Creffield and the Holy Rollers made page one headlines from 1903 to 1907. When I was researching Holy Rollers: Murder and Madness in Oregon’s Love Cult I spent months transcribing hundreds of articles. I’m not sure why I was so obsessive. Maybe it was my way of immersing my self into a cult without joining one. Anyway, I’m posting them all for those who are really interested in the story, or are interested the history of journalism, or are interested in how a scandalous story played out in the "media" in a by gone era. Since I no doubt made typos and unconsciously corrected papers' typos, these web pages should not be cited in anything serious (e.g. your dissertation). For such projects they should only be used as starting points and you should refer to the original sources. If you want a shorter version of the story, buy my book. Enjoy.
June 29, 1906: Trial is Now on in Earnest
Seattle Star 6/29/1906 p1
Mitchell Trial is Now on in Earnest
Jury Secured Yesterday Afternoon and
Trial Begins This Morning With the Address of Deputy Prosecuting Miller.
(In a box)
W. S. Perkins,
farmer and former mill hand of Brighton Beach.
H. E. Start,
rancher, Vashon Island.
O. Rex, restaurant keeper, of Seattle.
J. W. Boves, paperhanger, Dunlap.
F. M. Townsend,
city water department, Seattle.
M. H. Ring, post
office, Seattle.
Clyde Wetmore,
clerk, Seattle.
George W.
Arnold, painter and grocer, Seattle.
L. F. Jones,
rancher, Enumclaw.
J. R. Hall,
cement contractor, Seattle.
Fred Clinton,
cook, Vashon Island.
W. C. Howard,
hotel man, Seattle.
The original
telegram sent by George Mitchell to O. V. hurt, of Corvallis, Ore., immediately
after the killing of Franz Edmund Creffield has been carefully preserved and is
offered to the jury on the Mitchell murder trial as an important bit of
testimony, both showing that Mitchell did the killing and that at the time he
did so he was in a cool, sound frame of mind.
This fact came
out in the opening statement made this morning by Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
John Miller. Judge Miller in his statement recited the circumstances of the
killing, following closely the published accounts of the tragedy. He gave the
names of the eye-witnesses to the crime, and what the
state would attempt to prove by each one. He wound up his statement with the
declaration that when these facts had been proven to the satisfaction of the
jury, the state would ask for a verdict of guilty as charged.
The telegram which forms so important a link in the chain of evidence was written by Mitchell in the police station three minutes after he had
arrived there after his arrest. Mitchell had asked for a telegram blank, and
when it was handed him wrote:
“O. V. Hurt,
Corvallis, Ore.
“I’ve got my
man. Am in jail here.
Hurt is the
father of the wife of Creffield, and since the shooting has taken an active
part in raising money for the defense of his son-in-law’s slayer.
The defense
reserved the statement of its case until a later time.
The first
witness called by the state was Dr. F. M. Carroll, county coroner. as he was not present, the state called Dr. Bories, who held
the autopsy over Creffield’s dead body.
The story of the
killing of Creffield by Mitchell, as told on the witness stand this morning by
half a dozen witnesses introduced by the attorneys for the stat, tallies in
every essential particular with the stories of the killing published in The
Star at the time of the tragedy.
So far as
developed during the examination of the first half dozen witnesses there were
no actual eye witnesses to the shooting. Many people
heard the report of the fatal shot and looked towards or hastened to the scene
of the crime, several arriving on the spot within the first minute or two after
it occurred. Among there were J. Tuchten, a diamond setter in the employ of
Mayer Bros; John a. Whalley, an insurance man; Dr. W. C. Capps, a physician,
and Peter Wooley, a bootblack.
All four of
these witnesses were on the stand during the morning session of the court, as
were also Dr. F. M. Carroll, county coroner, and Dr. Emil Bories, who was
present at the autopsy. The four eye witnesses to the
events immediately following the tragedy told practically the same story. At
the time the shot was fired each was engaged at his place of business, except
Tuchten, who was on the streets, and all four heard the shot.
All rushed to
the scene of the tragedy, except Dr. Capps, who hastened to the window of his
office, in the Washington block, directly across the street. All testified that
Mrs. Creffield, who was with her husband at the time he was killed, berated
Mitchell for killing him, striking him with her arms and hands, while Mitchell
endeavored to ward off the blows by guarding his body with his arms.
