Creffield and the Holy Rollers made page one headlines from 1903 to 1907. When I was researching Holy Rollers: Murder and Madness in Oregon’s Love Cult I spent months transcribing hundreds of articles. I’m not sure why I was so obsessive. Maybe it was my way of immersing my self into a cult without joining one. Anyway, I’m posting them all for those who are really interested in the story, or are interested the history of journalism, or are interested in how a scandalous story played out in the "media" in a by gone era. Since I no doubt made typos and unconsciously corrected papers' typos, these web pages should not be cited in anything serious (e.g. your dissertation). For such projects they should only be used as starting points and you should refer to the original sources. If you want a shorter version of the story, buy my book. Enjoy.
October 31, 1903: Zealot Worshipers Burn Furniture, Dogs & Other Things
Corvallis Gazette 10/30/1903 p3
O. V. Hurt who has held a
position in S. L. Kline’s store for a number of years sent in his resignation
on Wednesday of this week.
Corvallis Times 10/31/1903 p2
Their Queer Acts
Zealot Worshipers Burn Furniture, Dogs and Other
Things--Town is Stirred.
“Positively no admittance
excepts on God’s business”
That is the wording on a sign
that hangs conspicuously displayed at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Hurt.
The same legend is also displayed prominently on the porch at the entrance to
the house. The signs and the numerous prevalent conditions about the premises
have been the talk of Corvallis for the past two days. Certain caprices of
religions fanaticism have been manifested at the house that
are so unusual as to suggest a condition of bordering insanity. Walks
about the house have been torn away. Much of the furniture in the house has
been reduced to ashes on a theory that God wills it. The shrubbery and fruit
trees about the yard, and all the flowers have been digged up and destroyed. Kitchen utensils have been beaten to pieces and buried. An
incident that has added unusual impetus to the sensational character of the
conditions is that O. V. Hurt, a well known business man, former chairman of
the Republican central committee and at present state committeeman, has joined
the sect, and is now one of its most devoted members. Wednesday morning he
failed to appear at Klines store where he has been employed for a long time. He
sent instead his keys to the establishment along with a message to the effect
that he had been living in sin and that hereafter he intended to devote himself
to the work of God.
Members of the Hurt family
have long been leading lights in the sect in Corvallis. Formerly they were
members of the Salvation Army. One time after joining the new sect they carried
their devotions in a house on Main St. Their nightly incantations so much
disturbed the people living in the locality that complaint was made and the
authorities ordered the noise stopped. After that, a sort of camp meeting was
held in a tent on an island in the Willamette south of town. Recently the worshipers
moved to the Hurt house and there a daily and nightly manifestation of the
peculiar bent of the membership has been kept up much to the annoyance of the
neighborhood. During their devotions the worshipers roll on the floor, groan,
scream, pray, shout and otherwise give evidence of the great bodily and mental
agitation. There are in all about 20 members of the sect. Among them are Mr. and Mrs. Hurt, Frank Hurt and his wife and
sister-in-law, Miss Maud Hurt, Creffield, a Swede with light hair, Brooks, ex-captain
of the Salvation Army at Corvallis, Mrs. Hartley and daughter. All of the above
persons are most of the time at the Hurt house. There are a number of families
and others, some of whom engage in their peculiar form
of worship in houses in various parts of town. Of the latter, none have been so
demonstrative as those at the Hurt house.
