Creffield and the Holy Rollers made page one headlines from 1903 to 1907. When I was researching Holy Rollers: Murder and Madness in Oregon’s Love Cult I spent months transcribing hundreds of articles. I’m not sure why I was so obsessive. Maybe it was my way of immersing my self into a cult without joining one. Anyway, I’m posting them all for those who are really interested in the story, or are interested the history of journalism, or are interested in how a scandalous story played out in the "media" in a by gone era. Since I no doubt made typos and unconsciously corrected papers' typos, these web pages should not be cited in anything serious (e.g. your dissertation). For such projects they should only be used as starting points and you should refer to the original sources. If you want a shorter version of the story, buy my book. Enjoy.
June 26, 1906: Mitchell Jury is Selected With Care
Seattle Star 6/26/1906 p1
Mitchell Jury is Selected With Care
Attorneys Are Selecting Men With Great
Caution--Twelve Jurors Have Been Passed for Cause---Peremptory Challenges Still
Remain---Court Room Is Crowded and Case Is Closely Followed.
(In a box)
A. J. Bessert,
Farmer, Black River
C. G. Swanson, Farmer,
B. E. Druggist, Seattle.
F. M. Townsend, Foreman City
Water Department, Seattle.
H. M. Ring, Postal Clerk,
John Sims, Farmer, Novelty
George [illegible], Farmer,
Cedar Mountain
L. F. Jones, Farmer,
C. W. French, Dairyman,
Fred Clinton, Marine Cook, [illegible],
C. W. Howard, Hotel Man,
The rest of the day and all
tomorrow will be consumed in getting a jury in the Mitchell jury case,
according t the indications of the progress made in the trial this morning and
the first half of the afternoon. At noon today but 11 jury
men has been passed for cause by the examining attorneys, the 12th one
being passed early in the afternoon.
As soon as 12 men had been
selected the opposing attorneys began exercising their right to peremptory
challenges of which the prosecution is entitled to six and the defense to
twelve. Should the full number of peremptory challenges be exercised, it will
mean that 18 more jury men must be passed upon by the
attorneys before the jury is finally selected.
The indications are that the
trial will be before a jury comprised of farmers. Five of the eleven jury men accepted up to noon were farmers, and one other a
The defense in the
examination of witnesses has displayed a marked preference for farmers and for
men who have families of their own, preferably grown and married daughters.
From this indication it becomes increasingly apparent that the defense is
relying very strongly on the sympathy which can be aroused among jury men on
account of the actions of Creffield in seducing and betraying his female
Better luck was enjoyed this
morning in the selection of jury men than yesterday,
though the examination proceeded much more slowly. Of the four men examined
during the morning session, but one, H. B. Compton, was rejected for cause, he
having formed an impression of the guilt or innocence of the accused from the
accounts of the case in the newspapers. Attorney Shipley, who examined him,
endeavored to secure from him a distinction between an impression and an
opinion, and the reply was so confusing that the juror was dismissed.
A stereotyped question asked
by the defense of every juror examined and which bears some indication of the
character of the defense is:
“Have you any prejudice
against the defense of insanity in criminal cases, and would you give the same
weight to evidence tending to indicate the insanity of an accused person that
you would give to evidence of any other character?”
The prosecution, on the
other hand, is endeavoring in its questioning of jury men to guard against the
acceptance of men who will be influenced in their finding by the fact that the
deceased Holy Roller was criminally intimate with the sister of the accused. On
this point Prosecuting Mackintosh has a long and involved question
which he asks of each juror examined which in its form indicates the
course which the trial may be expected to take.
The question as usually
asked is:
“If it should develop in the
course of this trial that this deceased Creffield committed adultery with a
married woman, the sister of this defendant, a woman 22 or 23 years of age,
married and with two children and a husband living, three or four years ago,
and had been punished for that crime by confinement in the state penitentiary,
would that fact have any other influence on your mind with reference to this
defendant that as tending to show the condition of his mind at the time he
committed the deed for which he is now being tried?”