When shot,
Creffield sank to the ground without a word or apparent conscious effort, and
the medical experts testified that from the nature of the wound, death must
have been instantaneous and without pain. The attorneys for the defense laid
special stress on the fact that death came at once and also on the fact that
the defendant did not show any excitement and made no effort whatever to escape
after having committed the crime. To bring out these two facts was about the
extent of their cross examination of the several
Throughout the
morning session the examination of witnesses was conducted in an almost
perfunctory manner. The state had summoned a dozen witnesses and the facts
tending to prove the killing were well substantiated and virtually confessed by
the defense. The defense, for instance, admitted the identification of the
accused as the man present at the time the killing took place and admitted that
Mrs. Creffield, who was called into the court room for
identification, was the woman present.
An effort was made
by the defense to get from the witnesses a statement of the words addressed by
Mrs. Creffield to the prostrate body of her husband after he had been shot, but
on the objection of the state this evidence was denied admission by the court
as immaterial. The words which the defense desired to bring
out were those in which Mrs. Creffield declared that it was impossible
for anyone to take the life of “Joshua.”
As has already
been many times related the shooting occurred on the east side of Second av.
between Cherry and Columbia Sts. near the entrance to Quick’s drug store.
Mitchell fired the shot from behind and the ball from his revolver entered the
neck of Creffield, severing the spinal cord. Mrs. Creffield turned immediately
upon Mitchell and demanded to know why he had committed the deed, saying, “He
never did you any harm; why did you want to shoot him?”
The sound of the
shot immediately attracted a crowd of spectators, and among them Police Officer
LeCount, who place Mitchell under arrest and turned him over to two other
officers who had come in the patrol wagon, after having first taken away
Mitchell’s revolver.
On the witness
stand this morning Dr. Bories produced the bullet with which Creffield was
shot, it having been cut from the dead man’s body in the course of the
post-mortem examination.
The work of
procuring a jury in the Mitchell murder trial came to a sudden and somewhat
unexpected end at 4:30 yesterday afternoon, when Attorney William H. Morris for
the accused, announced that the defense was satisfied with the panel as it
The defense was
still entitled to four more peremptory challenges and the state to two more,
had they chosen to exercise them, but the announcement on behalf of the defense
that the jury was satisfactory was immediately followed by a similar
announcement on behalf of the state.
Seattle Post Intelligencer 6/29/1906 p1
Evidence Against Mitchell Today
State Will Place In Stand Witnesses Of
Death Of Creffield
Case Will Be Brief One
Probable Defense Will Begin To Present
Evidence Before Night
The trial of
George Mitchell, on the charge of murdering Edwin Creffield, May 7, last, will
begin in earnest this morning. The jurors are all drawn, and it is probable
that before court adjourns at 5 o’clock this evening, the hearing of evidence
for the defense will have already begun.
The four days’
work of selecting the jury came to a sudden close at 4:30 o’clock yesterday
afternoon, when counsel for the defense announced that it was satisfied with
the panel as it stood. Counsel for the state immediately waived its right to
one more peremptory challenge, which would have given the defense an
opportunity for four more challenges, after Mr. Mackintosh and Mr. Miller had
dismissed the last man to whom they might have an objection. The men who will
hear the evidence, and who will be asked to decide whether or not Mitchell is
guilty of murder in the first degree, in slaying Creffield, are: (A list of the
12 jurors)
Attorney Kenneth Mackintosh stated last night that the opening statement by the
state would be confined to outlining its plan of action, which will be simply
to prove that the ace (sic) of George Mitchell in killing Creffield was
premeditated murder. He expected to have all the state’s evidence in early in
the afternoon.
Will H. Morris
ventured the professional opinion in open court yesterday evening that the
cross examination of the state’s witnesses would in this case be the shortest
on record in a murder trial.
Each side
expresses itself as well satisfied with the personnel of the jury and with its
own chance of proving its case.
“It is too early
to make any prophecies as yet,” said Mr. Mackintosh, “but I hope we shall be
able to show that there is nothing to their acknowledged defense of insanity.”
