Creffield and the Holy Rollers made page one headlines from 1903 to 1907. When I was researching Holy Rollers: Murder and Madness in Oregon’s Love Cult I spent months transcribing hundreds of articles. I’m not sure why I was so obsessive. Maybe it was my way of immersing my self into a cult without joining one. Anyway, I’m posting them all for those who are really interested in the story, or are interested the history of journalism, or are interested in how a scandalous story played out in the "media" in a by gone era. Since I no doubt made typos and unconsciously corrected papers' typos, these web pages should not be cited in anything serious (e.g. your dissertation). For such projects they should only be used as starting points and you should refer to the original sources. If you want a shorter version of the story, buy my book. Enjoy.
May 19, 1906: Mitchell to Enter
Plea of Not Guilty
Seattle Post
Intelligencer 5/19/1906
Mitchell to Enter
Plea of Not Guilty
Will Deny Guilt
of Murder in First Degree in Killing Holy Roller.
When George
Mitchell is arraigned in the superior court today to enter a plea to the charge
of murder in the first degree he will declare himself not guilty, and his
attorneys will ask that the case be set for trial at the earliest possible
Will H. Morris,
one of the attorneys for the prisoner, stated last night that this is the
course that will be pursued and declared that Mitchell as well as himself is very
anxious to have the case thru with at the earliest possible date.
Oregon Daily
Journal 5/21/1906
Letters from the People
Portland, May 18.--To the Editor of the Journal--I am unacquainted with the
laws, but I think that a man who has committed a premeditated murder such as
that of Creffield ought to be tried and treated as murderer, irrespective of
the circumstances. Civilization demands it. It seems to me to be incompatible
with Christianity to commit murder under any circumstances. Respectfully yours, HAROLD S. HAGEN
Seattle Daily
Times 5/19/1906 p1
Mitchell Enters His Formal Plea
Oregon Daily
Journal 5/21/1906
The Creffield Murder.
Oregon Sunday
Journal 5/20/1906 p4
Mitchell’s Young Sister Esther to Testify
Against Brother
Corvallis Times 5/22/1906
Miss Esther
Evening Telegram
(Portland) 5/19/1906 p8
Mitchell’s Plea “Not Guilty.”
Slayer of Holy Roller Pleads Not Guilty
and His Trial Is Set For June. Girl Bitter Against Holy
Roller’s Assassin. Maid States Creffield Did No One Any Harm--Thinks He
Will Rise From the Dead--Brother Supports Accused.
Mitchell’s Young Sister Says She Will
Testify Against Brother. Prisoner Pleads Not Guilty and His Trial Is Set for
June 25.
Trial Set for
June 25--Brother Visits Slayer of Creffield.
Seattle, Wash.,
May 19,--George Mitchell, the youthful slayer of “Joshua”
Creffield and the avenger of the wrongs done his two sisters by the Holy roller
prophet, pleaded not guilty to a charge of murder in the first degree before
Superior Judge Frater this morning. The proceedings took only a few minutes and
shortly after the pleading June 25 was designated as the day on which the trial
will commence.
Mitchell is
taking his confinement philosophically and came into the court freshly shaven
and with his clothing carefully pressed. He was accompanied by his attorneys,
Morris and Shipley, and took much interest in the proceedings
which transpired before he was called upon to enter his plea. Interest
in Mitchell has not flagged, and as was the case when he was arraigned, the
deputy sheriffs who brought him into court were forced to shoulder a pathway through
the crowd which had assembled.
After entering
his plea Mitchell walked to his seat and before the case had been started to return
to the jail at the beck of his guardians. He was recalled, however, by Will
Morris, one of his attorneys, and smiled when he was informed that it was
desired that he remain until the date of his trial had been fixed. This detail
gone through with Mitchell shook hands with his legal representatives and
followed the deputy sheriffs through the crowd back to his cell.