The crowd of spectators at
the trial was even larger this morning than yesterday, and had even more than
yesterday the appearance of a convention or reunion of some tribe of moral,
political and religious free thinkers. The crowd for the most part is made up
of long haired and bald headed men, men with unusual
phrenological bumps prominent in their features, men of abnormal mental
development or inclinations. Of the 160 or more persons in attendance, of whom
some 20 were women, there were at least 30 bald headed men. One spectator is so
completely bald and has such a striking resemblance to pictures and cartoons of
John D. Rockefeller that it was the cause of much remark in the court room. Another spectator was adorned with Elbert
Hubbard hat and hair, while there was a general tendency on the part of the
male spectators to that kind of slovenliness in dress which so many persons appear to associate with habits of plain living and high
The women for the most part
are less noticeable for individual characteristics than the men, though there
were several among them who were marked by some of the same striking general
Some diversion was caused in
the courtroom over the cross examination of C. W. French, and Enumclaw
dairyman, by the replies of the juror with reference to his own work and habits
of life. French testified that newspaper accounts of the killing were received
at his home, but that he did not read the accounts closely because he was so
busy. He has been engaged at clearing land, at which he works from 10 to 12
hours a day. In the morning and again in the evening he milks 20 cows and has
other chores to attend. When his day’s work is done, his wife reads the papers,
but he does not, as a rule, give her reading a great deal of attention.
While she read the accounts
of the Creffield killing in his presence, they did not discuss it at all, and
there was no exchange of opinions between them regarding it.
At the opening of court this
morning Judge Frater dismissed all of the witnesses for the prosecution until
Thursday morning, and all of those for the defense until Friday morning. It
even appears improbable that the jury will be procured before Thursday
afternoon or later.
A striking feature of the
examination of the veniremen in the Mitchell murder
case yesterday and this morning was the indication of the widespread interest
and knowledge of the case, as shown by the fact that all men examined had read
more or less about the case in the newspapers and had, almost without
exception, discussed it with others and formed opinions as to the guilt or
innocence of the accused.
Ordinarily, on such criminal
trials there are a few jury men called who have never
heard of the case, or at least who have taken so little interest in it that
they have never discussed it or formed any opinions regarding it. In this case
all the prospective jurors have done so.
Another feature
which renders it more than ordinarily difficult to get a jury is the
fact that so many men believe that circumstances can arise in which a man is
justified in taking the law into his own hands. all men who express, or in any way display such a belief in the course of the
examination, are scrupulously excluded by the attorneys for the prosecution.
As yet, the religious
element in the case has hardly been referred to, the only references to it in
the examination being an occasional question by the attorneys for the defense
whether jury men under examination would be prejudiced against the defendant on
account of the fact that the man he killed is a religious teacher and professed
to be a second Christ.
Seattle Post Intelligencer 6/26/1906 p1
Select Jurors in Mitchell Trial
Corvallis Gazette 6/29/1906 p1
About The Trial
Counsel For State And For Defense Show Great Care In Questions
Talesmen Examined Closely As To Various Possible
Of The Case.
Seattle Intelligencer Report
The first day of the trial
of George Mitchell, charged with murder in the first degree in the killing of
Edwin (sic) Creffield, the “Holy Roller,” in the streets of Seattle, May 7,
proved in some sense a forecast of the tedious care and attention which may be
expected to be exhibited by the court and by the opposing counsel all through
the case, which is expected to last three weeks. At the end of the day’s work
twenty talesmen had been examined, of whom nine had been selected as possible
jurors in the case.
The questions of both the
prosecuting attorney, Kenneth Mackintosh, and his deputy, John F. Miller, for
the state, and of Will H. Morris and Silas M. Shipley of Morris, Southard &
Shipley, for the defense, covered almost every possible phase of the now famous
case. Especially close were the interrogations on the attitude of the talesmen
to the right of a man to kill another under provocations such as Mitchell is
claimed to have had. The right of a man to plead insanity was also a subject
for particular attention on the part of counsel, the effort being made by the
state to secure men who would explicitly follow the court’s supposed
instructions that a man is believed sane until he has established his insanity.