It has been a long time since
interest has been awakened to so high a pitch as that occasioned by the
developments at the Hurt house. The doings of Wednesday night about the place,
and the tearing up of walks and destruction of furniture Thursday forenoon,
flew over town like wild fire, and everybody became interested. It was told
about that a number of dogs and cats had been thrown into a sacrificial fire as
part of the manifestation of the sect’s faith. The report
which was accepted as a religious infestation not far removed from the
doings of barbarous ancients sent peoples imaginations to work, and everybody
discussed the sect and its antics. Everybody also was seized with curious
desire to see something that was going on. Accordingly the walk in front of the
Hurt house was lined with people most of the afternoon, the crowds of onlookers
sometimes numbering 75 to 100. It was in the evening, however, that the visits
by Corvallisites to the Hurt house really began. The walks leading to Mary’s
river bridge and beyond were lined with excursionists, either going or coming
from the seven o’clock or earlier to a very late hour. The walks in front of the
house and to either side were not only filled with onlookers but many occupied
places in the street. All seemed impressed with the idea that something of an
extraordinary character was going to happen, but in this respect they were
disappointed. The house in the early part of the evening was lighted up, but
half past eight all the lights were out and everything inside was quiet. The
crowd began to dwindle after nine o’clock, and by 11 the place was practically
The reported burning of the
cats and dogs had a powerful effect in exciting public interest. The visit of
crowds to the Hurt house was not the only manifestation of public excitement. On
the streets throughout Thursday no other topic was discussed. Men stood in
groups on the pavements and related incidents concerning the sect or expressed
opinions of what should be done. Many said that the officers ought to
interfere, and others asked what could the officers do. It was generally
conceded that Creffield and Brooks, the acknowledged high priests of the sect
should be required to quit the community. It is the universal opinion that they
are fanatical to a degree bordering on mental unsoundness.
The general reason assigned
for the alleged burning of the cats and dogs was that the act was an outer
manifestation of something in the creed of the sect. This is however denied by
the members. During the afternoon of Thursday, Mr. Hurt told the officers that
no cats were burned and that but one dog was sacrificed. He said with reference
to the latter, that the dog was not wanted at the house, and that it could not
be driven away. He added that the dog was killed in a humane way, and that its
body was subsequently thrown into the fire. The story that more than one dog
was burned and that several cats were thrown into the flames comes from the
neighbors and some of them insist that the story is true.
A development in the
situation was the arrest yesterday of Creffield and Brooks, the leaders in the
movement. Creffield is a Swede of small stature, with light hair. He came to
Corvallis about a year ago and it has been frequently reported that he was
driven out of McMinnville. He is the master of ceremonies at the Hurt house,
and is the person with whom people who apply there to see any of the inmates,
come in contact. Brooks is the ex-captain of the Salvation Army. He came to
town a year or more ago and after his retirement from the army he joined the
new sect in which he has been a very active apostle.
Complaints from various
sources were made during Thursday to the authorities, and in the afternoon. Sheriff
Burnett and Deputy Attorney Bryson visited the Hurt House to investigate. The
front gate is securely wired and approach from that direction is barred. The
officers however climbed the fence and passing on the porch knocked loudly at
the front door. A crowd of fifty to seventy five curious persons hung round in
front of the premises, and gazed on the temple with curious interest, waiting,
and doubtless hoping for developments. The knock of the officers brought one of
the inmates to the door. He was Creffield. He denied the request of the
officers to be admitted and the three engaged in a parley.
The officer asked for Mr.
Hurt and Creffield said that Mr. Hurt was seeking God and could not be seen. Presently
the officers passed round the house where resistance again met their proposal
to enter. Finally they met Mr. Hurt in the yard and by him were invited inside.
They saw however that but a portion of the house. Their visit resulted
yesterday in the arrest of Creffield and Brooks on a charge of insanity and
both had a hearing at one o’clock yesterday afternoon before the county judge.
The members of the sect call
themselves “God’s Anointed.” The sinners call them “The
Holly Rollers” The members claim to have direct communication with the
Almighty. When the officers called at the house and demanded to see Mr. Hurt,
one of the high priests denied them admittance. The officers protested reminding
the priests that they were the arms of the law and authority in the land and
insisted upon having their request granted. “Well I will consult God about it,”
replied the vice regent of Heaven, and thereupon he began to walk backward and
forward across the porch with a faraway look in his eye and his face turned to
the sky, as though he were penetrating the mysteries beyond. About that time
the crowd in front called out to the officers that Mr. Hurt was in the yard on
the other side of the house, and the new disciple was at once communicated with
by the officers without the interposition of Providence or the assistance of
the man on the porch.