“We are going to
show an absolute defense in this case,’ said Attorney Silas M. Shipley, of
counsel for the defense, “both in fact and in law. We are not going to ask the
jury for any verdict that will be in violence of their conscience or of their
“The defense is
well pleased with the completion of the jury after four days hard work,’ said
Will H. Morris, also counsel for the defense.
Mr. Morris
entered a protest yesterday evening, just before court adjourned, to what he
claimed was an unwarranted action on the part of Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
John F. Miller. He moved the court that the witnesses for the defense be
brought into court in the morning, and stated that Esther Mitchell, sister of the
accused man, and one of the witnesses he claimed, for the defense, was kept in
charge of the police matron, and that her brother’s counsel had not been
allowed to visit her.
“You can visit
her if you want to,” was the statement of Mr. Miller, but he did not state that
he had not issued any prohibitive order to the police matron. “I am not here to
catechized,” was his answer. He further stated that Mr. Morris had talked to
her before Mr. Miller had. The girl will appear in court this morning.
The first
witness today will be Dr. S. H. Voorhies (sic), the
physician who performed the autopsy on Creffield. He will be succeeded by eye-witnesses of the killing, including Mrs. Creffield, who
was accompanying her husband when the boy met them on the street; and by the
officers who arrested Mitchell and those who took his statement when he reached
the police station. These will be asked to give the simple story of the
incident, and that will be the state’s case.
All the
witnesses for the defense are from Oregon, and their evidence will be concerned
with the incidents which are suppose to have led Mitchell to pursue his victim
to Seattle and kill him. It is expected two or three weeks will be occupied in
hearing their testimony. No evidence will be heard tomorrow, which is taken as
a holiday in jury cases.
Seven jurors who
had been passed for cause left the jury-box yesterday,
three peremptorily challenged by the state, and three by the defense.
appeared more cheerful in the courtroom yesterday. He watched the proceedings
closely, but at the numerous recesses chatted and laughed with several of his
former acquaintances in Oregon. Possibly of some effect on the man’s frame of
mind was the arrival yesterday morning of his father, from Illinois. The aged
man had come two-thirds of the way across the continent to a family reunion
under most strange circumstances. One son he found in jail accused of a crime which might lead to his death on the gallows. Another,
from Portland, is reported to have been willing to take his brother’s place. A
sister of the accused, and daughter of the aged traveler, is under close
surveillance of the police, and is stated to adhere still to the very religion
from which her brother sought to free them by removing the man whom he blamed
for it all. The prosecuting attorney states she will give no evidence in
support of the defense, thought she will not be introduced by the state, unless
for rebuttal purposes.
Corvallis Times 6/29/1906 p1
Trying Mitchell
What Lawyer Morris Said About it since
the Case Went to Trial.
There is deep
concern in Corvallis over the outcome of the Mitchell trial, now in progress at
Seattle. Tidings from the court room are generally
looked upon as encouraging. It has for instance been observed in a great many
cases where talesmen have been interrogated on the subject
during the examination by the attorneys, they have almost invariably
declared it to be their opinion that Mitchell did right in killing Creffield.
This means that the knowledge of Creffield’s teachings has become widely
disseminated, and in the state of Washington his doings are looked upon with
disfavor. It is known here also that the attorneys for the defense are not in
any sense discouraged with the outlook. In a letter written Wednesday evening
to a friend in this city, Mr. Morris, senior counsel for Mitchell, said that up
to that time, the case had gone pretty much along the lines he had expected and
that he had every hope of an outcome favorable to his client. He added that the
prosecution was making a strong fight to secure a conviction, and the defense
was meeting the assault with equal vigor, and that he felt reasonably certain
that those struggling on behalf of the Mitchell boy would hold their own in a
legal battle.
All Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday was spent in securing a jury. On the subject of
jury, Mr. Morris stated in his letter that he was very well satisfied, although
most of the rulings of the court in the process of selecting them had been
adverse to contentions of the defense. It is estimated now that the trial will
occupy the greater part of next week. Copies of the Seattle papers received in
Corvallis teem with accounts of the trial, to which large space is given up to
pictures, incidents and other details of the proceedings.