It will probably be noon
today before the remaining three chairs in the jury stand are filled. Counsel
for the defense will then have the right to challenge twelve men, peremptorily,
and counsel for the state six. Then the questioning and cross-questioning of
jurors will begin again, and it is probable counsel will have proceeded well
into the special list of sixty jurors subpoenaed to be present in court today,
before the twelve men who will try the case are finally selected.
It is not expected that the
court will be ready for counsel to begin the presentation of their cases until
some time tomorrow, if then.
The nine men who have so far
stood the searching test made by counsel are:
A. J. Bessert (sic), Of Black River, Farmer; C. G. Swanson, Of Vashon, Farmer; J. G.
Crandall, Of Seattle; R. E. Fisher, Of Seattle, Druggist; F. M. Townsend, Of
Seattle, City Water Department; M. H. Ring, Seattle, Post Office Department;
John Sims, Novelty, Farmer; George Bill, Cedar Mountain, Miner, and H. S.
Compton, Seattle, Street Car Conductor.
Of the men who were excused
by the court, the majority stated they had already formed an opinion on the case which it would require a considerable amount of
evidence to remove. George A. Chute was allowed to go on account of sickness in
his family. L. M. Bechtel, of Houghton, declared himself opposed to capital
punishment. V. L. McCracken and A. C. Abrams each declared himself of opinion
that a man was at times justified in taking the law into his own hands. The
others had been reading the papers and from the statements made in them had
come to so settled a conclusion on the case that the
court excused them acting on the trial. They were James Brackett, of Bothell; W. E. Williams, J. M. Sparkman, T. A. Holt, Daniel Meyer
and Martin Kramer, all of Seattle.
Of the jurors provisionally
selected, most of those from the country had not read very much of about the
case, either being absent from home about the time of the killing, or else not
close readers of the daily papers. Of those in the city some declared they had
formed no decided opinion on the case, and the remainder confessed to such, but
thought they could disregard it in the weighing of evidence, in accordance with
the instructions of the court.
Mitchell proved a silent
spectator of the proceedings of the trial. His brother, Perry Mitchell, from
Illinois, was allowed to sit by his side during the day. The two young men,
though there is two years difference in their ages, resemble one another almost
as closely as twins. The one is a trifle paler than the other, on account of
the confinement of almost two months in the county jail. Only occasionally did
either make a remark and for the most part they sat quietly watching the jurors
as the latter were questioned.
The court
room was crowded the greater part of the day, and among the spectators
were several witnesses from Oregon already on hand to testify for the defense.
Those who had arrived yesterday were: O. V. Hurt, father of Mrs. Creffield; E.
H. Baldwin, James K. Donny and Louis Hartley, of Corvallis; Mrs. B. E. Starr,
of Corvallis, Mitchell’s sister; John Caplin, deputy
marshal, and George vanDrant, of Albany; B. E. Starr
and his three children; E. P. Harris, Mrs. Hager and Mrs. Anna Hager, all of
Portland, and J. J. Woods, deputy sheriff; Mayor Robert Morris and a. Mills, a
prominent farmer of Newberg.
Corvallis Gazette 6/26/1906 p1
The Trial On.
George H. Mitchell Will Have Hearing at Seattle.
Yesterday at nine a.m., in
Judge Frater’s court at Seattle, the trial of George H. Mitchell was begun and
intense interest is taken in the outcome by residents of Corvallis and, in
fact, throughout Oregon.
O. V. Hurt, Ed. Baldwin and
J. K. Berry left Saturday morning for Seattle to remain until the trial is
ended and the fate decided of Edmund Creffield’s slayer, young Mitchell, for
whom, in this section, there is nothing but sympathy.
Mr. Hurt, Mr. Baldwin and
Mr. Berry were served with subpoenas Thursday, but it was of their own choice
that they made the trip, desiring in every way possible to aid the man whose
act in defense of his sister’s honor has placed him in such a precarious
position under the law.