A feature of the doings of
the holy Rollers, as sinners call them, is the burning of furniture, the
destruction of kitchen utensils, musical instruments and other house hold
conveniences. Guitars, mandolins, chairs, window curtains, clothing, carpets
and many other articles of use and comfort, without regard to value or cost
have been freely consigned to the flames. A large amount of the conveniences of
the Hurt house were so destroyed and a considerable quantity of goods from the
Hartley house was similarly disposed of. This, with the
tearing up of the sidewalk and digging of flowers and shrubbery at the Hurt
place have attracted wide attention and comment. The reason assigned by
the members for the destruction is that it is the will of God. They say they do
what he directs, and they claim to be in constant communication with Him. A Times
man was a supplicant at the door of the Hurt house Thursday forenoon and one of
the high priests barred the entrance. The priest excused himself to the
reporter saying that a message was about to be received inside from the
Almighty and that he must go in, which he did, leaving the newspaperman alone
on the stoop.
A contemptible outrage was
committed Thursday evening by unknown persons who stoned the Hurt house. A
large crowd was assembled in front and in the darkness it was impossible to see
who did the stoning. Rocks rattled frequently on the roof or crashed through window-panes, scattering broken glass right and left. Two
men appeared on the porch, knocking loudly at the door and when there was no
answer one of them knocked the glass out of the front door. All the acts were
wanton, excuseless and brutal, and the perpetrators should be sought out and
punished. No response or outcry came from within the house while the stoning
was in progress, and by half past eight all the lights about the building were
The examination of Creffield
and Brooks was in progress yesterday afternoon, but no result had been reached
when the Times went to press. The examining physicians were Drs. Pernot and
Cathey with Judge Watters and Deputy Attorney Bryson in Attendance.
A popular belief is that
Creffield is a hypnotist, and that it is to his hypnotic influence that most of
the conditions are due. When Brooks and Creffield were taken in custody the
officers found most of the worshipers lying about on the floor on mats,
blankets and other places of rest. In the center was a young girl with a cloth
over her face apparently in a trance. She was at the moment receiving a message
from on high which others about the room were taking
down. The head of Creffield was close beside that of the youthful message
Morning Oregonian (Portland) 10/31/1903 p1
Burn Up Goods
Fanatics’ Antics Excite Corvallis. Cats and Dogs In Flames. Holy Rollers Destroy Everything in “Carnal”
Hands. Terrible Noise At Worship. Rolling on the
Floor, Adherents Give Way to Shrieks, Shouts and Groans, Indicating Great
Mental Anguish.
Led by an ex-Salvation Army
captain, a number of Corvallisites have banded themselves together into an
organization called “God’s Anointed.” From their peculiar form of worship, in
rolling on the floor of the meeting place and giving vent to shrieks and
groans, they have been dubbed the “Holy Rollers.” Driven by the authorities
from the city’s center, the religious enthusiasts have been camped at the home
of O. V. Hurt, a prominent citizen, in the outskirts, where nearly everything
in and about the house has been put in the fire. Hurt’s friends are not
admitted to the house. A son telegraphs to his father after fruitless endeavor
to induce his mother and sister to return from the religionists’ rendezvous. These
women had already destroyed much of the family furniture.
CORVALLIS, Or., Oct. 30 -- (Special) -- This town has been agog for 24
hours with the doings of members of a religious sect who call themselves “God’s
Anointed,” but whom sinners call “The Holy Rollers.” In the fanaticism of their
devotions, the enthusiasts have burned furniture, carpets, clothing and many
other articles, and have destroyed or buried cooking utensils. Musical
instruments of all kinds, without regard to value or cost, have been delivered
to the flames.