The discouraging
feature of the trial is the attitude of Esther Mitchell and Mrs. Starr, sisters
of the defendant. They are apparently still under the Creffield influence and
claim to have a revelation that it is God’s will that they do not give
testimony to aid their brother, whom they insist should suffer the full penalty
of the law. If Mitchell goes to the gallows it will be because of the fanatical
testimony of his own sisters. Mrs. Starr went to Seattle determined to aid her
brother, but after and interview with her sister, Esther, changed her mind.
The jury was
secured last night and the taking of evidence is in progress today. The
witnesses for the prosecution are Maud Hurt, two policemen, two doctors, and a
Seattle newspaper reporter. It is expected that their testimony will all be in
today, and that the evidence for the defense will begin tomorrow and continue
for several days.
Oregon Daily Journal (Portland) 6/29/1906 p8
Mitchell Trial Is Under Way
Prosecution Has Opened Case Against
Slayer Of Creffield
Jury Secured at Last to Hear Murder Case
But Two Hours Consumed In Hearing
Testimony Of Five Witnesses Called By State--Mrs. Creffield And Esther Will
Dispatch to The Journal.)
Seattle, wash,
June 29.--The jury to try George Mitchell was secured
late yesterday afternoon. The prosecuting attorney made his opening statement
this morning declaring the state would make out a case of “cold-blooded
In the space of
two hours this morning the five state’s witnesses testified. Among them was Dr.
Bories, who performed the autopsy on Creffield, who told the course the final
bullet took in the body. John A. Whaley, the real estate dealer, who ran from
his office to the scene of the shooting upon hearing the report of the shot,
declared Mitchell was calm and collected and that he was smoking a cigar.
Mrs. Creffield
and Esther Mitchell will testify late this afternoon. The state expects to
close its case by 4 o’clock. The defense is pursuing dilatory tactics to escape
being compelled to make an open statement this afternoon. No court will be held
Last evening
when the chance of securing a jury to try Mitchell appeared to be gone, for the
day, at least, Attorney Mackintosh, for the prosecution, and Attorneys Morris
and Shipley for the defense, surprised the gathered throng, as well as the
court, by announcing that they had no further challenges to make. The jury of
12 men was completed as follows: (the jury list)
Attorneys on
both sides of the case are satisfied with the men that are to hear the case whom they believe will be fair and impartial.
The life of
George Mitchell is believed to hinge upon the attitude of his two sisters, Esther
Mitchell and Mrs. Burgess E. Starr, the latter being the sister for whose ruin
Mitchell killed Creffield. There is some apprehension expressed by the defense
as to the stand of the sisters of the defendant will take when they are called
upon the stand. Until yesterday Mrs. Starr had avowed her intention of standing
by her brother, saying that she had successfully shaken off the baleful
influences of the late Holy roller leader. Her sister,
Esther, who still clings to her faith in her betrayer, however, has now
prevailed upon Mrs. Starr to return to her faith in the dead fanatic and a
strong prop has been knocked from under the bulwark the defense has been so
carefully building up since the time of the slaying of the “apostle.”
When Mrs. Starr
came to Seattle she was with the defense saying that she would do all in her
power to free her brother of the charge which hags over him. When she went to
see her sister, Esther, who is in charge of the matron at the city jail, and
was refused an audience, the matter preyed upon the mind. She became
uncommunicative and yesterday sent some message to Esther
which gained her immediate admittance. After a long consultation with
her sister it is stated she left the jail with the determination that she
return to her faith in Holy Rollerism.
Oregon Daily Journal (Portland) 6/29/1906 p8
Gardner Will Testify in the Mitchell Case
W. T. Gardner,
superintendent of the Boys’ and Girls’ Aid society, leaves today for Seattle,
where he will testify in the trial of George Mitchell, who shot Apostle
Creffield of the “Holy Rollers.”
For several
weeks Mr. Gardner had Esther Mitchell, the sister of the accused man, in his
charge. He will testify as to her mental condition and will also tell the jury
and court of the confessions of her relations with Creffield which she made to
him. He will appear in court Monday.
Seattle Daily Times, 6/29/1906 p1
Mitchell is at Last on Trial
Evening Telegram (Portland) 6/29/1906 p1
Dramatic Moment When Widow
of Late Holy Roller Enters Court
(Headline and
Photo across entire top page)
Stares Straight Ahead as She Is Led Into
the Midst of the Crowd Listening to the Mitchell Trial.