As everyone hereabout knows,
George Mitchell, after following Joshua Creffield, the self-styled “apostle” of
holy roller fame, for several weeks, finally ran across him in Seattle on May
7th and deliberately shot him down, stating that latter had ruined Mrs. Burgess
Starr and Miss Esther Mitchell, the sister of the murderer.
In spite of the manner in
which the deed was committed, coolly, with premeditation and in defiance of
law, there has never been a moment since that everyone familiar with the
practices and teaching of the dead Joshua has not affirmed that Mitchell did a
good deed, and was perfectly justified in slaying one who could scarcely be
called a human being because of his bestial nature.
This sympathy for the young
man who valued his sisters’ virtue and fair name above all thoughts of personal
safety, and who avenged their ruin to the limit, is universal, and there is
hope expressed on all sides that he may be cleared, in the trial that is now in
The list of witnesses drawn
by the defense is as follows:
O. V. Hurt, John Catlin,
Lewis Hartley, Phoebe Vanderkelen, Mrs. Hager (illegible), Milt (illegible) Beer,
Chas. Shires, Alpheus Mills, E. R. Bryson, Edwin Baldwin, Geo vanBrant, John Baldwin, Willis T. Gardner, Dr. F. W.
Brooks, Peter View, Wm J. McMillan, Fred Mitchell, Mrs. Burgess Starr, M. P.
Burnett, J. K. Berry, Burgess E. Starr, Henry P. Harris, Mary J. Graham, John
Manning, J. J. Woods, Henry R. Morris, Mrs. Hager, May Hurt.--Glover.
Seattle Daily Times 6/26/1906 p1
Still Working on Mitchell Jury
Evening Telegram (Portland) 6/26/1906 p1
Much Caution in Mitchell Trial
Daily Oregon Statesman (Salem) 6/27/1906 p3
Attorneys Display Caution”
Eleven Men Now in the Box, but Most of These Probably Will Be Peremptorily Challenged by Either
Talesman Who Admits He Has Lived in This Country for
16 Years Without Becoming a Citizen Severely Scored.
Women Press to Rail of Courtroom Enclosure and Extend
Their Sympathy to Young Prisoner on Trial for His Life.
by Walter Deffenbaugh
In the legal lottery of the
law the names of the twelve men who must decide whether or not George Mitchell
was justified in killing “Joshua” Creffield have not been drawn. The sifting of
the talesmen under the direction of the attorneys and the court still goes on.
It is doubtful if even tomorrow night will see the chosen twelve in their
The young defendant is
becoming nervous with the monotony of it. The necessary repetitions are tiring
the nerves of even the attorneys and talesmen. To the man who is concerned
above all it is doubly wearing. He usually sits quietly in his chair, with his
hand upon his chin. There is not a trace of self-consciousness, although he
knows that every eye in the rows of spectators is upon him. His face is
serious. He does not even smile, though the courtroom occasionally titters at
the naive answer of some man to a question fired at the jury box. It may be fun
to others, but for him it is a matter of liberty, life or death. The only trace
of nervousness is the drumming of his fingers upon the seat of his chair. He
takes this choosing of the men who must decide his fate as he took the
descriptions of his sisters’ downfall--as cold, hard realities upon which, as a
foundation, he must risk his future.
But in these trying
days--more trying than those which will come next week, just as the minutes
before a regiment rises from the ground to charge are more trying than the
actual conflict--this boy finds some grains of sympathy and comfort. Late
yesterday afternoon he asked that his brother Perry, the only one of his family
in the courtroom, be allowed to sit at his side. This request was granted, and
the two--alike as two peas, except that one was pale and white from the
unaccustomed weeks in prison and the other burned brown by his work on an Illinois
farm--sat almost with their arms about one another in a welcome relief from the
solitude in which Will H. Morris, busy with the graver affairs of his client,
had been forced to leave him.