The scene of their devotions
is the house of Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Hurt, in the south end of town. There
yesterday the sidewalks about the premises were torn up and burned, the
flowers, shrubbery and fruit trees were dug up and destroyed. During the day
reports in circulation averred that dogs and cats had been burned on a
sacrificial fire.
Members of the sect deny the
case of the cats, but admit a dog was burned. They say, however, that it was a
dog that was not wanted about the house, that it would not go away, and that it
was first killed in a humane manner and then burned. Neighbors insist that both
cats and dogs to a considerable number were consigned to the flames, as a
manifestation of the creed of the sect.
A feature that has added
materially to the public interest in prevailing conditions is that O. V. Hurt,
ex-chairman of the Republican County Central Committee, and at present state
committeeman, has joined the sect. Members of his family, former members of the
Salvation Army, have for several months been devoted
worshipers in the new sect.
Wednesday morning, Mr. Hurt,
who has been employed for a long time in a leading mercantile establishment,
sent his keys to the store with the announcement that he was hereafter to
devote himself to the work of God. Mr. Hurt took part in the destruction of
furniture and other household effects, and in digging up and destroying the
walks and shrubbery about his house.
All day yesterday about 20 of
the sect were in the house. The destruction of the furniture is done, the
members say, because God wills it. They claim to have direct communication with
the Almighty at all times, and they say He directs them what to destroy and
what to preserve.
It is such things as they
receive from carnal hands that are given to the flames. Guitars, mandolins, and
other musical instruments were among the articles burned yesterday.
This afternoon two of the
high priests of the sect were tried before the County Judge for insanity. They
were arrested this morning, and spent the forenoon in jail. Their hearing
occurred at 1 o’clock and after a rigid examination, lasting until 6, they were
released. The men are J. Creffield, a Swede, who came here about a year ago,
and Captain Brooks, formerly of the Salvation Army. Both men are leaders in the
movement, and the common opinion is that if they were out of the community, the
movement would either collapse or be confined within reasonable bounds.
Yesterday and last night
until a late hour, the Hurt house was the scene of much interest. It is
probably that during the afternoon and evening 1500 or 2000 people visited the
place, and in the evening the attendance was much multiplied. Last night, boys
and others stoned the house, throwing rocks on the roof or through the windows.
Nearly all the window lights in the building were broken out in this way. In
the early part of the evening, the place was lighted up; and by 9 o’clock the
lights were all out and everything quiet.
During worship the members
roll about on the floor and groan, scream, shout and in various other ways give
vent to bodily and mental agitation. The noise is such that neighbors complain
to the authorities and ask for abatement of the nuisance.
At one time the place of
worship was in the city limits, but the authorities took the matter up and
required a removal
At the Hurt house, admission
is denied to all callers. Many of his friends applied there yesterday to see
Mr. Hurt, but in every instance but one, he was inaccessible. Either Creffield
or Brooks met callers at the door and refused to call Mr. Hurt. With respect to
the latter the invariable answer was that Mr. Hurt was seeking God and could not
be disturbed.
When a reporter inquired why
the worship was conducted with such secrecy, Brooks referred him to a passage
in Psalms which says: “The secret of the Lord is with
them that fear him.” He added that if the reporter desired to know the secrets
of their worship, he should seek to learn of the Lord.
Later Brooks excused himself
to the reporter saying that, “They were about to receive a message from the
Holy Ghost inside, and that he had to be present.” He retired, closing the door
behind him, and leaving the reporter standing on the stoop. They claim that the
world is coming to an end in the immediate future.
When Officer Henderson made
the arrest of Creffield and Brooks this morning, no resistance was offered when
the inmates were told that persons inside were wanted by the
law. He was ushered into a room where a number of persons were lying
about on the floor, on mats, blankets and other rude places of rest. The room
was wholly bare of furniture, and the worshipers reclined in various positions.
One young girl was apparently
in a spasm. There was a cloth over her face and the officer stepped up to
remove the cloth. When several of the worshipers shouted, “Don’t touch her.”
