabouts of her husband. Last
Sunday information was sent from the bay that Creffield had departed from his
camp, and the Holy Rollers were dispersed. The head of the new organization was
said to have headed for Junction City. When Mrs. Creffield appeared on the way
to Portland, it was immediately suspected that the prophet was headed for
Junction City for the purpose of boarding the train there, joining his wife in
Albany, and thence go to Portland.
Last night every
train, freighter or passenger, that passed through Albany from the south was
watched by a number of Corvallis men, who were seeking the religious fanatic
and despoiler of homes. Just what was in store for Creffield is not known, for
he failed to show up, although every freight train was searched thoroughly. That
he is wanted by justly indignant men seems to be a fact will known to the chief
Holy Roller for when he left the seaside camp he went alone and by a route
unknown to his followers, and has studiously avoided Benton County, where he is
By some
unaccountable power, Creffield holds a terrible influence over his followers. In
the last gathering of the Holy Roller clan were women who left pleasant homes
and infant children to the care of strangers. Men have become desperate in their indignation, and those who
were seeking Creffield last evening were terribly in earnest. Reports have
reached Albany of one attempt by a wronged husband to kill the apostle at Waldport, whither the apostle had been followed.
Morning Oregonian (Portland) 5/3/1906 p8
Creffield, the
Holy Roller, is accumulating another stock of lunatics who sooner or later will
have to be taken care of by the state. The capture and care of his misguided
followers cost the state several thousand dollars two years ago, and from the
start he is making, it is not improbable that there will be another big bill of
expense to foot in the near future. The husbands or brothers of these misguided
women who run after this fakir seems to have something lacking in their
make-up, or the Holy Roller would long have been given a treatment which would
have prevented him from carrying out a portion of the religious
rite which he is accused of practicing on his victims.
Corvallis Gazette 1906 p1
Newberg Graphic 5/3/1906 p5
Mrs. B. E.
Starr, of East Portland, who will be remembered in this neighborhood as Donnie
Mitchell, daughter of Charley Mitchell, deserted her husband Saturday night and
departed to join her “spiritual love,” who is none other than the notorious
Joshua Creffield, apostle of the Holy Rollers, who in February finished serving
a two year term in the state penitentiary for his licentious practices carried
on in the guise of extreme holiness. Since his release from imprisonment he has
gathered a few followers about him away out in Lincoln county where he is
reported to be carrying on very much as of yore. Mrs. Starr is said to have
fallen under the influence of Creffield three years ago, when the Rolling
prophet was playing havoc with weak minded women, and
had remarked to her husband recently that she still had a spiritual love for
him. She left in the night, taking what money she could find in Mr. Starr’s
pockets. She left a note to her husband saying she did not disturb him for fear
the children would cry, adding that, “He said that Christ will take care of them.” “He” refers to Creffield. The Starrs have three little
children, the youngest a seven months old babe which Mr. Starr’s mother has taken. Mrs. G. W. Mitchell went down from here Tuesday
morning and in the evening brought back the two pretty little girls, aged five
and three years, to whom they will give a home.
Yaquina Bay News (Newport, OR) 5/3/1906 p3
Hartley, the Corvallis man, who was over here last week gunning for the “Holy Roller Creffield” succeeded in getting his wife and daughter to return home with him. Mrs. Creffield has gone to Portland, it is reported, to gather in recruits for the Holy Roller colony.
Lincoln County Leader (Toledo, OR) 5/4/1906 p1
--Waldport has been having for a couple
of weeks some distinguished visitors.--Holy Rollers. Quite
a number are camped just below town.
--Word came from
Waldport that Creffield, the chief inkydink of the Rolly Holers (sic), has gone
back to the valley via the south end route, presumably after recruits. There is
said to be quite a bunch of these bad actors in the south end of Lincoln County.
Corvallis Gazette 5/4/1906 p3
O. V. Hurt spent
Sunday in Portland
Evening Telegram (Portland) 5/7/1906 p3
Creffield Seen in Linn County
ALBANY, Or., May 7.--A report has reached Albany that Creffield, leader of the Holy Rollers, is in hiding in the mountains of Eastern Linn County, near the town of Crawfordsville. there is no warrant out for the “prophet,” but an investigation has been started to learn the truth of the rumor, at the instigation of Corvallis men who are willing to pay a reward for authentic information in regard to Creffield’s whereabouts. The report did not state with whom Creffield was staying, but says that he was seen near Crawfordsville recently by a man who knows him, and that he was alone. Sheriff Burnett of Corvallis is investigating the report this morning.
Chapter of Holy Rollers where these articles are some of the sources:
Chapter 14: Men are Gunning for Creffield
Lewis Hartley's bizarre 1906 Divorce Decree where he openly admits trying to kill Creffield
April 30, 1906: Donna Starr Leaves Children to go to Her Spiritual Love,
Joshua Creffield
May 3, 1906: Creffield In Fear Of His Life
Newspaper Articles about Creffield & the Holy Rollers
1897-1903: B.C. (Before Creffield)
October to December 1903:Holy Rollers Burn Furniture & Pets
January to March, 1904: Holy Rollers Tarred and Feathered
April to June 1904: Holy Rollers are Committed to the Asylum
July 1904: Creffield is Found & Arrested
September 1904: Creffield's Trial
April 1906: Men are Gunning For Creffield
May 1906: Creffield is Murdered, Murderer is Considered a Hero
May 1906: Holy Rollers Found Starving Near Heceta Head
June 1906: George Mitchell's Trial Begins
July 1906: Hurt Testifies of Debauched Wife and Debased Sisters
July 1906: Esther Mitchell Kills Her Brother
August to October 1906: Seattle Prepares for another Big Trial
November 1906: Maud Hurt Creffield Commits Suicide
April 1909-August 1914: Esther Leaves the Asylum
1953 Stewart Holbrook's Murder Without Tears
1951Startling Detective Magazine, Nemesis of the Nudist High Priest
Chapters from
Holy Rollers: Murder & Madness in Oregon's Love Cult
Part 1: The Seduction
Chapter 1: Trust Me, Brothers And Sisters
(Life Before Creffield [B.C.])
Chapter 2: God, Save Us From Compromising Preachers
(Creffield's Preachings)
Chapter 3: The Flock
(Profiles of the Holy Rollers Were)
Chapter 4: The Holy Rollers
(Things Start to Get Wild on on Kiger Island)
Chapter 5: Housecleaning
(There's a Sacrificial Bonfire)
Chapter 6: Community Concerns
(Officers Visit)
Chapter 7: Esther, The Chosen One
(Creffield Plans to Marry 16-Year- Old)
Chapter 8: Tar and Feathers
(The Men of Corvallis Act)
Chapter 9: Sane People Don’t Go Bareheaded
(Holy Rollers are Committed to the Asylum)
Chapter 10: More Beast Than Man
( Creffield is Arrested)
Chapter 11: God Will Plead Creffield's Case
(Creffield in Court)
Chapter 12: Scandal
(Shocking Testimony at the Trial)
Chapter 13: Calm Before the Storm
(The Holy Rollers Resume their Lives)
Chapter 14: Giving Up The Ghost
(Men are Gunning for Creffield)
Part Two: The People V. Creffield
Chapter 16: The Widow Creffield
Chapter 19: An Inherited Streak of Insanity
Part Three: The Madness
Chapter 23: Seeking Reconciliation
Chapter 24: Another Holy Roller Page One Murder
Chapter 25: What Can Papa Do For You?
Chapter 26: Human Life is Too Cheap In This Community
Chapter 30: The Final Chapter
(What Happened to Everyone Afterwards)
The Epilogue
(Heaven's Gate)