Perry Mitchell was not in
court this morning. He was busy in his brother’s interests outside, but there
were other comforters. When the court took a recess about 11 o’clock this
morning, four women pressed through the crowd to the enclosure inside the rail,
where Mitchell sat, to shake his hand and express their sympathy. They were not
young women or seekers of morbid sensation. They ranged from Middle age to
white-haired venerability.
Mitchell blushed and
embarrassedly thanked them. His mother died when he was a small boy, and he is
not accustomed to kind words from women who would be sitting beside him as if
he was their son. He did not know them. He did not even ask their names. They
did not give them. He will not even say what they said to him, except that they
were very kind.
But through the rest of the
day his fingers did not drum upon his chair quite so nervously and he seemed
more cheerful. There was some one in the world who was not concerned in the
disgusting disgraces of a frocked libertine or a heartless piece of the
mechanism of the law.
There were others in the court room who felt the same way, but who veiled their
sympathy with the cool veil of court room etiquette. Yet this too was felt. It
was a sort of telepathic current running from the rear benches, where sat men
and women who had known this boy and his sisters in Oregon and who had come
here, to the scene of his trial, to help him. some have been subpoenaed as witnesses and others have come at great personal
hardship and endeavor, on the chance that they might find some little way in
which their humble minds and bodies might be of service in dragging this young
man from the path of the car in which sits the majesty of the law.
The special panel of sixty
men, drawn in the expectation that the regular venire would be exhausted before
a jury could be chosen, reported to Judge Frater this morning. Several of them
presented excuses to the court and among these was one upon which Judge Frater
based a somewhat sensational lecture upon the duties of men who are residents of
this community.
Among the excuses presented
was one signed by the name of Dr. George E. Thompson, a dentist in the Burke Building. He stated that he had not taken out his second
naturalization papers and that therefore he was not qualified to sit upon a jury.
“How long have you lived in
this country?” asked the court.
“Sixteen years,” was the
“You have lived here for
sixteen years,” said Judge Frater, “enjoying the privileges and emoluments of a
citizen without taking any part in the duties of a citizen which made these
privileges possible, or performing your proper share of duties involved in the
well-being of this community. The least thing you can do is to go directly to
the clerk’s office and take the necessary steps to become a citizen of the United
States. You are excused.”
All day today the task of
choosing a jury has continued. At this hour there are eleven men in the jury
box who have been “passed for cause.” That means that they are allowed to
remain until at the passing of the twelfth the peremptory challenges will be
utilized to remove from the box such men as the contending attorneys feel are
inimical to the best interests of their opposed causes, whom they have not been
able to eliminate upon legal grounds which would be sufficient to demand their
excuse by the court. The state has the right to peremptorily remove six men
from the box and the defense twelve.
The chances are that nearly
all, if not all, of these privileges will be utilized. This is a case in which
practically everything depends upon the jury. Upon the character of the men in
the box will hinge the character of the prosecution and the defense. Until they
are chosen the efforts of both sides must be cluttered with generalities. With
twelve chosen, living minds to play upon, the actual work will begin, and upon
the response of those minds to the touch of the fingers of the lawyers as they
mold the statue of the case as it appears to them, depends the fate of George
That is the reason for the
seemingly useless and endless string of questions with which the talesmen are
assailed and that is the reason for the nervous drumming of Mitchell’s fingers
upon the seat of his char.
The men so far allowed to
remain in the jury box are; a. J. Bussert, a farmer
of Black River, a man about 65 years of age with a long white beard and the
father of a family; C. G. Swanson, of Vashon, a cabinet maker by occupation;
Jesse G. Crandall, of Seattle, a young man, working as a grocery clerk,
unmarried and fashionably dressed, R. E. Fisher, of Seattle, a druggist, white
haired, rather prim and precise and a man with a wife and children; F. M.