He removed the cloth,
however, in spite of the resistance offered.
A sister and mother in a
Corvallis family are among those at the Hurt house. A son in the family is at
the home. The former are enthusiastic worshipers, and yesterday afternoon the
son went to the Hurt house in an endeavor to persuade them to return home. He
failed in his purpose, and at once wired his father who is in the Bohemia
As a result of the devotion
of the mother and daughter to the sect, much of the family furniture and other
effects has been burned.
Corvallis has not been so
stirred in years as it has been by the incidents related above.
Oregon Daily Journal (Portland) 10/31/1903 p2
Holy Rollers Are Still In Possession
(Journal Special Service)
Corvallis, Or., Oct. 31--The Hurt house, just outside the city limits, is
the center of attention today. A steady stream of people have been coming and
going since early morning. Although the place was battered with all sorts of
missiles last night, the residence is still intact with the exception of its
windows, which are broken, fences torn down, garden beds demolished, sidewalks
torn up and outhouses thrown over.
Inside the house there are
said to be a score of Fanatical “Holy Rollers,” as they are called, and at noon
today their lamentations could be heard a quarter of a mile distant from the
Capt. Brooks, the former
leader of the Salvation Army here, has announced himself a prophet. He came out
upon the steps of the Hurt house this noon and addressed the curious people who
had gathered in the yard, and told them that the end of the earth was near and
that the holy ones within were prepared for glory. While he was talking, J.
Creffield, another ex-Salvationist, came from the door and in a loud voice said
that the Holy Ghost had again appeared and was calling for Brooks. They
re-entered the house and soon shrieks of women’s voices were heard, and
tumbling about of furniture.
The fanatics call themselves “God’s
Anointed.” The sect was established here about two months ago
by Brooks and his meetings were held in a hall on the main street of the
city. Then meetings would be announced at private residences of the followers
of the new belief, but so great a noise would be made during the alleged
devotional services that neighbors complained and the authorities forbade
further gatherings within the city limits.
Mrs. O. V. Hurt became a
convert and was a constant attendant at the strange meetings. Her husband, who
is ex-chairman of the Republican county central committee, also joined the
sect. When notice was served last week that no more meetings could be held in
the city, Hurt invited the leaders to take up their abode at his house, where
they have been ever since. Hurt has given up his position in a leading store
here, saying that he had been called to do the Lord’s work until the end of the
world, which is near.
That the 20 odd followers of
Brooks are insane is clearly evident to those who are familiar with their
tactics. One of their stranger beliefs is that all things carnal should be
destroyed, as it is God’s will, consequently furniture, pictures, bric-a-brac
and even stoves have been destroyed in the Hurt house. Wednesday and yesterday
a dozen persons were observed on the Hurt premises tearing up board walks and demolishing the fences. A score of chickens
were killed and burned in the back yard. A dog also lost his life in the same
manner. The fanatics say that sacrifices are needed.
Their services of devotion consists mostly of rolling on
the floor and tearing each other’s clothing, and while this is in progress
unearthly yells are continually emitted.
The county judge says this
morning that he will investigate the case today by visiting the Hurt residence,
and if he finds matters so serious as reported, he will order every follower of
the sect before him and then appoint a lunacy commission to determine their
state of mind.
Yesterday Creffield and Capt.
Brooks were brought before him, but their examination developed no insanity. They
were released and at once returned to the Hurt place and began a series of
services that outranked anything ever heard for noise and commotion.
When taken into custody the
two high priests were at the Hurt house, and mad no resistance. Officer
Henderson and a deputy made the arrest, and going into the front room, they
found at least a dozen women and girls lying about on the bare floor. All
furniture and carpets had been burned as sacrifices.
Hurt cannot be seen today. Visitors
are not allowed in the house, and when asking for either Hurt or his wife, they are told by Brooks that they are holding communion with
the Holy Ghost.
The only means of sustenance
the unfortunates have is dry bread and water. Eighteen people have been in the
house nearly a week.