Attempt of Prosecution for a Dramatic
Moment Fails, as Witness Did Not Identify the Alleged Prophet’s Widow.
Imprisonment, Grief and the Change of
Dress Alter Woman--Incidents of the Shooting Are Detailed.
by Walter Deffenbaugh
Standing in the
midst of the crowded courtroom, neatly gowned all in black, her eyes blazing
with the fire which seems to burn in the look of everyone of the women who
believed and still believe that Franz Edmund Creffield was in truth Joshua
returned to life, Mrs. Maud Creffield, his widow, appeared for a dramatic
moment this morning.
She did not
speak. She looked at no one in the crowd through which she was called from
Judge Frater’s private chamber where she was held under the charge of the
police matron. She stared straight ahead at the judge with a snappy flash in
her eyes as she stood directly behind the man who killed her husband.
Prosecuting Attorney Miller had summoned her for the purpose of being
identified by a witness who saw the shooting that May morning on First Avenue.
The defense had previously announced that they would admit that the woman who
had been described as being with the man killed was Mrs. Creffield, but the
prosecution summoned her anyway. so it had not yet
come her turn to speak when she pushed through the staring crowd and faced the
scene which the death of her husband had created.
There was an intentness in her demeanor which was almost defiance. Whatever
it was in her--religious fervor, fanatic belief that her husband or a sense of
martyrdom--gave her an expression and a bearing different from any ordinary
Her appearance
was startling. It sent a thrill which was almost a shiver
through the men inside the rail who turned in their chairs to meet that blazing look in her eyes. Those who have talked with Mrs. Creffield--and few have been
permitted to do so since the shooting--say that she is not a woman of much
intelligence or of strong mind. So it must have been something else which gave
to her that bearing in a person which marks him in a
crowd and causes people on the street to turn about and look.
So far as the
trial is concerned the purpose for which Mrs. Creffield was avowedly summoned
into the court room failed. J. Tuchten, a jeweler,
employed by Mayer Bros., was on the witness stand and she was summoned that he
might see her and say to the jury that she was the woman he had seen hovering
over her husband’s body on the sidewalk.
“Call Mrs.
Creffield,” ordered Mr. Miller in his best dramatic manner.
There was a
scurrying of bailiffs, a craning of necks and a wait. Then she appeared in the
doorway, followed the bailiffs through the crowd, and halted half way up the
center aisle. Mitchell alone among those inside the rail failed to turn his
head. He kept his eyes upon the jury where they were fixed all day.
“Is this the
woman?” asked Mr. Miller.
“I don’t think
so,” answered the witness.
“Step closer,
Mrs. Creffield,” instructed the prosecutor.
She advanced to
the rail and stood directly behind Mitchell and stood there.
“Is this the
woman?” Mr. Miller asked again.
“I don’t think
so,” was the answer. “The woman I saw was a short, fat woman. I’m not sure.”
It was the
woman, but no comment was made until the fact t that the witness was mistaken.
She had changed much. That look in her eyes was not present that morning when
Tuchten saw her, and she was much better dressed.
This was the
first dramatic scene in the many in which this trial will undoubtedly bring
The real trial of
the case began this morning. The jury was unexpectedly accepted at 4:25 this
afternoon, and after the witnesses for the prosecution had been sworn and
ordered to leave the room this morning, Mr. Miller opened the case of the
state. It was a brief review of the evidence of the shooting, made in as nearly
a dispassionate manner as Mr. Miller’s virile personality would allow. He said:
“About 7 o’clock
on the morning of May 7th, this defendant, George Mitchell, shot and instantly
killed Edmund Creffield on the streets of this city. Mr. Creffield and his wife
arose early that morning to do some shopping and were walking south on the
First Avenue on the right-hand side of the street. Near the corner of Columbia
Street they crossed diagonally to the left-hand side. Mrs. Creffield was on the
inside, and they walked along with their elbows touching close to the
“When they came
to the Quick Drug Store, this defendant was standing there and after they had
passed fired a shot from his pistol, which entered the base of Creffield’s
brain, the ball lodging in the right point of the jaw. His wife looked around
and saw George Mitchell with a smoking revolver in his hand.