In the Seattle Daily Times Article:
Fred Mitchell, a
brother of the accused man came to Seattle yesterday from Corvallis and spent
an hour during the afternoon visiting George Mitchell in the visitor’s cell at
the county jail. The brothers talked long of the events which led up to the shooting and the possible consequences of George Mitchell’s act. When
they separated it was with a hearty handclasp and a promise on the part of Fred
Mitchell that he would be back in Seattle in a few days.
Following the
visit to the jail, Fred Mitchell spent several hours in consultation with his
brother’s attorneys. Aside from admitting that the defense of his client formed
the subject of the meeting, Attorney Morris declined to discuss the
In the Oregon Daily Journal and Corvallis Times articles:
When Mitchell is called for trial the
strange spectacle will be presented of his sister, 17-year-old Ester,
testifying for the prosecution in order to send him to the gallows for killing
Creffield, and his brother Fred, testifying in his behalf. The sister said today at the police
matron’s home where she is being held as a witness:
“I hope my
brother will have time to repent of his sins before they hang him.”
She is in daily
consultation with Prosecuting Attorney Mackintosh and has outlined to that
official the evidence she will give: The prosecution’s home of convicting
Mitchell of some degree of Murder has increased since the sister has come to
its aid.
Esther Mitchell
declares even now that Creffield is Christ and that he will rise again. She
says her brother lies when he says that Creffield ever did her any harm. She
admits that she believes Creffield will arise again from the dead to lead his
flock. she says that her brother did wrong in taking
his life and thus depriving his flock temporarily of leadership.
Fred Mitchell
who reached Seattle yesterday from Corvallis declares that his brother did
right and that he will stand by him. He says that his sister
was ruined by Creffield. Esther Mitchell said today:
“My brother had
no right to kill Creffield. If he says that Creffield did me any harm, he lies,
and he knows it.
always treated me properly as he did all of his other followers. They sent him
to the pen simply to break up the religious camp we had. He was not given a
fair trial. The people at Corvallis did not like us and they thought if they
sent him to the pen we would all desert him.
“The committed
perjury to send him to the pen. Every one in Corvallis knew it was a put up
job. When we did not desert him and leave Corvallis, the people there began
trying to send us to the insane asylum. I am sane and always was. So are the
rest. They sent me to a home in Portland because they said i was crazy but too
young to go to the asylum.
“I know Joshua
will arise. I shall certainly testify against my brother. He never helped me. He
never gave me a cent in my life and when I was a little girl I had to work for
every cent of spending money I had. I believe he should be hanged after he is
given a chance to repent.”]
Next to this article
in the Oregon Daily Journal is an
article titled:
Woman President Of Bank In California
Venice, Los Angeles County, Proud of Its
Female Financier” about the first female bank president in California history.
Oregon Daily
Journal (Portland) 5/22/1906 p2
Still Believe In False Prophet.
Women Followers of Creffield Will Not
Abandon Resurrection Idea. Faith
Grows Stronger In Spiritual Existence. Corvallis People
Subscribing to Fund for Aid of George Mitchell, Slayer of Holy Roller
Leader--Indignation is Still Intense.
Dispatch to The Journal)
Corvallis, Or., May 22.--With a faith firmer than ever the Holy Roller
followers of the late “Joshua” Creffield are awaiting some spiritual
manifestation of the return of the chief to this world. Persuasion is of no avail in lessening
their belief that Joshua, while slain in body will return in spirit and direct
his chosen.
Such is the
statement given out today by those in touch with the situation.
“They have no
idea of ever giving up their belief in Creffield and his doctrine,” said a
relative of some of Creffield’s victims. “Creffield had with infinite cunning
prepared them for the emergency that finally overtook him and had instructed
them in every particular as to their attitude and conduct after his possible
The followers
who returned to Corvallis from the camp at Waldport a few days ago are still in
this city, some of them at the O. V. Hurt home and others at the Lewis Hartley
home. Mrs. Burgess Starr, who deserted her family in Portland shortly before the
shooting of Creffield and who walked a good part of the distance to the Holy
Roller camp below Waldport, is at the Hartley home, and it is not known whether
she intends to return to her husband and helpless children in Portland or
remain with the handful of deluded women who still await the return of “Joshua.”