Brooks admitted today that
both dogs and cats about the house were first killed and then thrown into the
flames. Creffield, a Swede that came here about a year ago and has since
subsisted mainly by his labor in the religious lines, is the acknowledged chief
among them, and at meals he sanctifies all food by touching it with his hands. He
is declared to be a new apostle and the rise of the sect a return of the old
order that prevailed in Christ’s time. no one is
admitted to the Hurt house. Creffield excused himself to a caller today, saying
that a message from God was being received inside and the he must be present. The stoning of the house by hoodlums is generally condemned by
Corvallis people.
Sunday Oregonian (Portland) 11/1/1903 p7
Anxiety For Infant
Holy Rollers Suspected of Human Sacrifice. Babe is
Found Unharmed. When Questioned Leader of Groaning Fanatics Says He Has Not Yet
Received Orders From Heaven to Burn Infants.
San Francisco Chronicle 11/1/1903 p19
May Offer Up Human Sacrifice
CORVALLIS, Or., Oct., 31 -- (Special) -- The situation with reference to
the “Holy Rollers” has been barren of developments today. Creffield and Brooks,
after successfully establishing their sanity before the County Board yesterday
afternoon, went last night to the Hurt house to resume their labors. The
examination was behind closed doors, but some of the points in the proceedings
have leaked out.
Brooks was asked if there was
a conflict between the law of man and the law of God, which of the two statues
he would follow. The question was the outcome of a report that was in circulation
the day after the cats and dogs were burned. It was of sensational character,
and had reference to an adopted infant in the family of one of the worshipers. It
was to investigate that the officers first went to the house. The child was
found to be alive and well, and with a smile on its face.
When asked if the law of God
should direct that a human being should be destroyed as the case with the cats
and dogs, what would you do? Brooks was silent for a moment, and then he quoted
a passage of Scripture in which it was declared that the law of God must always
be supreme. When pressed on the point, by a question if God was likely to
command the destruction of any person, Brooks replied that God had never
commanded him to do anything of that kind yet.
There was plain evasion of
the question in the answer, and one of the examining physicians inquired if it
were possible, according to Brooks’ belief, that God might command the
destruction of a human being, and the answer declared that it was not
considered as likely.
Many persons believe that
Creffield has hypnotic poser, and that it is due to this influence that the
other members of the sect are led into such strange manifestations. When the
officers took him into custody yesterday, the girl with the cloth over her face
was receiving a so-called message from the Almighty. Others about the room were
taking it down. Close beside her, with his head almost touching hers on the
pillow was Creffield.
Whether there is ground for
it or not, this incident, together with something of the striking look in
Creffield’s eyes, supplies a lot of people with material for the hypnotic
theory as an explanation of the strange manifestations.
The truth concerning the
destruction of the dogs and cats has been ascertained. More than one dog, and
more than one cat were killed, and subsequently thrown into the fire. The
reason for this, and for the destruction of the furniture, bedding, musical
instruments and other things, is in order to fully sanctify the Hurt house and
the premises within the enclosure. The things destroyed, Brooks says, acted as
hindrances to the seekers after conversion, according to the methods of the
sect in carrying out their purpose.
The item of loving the things
more than they ought to, and the further fact of the worldly character of the
appliances or articles prevented environments fully acceptable to God. The
members claim they have withdrawn entirely from the world, and hold it out as
their purpose to have nothing whatever to do with the world. An
orthodox “Holy Roller” even objects to touching the hand of an ordinary sinner. They also claim that Creffield is an apostle, just like Christ’s apostles, and
that the new scheme is a revival of the old order of religion as Christ taught
it and practiced it in his time.
Their present sojourn at the
Hurt house is merely a “tarrying,” as they call it, while they prepare for and
await God’s final order to them to go out and preach. This order they say may
carry their peculiar gospel to foreign lands, and so far as Creffield and
Brooks are concerned, all Corvallis hopes this may be the final order.