“She rushed to
him and asked: ‘What did you kill my husband for? He
never did you any harm.’ He never answered, but continued coolly smoking his
“Officer Le
Count came up and found the defendant walking up and down, while Mrs. Creffield
scuffled with him, pushing him away from her husband. Someone pointed him out
as the man who had fired the shot, but in answer to the policeman’s question he
said: ‘Wait till I get to the police station and I’ll make a statement.’
“When he got there
he asked for a telegraph blank and sent this message to O. V. Hurt, Corvallis,
Oregon: ‘I’ve got my man. I am in jail here.’ That telegram, gentlemen, will be
introduced in evidence.
“To Louis
Sefrit, a newspaper reporter, he said: ‘I came here Wednesday morning and had
been looking for him. I saw them a block and a half away, and when they passed
me, I jumped out and fired.’
gentlemen, is briefly our case.”
Dr. Emil Bories
was the first witness called. He testified that there was a bruise on the
forehead caused by the fall of the body and a bullet hole in the back of the
neck. He demonstrated its location upon the neck of Mr. Miller. He said that
the bullet had cut through the spinal cord at the second vertebra and had lodged
in the right point of the jaw. The wound had caused instant death by cutting
off the action of the respiratory organs.
He testified
that when he was summoned from Cherry Street on his way down town, he found the
body in the drug store and tat a woman was bending over it.
Joshua is not
dead,” she was saying. “They can’t kill Joshua.”
“This is no
josh,” he said he answered after an examination. “This man is dead.”
He said that
Creffield had a fine brain and that all his organs were well developed and in
good condition.
cross-examination the defense brought out testimony along lines which seemed to
indicate an effort to show that Mrs. Creffield had extracted letters from her
husband’s pocket and gained testimony, that Dr. Bories had left to go to the
telephone, and that he had cautioned her not to remove anything until the
coroner arrived. To this she had answered that she was the man’s wife and that
she had right to take anything she wished.
“She was very
cool,” he said. “And I could hardly realize that she was the man’s wife.”
On re-direct
examination Mr. Miller brought out the statement that there were powder marks
on the back of Creffield’s neck.
On re-direct
examination Mr. Miller brought out the statement that there were powder marks
on the back of Creffield’s neck.
Dr. F. M.
Carroll, the county coroner, was the next witness. His testimony was technical
and official. Mr. Morris took pains to bring out the fact that such a wound
causes instant and painless death.
J. Tuchten,
whose testimony has been indicated above, was then called. He testified that he
had walked behind the couple down First Avenue and saw them stop and Mrs.
Creffield get weighed in front of the Quaker (sic) drug store. They crossed the
street and he was on the other side when he heard a shot and saw Creffield
falling. He ran across and heard Mrs. Creffield ask Mitchell why he had killed
her husband. He said that Mitchell stood there, looking at the body with a
cigar in his mouth. On cross-examination, he became somewhat confused and
explained that he was much excited at the time of the shooting.
Mrs. Creffield
was called during this testimony and after she had retired Cr. W. C. Capps, a
dentist in the Washington Block, was called. He testified that he heard the
shot and looked out of the window. He saw Mitchell walking away and Mrs.
Creffield ran after him and took him by the arm and they walked back together
to where Creffield lay.
John A. Whalley,
an insurance man, whose office is in the corner of the second floor of the
Colman Building, was the next witness. He too heard the shot and ran to the
window. He said he saw a woman striking at a man who was backing away from her
and something lying on the sidewalk which he thought at first was a woman’s wrap. He recognized Mitchell as the man and said the woman
was Mrs. Creffield. She was striking wildly, he said, and Mitchell was warding
off the blows.
They finally
walked back while he was running to the scene and when he arrived the woman was
bending over the body. He heard her speak to Mitchell several times while she
was talking to the dead man, as he put it. She kept repeating to Mitchell in
the intervals, “He didn’t hurt you,’ or something to that effect.
cross-examination, the defense tried to find out what she was saying to the
“dead ma, but the prosecution objected and after a strenuous protest by Mr.
Morris, the objection was sustained.
Dr. Bories was
recalled to produce the bullet which he had obtained
from Deputy Coroner Wiltsie and identified it as the one he had removed from
Creffield’s jaw when he performed the autopsy.