Townsend, of the Seattle water department, middle aged, black moustached, stern, and quiet; M. H. Ring, of the Seattle
post office, also middle aged, intelligent and business-like; John Sinns, of Novelty, a farmer, German by birth, father of a
family, sincere, typically German; George Bill, a miner of Cedar Mountain, a
quarter-breed Indian, stoical, silent, with many of the characteristics of the
quartering race; L. F. Jones, of Enumclaw, a farmer, brown hair and moustache,
just beginning to be tinged with gray, honest thoughtful, sincere; C. W.
French, a dairyman of Enumclaw, smooth shaven, red-haired, talkative,
apparently a man of active intelligence; and Fred Clinton, a steamboat cook who
lives at Chautauqua, on Vashon Island, short, swarthy and firm.
Late yesterday afternoon
there was a discouraging failure to find men who did not hold opinions in the
case. A. c. Abrams, a Seattle business man, had once
lived in Texas and had an idea about the case which caused the prosecution to
challenge him and he was excused. J. M. Sparkman, a Seattle real estate man,
met a similar fate. Martin Kramer, a lineman for the city electric plant came
under the same head. L. M. Bechtel of Houghton had scruples against capital
punishment and was excused. Daniel Myers of Seattle, a Negro, had an opinion
and was sent from the box. E. A. Holt of Seattle, a grocer also had an opinion.
H. S. Compton, a conductor
on the University car line, was being examined when the court adjourned
yesterday evening and this was concluded this morning. Compton
being finally excused because he had a prejudice against the defense of
insanity. Prosecuting Attorney Mackintosh seemed inclined to resist the
challenge of Messrs. Morris and Shipley, but after a consultation with Mr.
Miller, dropped his objection.
The record is already
cluttered with objections and exceptions by the defense. Mr. Morris is fighting
hard for his client and pressing every point, while the prosecution fights
back. The prosecution, however, fights more calmly. With them, it is only the law which is involved, with Morris it is a human life which
he is defending.
Oregon Daily Journal 6/26/1906 p3
Sympathy With Mitchell
Fifteen Gray-Haired Women Grasp Young Prisoner by
Hand and He Breaks Down and Weeps Declaring He Did Right
(Special Dispatch to the
Seattle, Wash., June 26.--When the Mitchell case was called this morning in the
superior court 15 gray-headed women were among the audience. After the jury was
brought in before the trial started, one after another of the women walked in
the side rail which divided the lawyers and spectators
and grasped Mitchell by the hand.
With tears pouring down their
faces the women declared that Mitchell had done right, and prayed the jury to
acquit him. Many jurors were affected.
Prosecuting Attorney
Mackintosh rushed into the courtroom and got the judge on the bench. The judge
ordered the bailiffs to keep the women and all spectators in their seats.
Mitchell broke down and wept
like a baby when the women were expressing sympathy. Court officers were
instructed to take great precautions that no further outbreak occurs on the
part of sympathizers of the defendant that might influence the jury.
Three hours were occupied
this morning in attempting to qualify the tenth juror. At noon the tenth juror
had been passed for cause. Two other jurors will have to qualify before
peremptory challenge will be used.
Among the Oregon people who
are here as witnesses in the case are the members of the Hurt family, the women
of which were among the first to be led away by the “apostle.” John Catlin of
Albany, Mrs. Hager, Burgess E. Starr, E. P. Harris and Mrs. Burgess of
Portland, George vanDran of Albany and James K. Berry
of Corvallis. Other witnesses who are to appear for the defense will be sent
for as they are needed, as the fund which has been made up
for the defense is not so large that it can be afforded to keep a large
number of witnesses in Seattle for a week or more before they are needed to
Another reason that more of
the witnesses are not already in Seattle lies in the fact that it is not
assured that their testimony can be introduced. It is the intention of the defense
to introduce evidence showing the horrible deeds of Creffield in his “Holy
Roller” orgies, but it is planned by the prosecution that
this evidence shall be prevented if possible. Another line of
prosecution will be to show if possible that Creffield had already been
punished under the law by two years in the state penitentiary for his
debauchery of Mitchell’s sister, while this will be met by the defense with a
showing that under the mental strain and awfulness of the whole affair the
defendant was temporarily insane.