In spite of the air of
secrecy that pervades the Hurt house and the surveillance kept over Mr. Hurt,
an old friend managed to gain an audience with him last night. The friend
endeavored to show him the unreasonable character of the conditions with which
he had surrounded himself, and pleaded with him to withdraw from it. With a
stoical adhesion to his purpose, Mr. Hurt declared that he had withdrawn from
the world for all time and that he should hereafter devote himself to the work
according to the new faith. The latter’s prominence and his level-headed character as a businessman, is one of the things that have tended to add to the
large interest in the sect’s doings. It is also a source of deep regret to his
friends, of whom there are many.
The chief man at the Hurt
house is Creffield. They say of him that he has the gifts of God. Before food
is taken at the house, he sanctifies it by touching it with his hand. That makes
it fit for diet for the company, whereas, before it was so touched, it was
wholly unfit. Both Brooks and Creffield are without visible means of support,
except such assets as they hold in reserve from on high.
When asked to prosecute those
who stoned the Hurt house the other night, Brooks refused to do so saying that
if a “man dragged him through the streets by the hair of the head, he would not
prosecute him.”
A huge crowd of people hung
around the place of worship until a late hour last night, but nothing occurred
to interest or excite. In a large measure, interest in the doings of the sect
is subsiding, although, but little else is talked about yet.
Eugene Morning Register 11/3/1903 p3
Holy Rollers At Corvallis.
New Religious Sect Invade the Agricultural City. Burned
Up Old Heirlooms. Signs Put Up, ‘No Admittance Except Those Who Work for God’--Adjudged
Corvallis, Oct. 30--Corvallis
is the scene of one of the most startling displays of religious fanaticism in
the history of Benton County. An order which styles
itself “The Holy Rollers figures in the display. Several months ago a Swede by
the name of Krafel (sic) made his appearance in Corvallis and secured a few
followers and together they established headquarters on Second Street in the
north end of town. Their services became so uproarious, lasting at time all
night that they were driven by the authorities outside the city limits. Since
that time they have had their headquarters at the home of O. V. Hurt, across
Mary’s river, and immediately adjacent to Corvallis.
The Rollers have captured
most of the members of the Salvation Army contingent and Captain Brooks of the
latter organization recently attended the meeting of the Holy Rollers with a
hope of regaining his lost followers. At the meeting Brooks was converted to
the new faith, and in the presence of the congregation he stripped off his
uniform and burned it.
The number of converts to the
new faith aggregates about 20, including beside the Hurt family, Mrs. Louis
Hartley and daughter, reputable ladies and former members of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, and two or three other families. A climax was reached when O.
V. Hurt, the head of the family at whose house these meetings have been held,
was converted. He telephoned his resignation to Kline’s store where he was head
The band holds continuous
meetings and communion, as they claim, with the Lord. Wednesday night all the
furniture, curtains and family heirlooms were burned. The sidewalks were torn
up in front of the home, shrubbery and grapevines in the yard were destroyed
and two cats killed and burned.
Yesterday a sign bearing the
inscription, “Positively no admittance except those who work for God,” was
placed upon the gate. Neighbors and other citizens were refused admittance to
the house by the so called ministers in charge. Last
night a stream of people from Corvallis were continually going and coming from
the premises where the meeting was held inside the house without lights. Today
both Krafel and Brooks are in custody awaiting examination as to their sanity. Most
of the victims of this startling fanaticism, and especially the Hurt Family and
the Hartleys, have been counted as Benton County’s most esteemed citizens. O.
V. Hurt, the last victim of the faith, has been in the past a prominent factor
in the affairs of Corvallis and the county.
Evening Telegram (Portland) 10/30/1903 p4
Has Power To Convert
Daily Oregon Statesman (Salem) Sat 10/31/1903
On A Charge Of Insanity
Eugene Morning Register 11/3/1903 p1
Holy Rollers Roll Out.