Mrs. Frank Hurt
is reported to have returned to her husband at Seattle. Lewis Hartley has
effected a division of his property here, leaving the pretty Corvallis home to
his wife and daughter, while he has gone to a son in a neighboring town. Homes
have been broken up and husbands and brothers driven to despair by the
practices and teachings of the late Edmund Creffield.
A fund is being
raised here to aid George Mitchell in his trial at Seattle. Nearly $200 has
been contributed and sentiment in favor of the young man and indignation
against the late leader of the Holy Rollers is not less intense today that it
was when Joshua fell at the hands of George Mitchell.
Oregon Daily Journal (Portland) 5/26/1906
Mitchell’s Attorney Goes To Corvallis
Dispatch to The Journal)
Corvallis, Or., May 26.--Attorney Will H. Morris arrived here at noon from Seattle in the interest of his client, George H. Mitchell, the slayer of Joshua Creffield. It is presumed that he will gather data and evidence for use at the trial.
Chapter of Holy Rollers where these articles are some of the sources:
Chapter 16: The Widow Creffield
May 18, 1906: Creffield Railed in Vermont
May 27, 1906: Joshua Says Not to Worry
Newspaper Articles about Creffield & the Holy Rollers
1897-1903: B.C. (Before Creffield)
October to December 1903:Holy Rollers Burn Furniture & Pets
January to March, 1904: Holy Rollers Tarred and Feathered
April to June 1904: Holy Rollers are Committed to the Asylum
July 1904: Creffield is Found & Arrested
September 1904: Creffield's Trial
April 1906: Men are Gunning For Creffield
May 1906: Creffield is Murdered, Murderer is Considered a Hero
May 1906: Holy Rollers Found Starving Near Heceta Head
June 1906: George Mitchell's Trial Begins
July 1906: Hurt Testifies of Debauched Wife and Debased Sisters
July 1906: Esther Mitchell Kills Her Brother
August to October 1906: Seattle Prepares for another Big Trial
November 1906: Maud Hurt Creffield Commits Suicide
April 1909-August 1914: Esther Leaves the Asylum
1953 Stewart Holbrook's Murder Without Tears
1951Startling Detective Magazine, Nemesis of the Nudist High Priest
Chapters from
Holy Rollers: Murder & Madness in Oregon's Love Cult
Part 1: The Seduction
Chapter 1: Trust Me, Brothers And Sisters
(Life Before Creffield [B.C.])
Chapter 2: God, Save Us From Compromising Preachers
(Creffield's Preachings)
Chapter 3: The Flock
(Profiles of the Holy Rollers Were)
Chapter 4: The Holy Rollers
(Things Start to Get Wild on on Kiger Island)
Chapter 5: Housecleaning
(There's a Sacrificial Bonfire)
Chapter 6: Community Concerns
(Officers Visit)
Chapter 7: Esther, The Chosen One
(Creffield Plans to Marry 16-Year- Old)
Chapter 8: Tar and Feathers
(The Men of Corvallis Act)
Chapter 9: Sane People Don’t Go Bareheaded
(Holy Rollers are Committed to the Asylum)
Chapter 10: More Beast Than Man
( Creffield is Arrested)
Chapter 11: God Will Plead Creffield's Case
(Creffield in Court)
Chapter 12: Scandal
(Shocking Testimony at the Trial)
Chapter 13: Calm Before the Storm
(The Holy Rollers Resume their Lives)
Chapter 14: Giving Up The Ghost
(Men are Gunning for Creffield)
Part Two: The People V. Creffield
Chapter 16: The Widow Creffield
Chapter 19: An Inherited Streak of Insanity
Part Three: The Madness
Chapter 23: Seeking Reconciliation
Chapter 24: Another Holy Roller Page One Murder
Chapter 25: What Can Papa Do For You?
Chapter 26: Human Life is Too Cheap In This Community
Chapter 30: The Final Chapter
(What Happened to Everyone Afterwards)
The Epilogue
(Heaven's Gate)