M. F. Townsend, M. F. Piney, Hohn Simms, C. G. Swanson, R. E. Fisher and Jesse G.
Randall were passed for cause as jurors. The jurors excused were C. M. Sparman, A. C. Abrams, Wallace Bechtol,
W. R. Williams, N. J. McCracken, George Chute, A. J. Bossert and James Brackett.
There is little chance of
obtaining a jury this week. One juror from Enumclaw declared he was afraid to
serve, as when he told his companions he was called for the jury they told him
that he ought to be tarred and feathered if he came home without acquitting
Two other men were excused
because their wives had told them to be sure to acquit Mitchell.
The special venire of 60 men
called specially for this trial reported this morning. It is believed it will
be necessary to call another venire before a jury is obtained.
Mitchell is the most
collected person in the courtroom. He sits beside his counsel without making a
movement of any kind. He does not even offer a suggestion as the jurors are
The courtroom is crowded. Women make up the larger part of the audience.
Chapter of Holy Rollers where these articles are some of the sources:
Chapter 18: The Trial
***June 25, 1906: George Mitchell on Trial For His Life
June 27, 1906: Mitchell Trial Held Up By Squabble
Newspaper Articles about Creffield & the Holy Rollers
1897-1903: B.C. (Before Creffield)
October to December 1903:Holy Rollers Burn Furniture & Pets
January to March, 1904: Holy Rollers Tarred and Feathered
April to June 1904: Holy Rollers are Committed to the Asylum
July 1904: Creffield is Found & Arrested
September 1904: Creffield's Trial
April 1906: Men are Gunning For Creffield
May 1906: Creffield is Murdered, Murderer is Considered a Hero
May 1906: Holy Rollers Found Starving Near Heceta Head
June 1906: George Mitchell's Trial Begins
July 1906: Hurt Testifies of Debauched Wife and Debased Sisters
July 1906: Esther Mitchell Kills Her Brother
August to October 1906: Seattle Prepares for another Big Trial
November 1906: Maud Hurt Creffield Commits Suicide
April 1909-August 1914: Esther Leaves the Asylum
1953 Stewart Holbrook's Murder Without Tears
1951Startling Detective Magazine, Nemesis of the Nudist High Priest
Chapters from
Holy Rollers: Murder & Madness in Oregon's Love Cult
Part 1: The Seduction
Chapter 1: Trust Me, Brothers And Sisters
(Life Before Creffield [B.C.])
Chapter 2: God, Save Us From Compromising Preachers
(Creffield's Preachings)
Chapter 3: The Flock
(Profiles of the Holy Rollers Were)
Chapter 4: The Holy Rollers
(Things Start to Get Wild on on Kiger Island)
Chapter 5: Housecleaning
(There's a Sacrificial Bonfire)
Chapter 6: Community Concerns
(Officers Visit)
Chapter 7: Esther, The Chosen One
(Creffield Plans to Marry 16-Year- Old)
Chapter 8: Tar and Feathers
(The Men of Corvallis Act)
Chapter 9: Sane People Don’t Go Bareheaded
(Holy Rollers are Committed to the Asylum)
Chapter 10: More Beast Than Man
( Creffield is Arrested)
Chapter 11: God Will Plead Creffield's Case
(Creffield in Court)
Chapter 12: Scandal
(Shocking Testimony at the Trial)
Chapter 13: Calm Before the Storm
(The Holy Rollers Resume their Lives)
Chapter 14: Giving Up The Ghost
(Men are Gunning for Creffield)
Part Two: The People V. Creffield
Chapter 16: The Widow Creffield
Chapter 19: An Inherited Streak of Insanity
Part Three: The Madness
Chapter 23: Seeking Reconciliation
Chapter 24: Another Holy Roller Page One Murder
Chapter 25: What Can Papa Do For You?
Chapter 26: Human Life is Too Cheap In This Community
Chapter 30: The Final Chapter
(What Happened to Everyone Afterwards)
The Epilogue
(Heaven's Gate)