Religious Fanatics Organizes New Order Known as the
Holy Rollers. Corvallis Seat of Operations for the
Present--Followers Rush into Ranks. Salvation Army Contingent Falls in Line--Principal
Placed Under Arrest.
Brownsville Times Fri 11/6/1903 p1
On A Charge Of Insanity
(By associated Press)
A band of Religious Fanatics at Corvallis Known as ‘Holly
Rollers’ Prominent And Respectable People Go ‘Daffy’ Over The New Faith And
Sacrifice Household Goods And Other Property On The Alter.
CORVALLIS, Or., Nov. 2--Creffield and Brooks, two apostles of “Holy Rollers” who have created a sensation here during the past few days, took flight last night. The community here was incensed at the men and it was thought they had worked on the week minded and caused demonstrations. This is supposed to be the reason for their sudden departure. It is thought that now the fanatical displays will cease.
Chapters of Holy Rollers where these articles are some of the sources:
Chapter 2: Creffield's Preachings
Chapter 5: A Sacrificial Bonfire
June 10, 1903: Salvation Army Major Deserts & Joins the Holy Rollers
November 2, 1903: Fanatics In Court
Newspaper Articles about Creffield & the Holy Rollers
1897-1903: B.C. (Before Creffield)
October to December 1903:Holy Rollers Burn Furniture & Pets
January to March, 1904: Holy Rollers Tarred and Feathered
April to June 1904: Holy Rollers are Committed to the Asylum
July 1904: Creffield is Found & Arrested
September 1904: Creffield's Trial
April 1906: Men are Gunning For Creffield
May 1906: Creffield is Murdered, Murderer is Considered a Hero
May 1906: Holy Rollers Found Starving Near Heceta Head
June 1906: George Mitchell's Trial Begins
July 1906: Hurt Testifies of Debauched Wife and Debased Sisters
July 1906: Esther Mitchell Kills Her Brother
August to October 1906: Seattle Prepares for another Big Trial
November 1906: Maud Hurt Creffield Commits Suicide
April 1909-August 1914: Esther Leaves the Asylum
1953 Stewart Holbrook's Murder Without Tears
1951Startling Detective Magazine, Nemesis of the Nudist High Priest
Chapters from
Holy Rollers: Murder & Madness in Oregon's Love Cult
Part 1: The Seduction
Chapter 1: Trust Me, Brothers And Sisters
(Life Before Creffield [B.C.])
Chapter 2: God, Save Us From Compromising Preachers
(Creffield's Preachings)
Chapter 3: The Flock
(Profiles of the Holy Rollers Were)
Chapter 4: The Holy Rollers
(Things Start to Get Wild on on Kiger Island)
Chapter 5: Housecleaning
(There's a Sacrificial Bonfire)
Chapter 6: Community Concerns
(Officers Visit)
Chapter 7: Esther, The Chosen One
(Creffield Plans to Marry 16-Year- Old)
Chapter 8: Tar and Feathers
(The Men of Corvallis Act)
Chapter 9: Sane People Don’t Go Bareheaded
(Holy Rollers are Committed to the Asylum)
Chapter 10: More Beast Than Man
( Creffield is Arrested)
Chapter 11: God Will Plead Creffield's Case
(Creffield in Court)
Chapter 12: Scandal
(Shocking Testimony at the Trial)
Chapter 13: Calm Before the Storm
(The Holy Rollers Resume their Lives)
Chapter 14: Giving Up The Ghost
(Men are Gunning for Creffield)
Part Two: The People V. Creffield
Chapter 16: The Widow Creffield
Chapter 19: An Inherited Streak of Insanity
Part Three: The Madness
Chapter 23: Seeking Reconciliation
Chapter 24: Another Holy Roller Page One Murder
Chapter 25: What Can Papa Do For You?
Chapter 26: Human Life is Too Cheap In This Community
Chapter 30: The Final Chapter
(What Happened to Everyone Afterwards)
The Epilogue
(Heaven's Gate)