Peter Wooley, a
bootblack, who has a stand in front of Arnold Zbinden’s saloon at the foot of Cherry Street, was then called and proceeded to fill the courtroom so full of explosive English of the Italian variety that
the bailiff had to open a window. He was utterly unable to answer “yes” or “no”
to any question and each query brought out an excited review of his idea of the
whole affair. The attorneys finally gave it up. Wooley swore that Mitchell
walked south from the body, while the other eye-witnesses all testified that he had walked north. Mr. Morris tried helping him out by
suggesting that he had not had his eyes fixed upon the scene all of the time.
“I was running,”
spluttered the witness. “You can’t look at the floor when you run.”
This was the end
of the morning session. Through it all Mitchell had scarcely moved from his
seat at the corner of his counsel’s table. He was nervous and eagerly listened
to the questions. His lips were firmly pressed together and he wiped his face
with a handkerchief.
The jury, which
was completed yesterday, is made up as follows:
W. s. Perkins, farmer and mill hand, Brighton Beach.
H. E. Start,
rancher, Vashon.
O. Rex, restaurant keeper, Seattle.
J. W. Bovee, paper-hanger, Dunlap.
F. M. Townsend,
foreman, city water department, Seattle.
M. H. Ring, mail
collector, post office, Seattle.
Clyde Wetmore, street car man, Seattle.
w. Arnold, painter and grocer, Seattle.
L. F. Jones,
rancher, Enumclaw.
J. R. Hall,
concrete contractor, Seattle.
Fred Clinton,
cook, Vashon Island.
W. C. Howard, saloon-keeper and hotel-man, Seattle.
It is probable
that the prosecution will conclude its case late today. It will endeavor only
to prove the fact of the actual shooting and will depend upon the
cross-examination of the witnesses for the defense for its other ammunition.
There will be no session tomorrow, the time of the court being devoted to
juvenile cases and motions. The defense expects to open Monday.
widow was placed on the stand in the afternoon session and testified that she
was walking on the street with her husband and that the first intimation she
had of impeding tragedy was the report of the pistol shot, evidently fired from
behind her.
Her husband fell
forward upon his face, and as he lay on the sidewalk at her feet she looked
around and saw George Mitchell with the revolver in his hand.
At this point
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Miller asked her if the defendant in the dock were
the man she saw. Looking at Mitchell intently for a moment, she turned toward
Mr. Miller and remarked, in a contemptuous tone: “Yes, that is the man.”
After the shot
had been fired and she saw that her husband had been fatally hurt, if not
killed, she turned and caught Mitchell by the hand, exclaiming: “Why did you do
that? He never harmed you.”
It was at this
time that the defendant was arrested by Officer Le Count who testified this
afternoon that when he approached the man he was cool and collected and showed
no evidences of agitation. In submitting to arrest he said to the patrolman: “I
have only done my duty.”
Morning Oregonian (Portland) 6/30/1906 p1
Story Of Killing Told By Widow
Mrs. Creffield On Stand In Murder Trial.
Testifies Without Emotion
Confines Herself To Bare Facts Of
State Closes Its Case
Seattle Court Then Takes Adjournment Over
Sunday--Real Struggle Begins When Defense Opens. Long Fight Is Expected.
SEATTLE, June 29.-- (Staff correspondence.)--The evidence through which the
State of Washington expects to send George Mitchell to the gallows for the
murder of Edmund Creffield, the Holy Roller leader, was submitted today. The
court was then adjourned until Monday, at which time the defense will give its
version of the killing and its justification of the deed.
The prosecution
of young Mitchell was brief and to the point. Ste state contented itself with
proving the simple facts of the killing, the manner in which the crime was committed,
the attitude of Mitchell when he fired the fatal shot and after he had achieved
his purpose. The prosecution utilized every legal technicality available in
restricting the cross-examination of witnesses against Mitchell.
Attorney Mackintosh and his assistant, John F. Miller, succeeded in making the
most of the case against the youthful homicide. They established that the
killing was deliberate, that it was executed in a calm and deliberate manner,
and that Mitchell throughout the tragedy maintained the attitude of a man who
is in full possession of his faculties and who knows full well what he is
They did their
best to discredit the claim of the defense that Mitchell was temporarily insane
when he stepped up behind the Holy Roller leader and shot him dead.
Six hours
sufficed to complete the case against Mitchell. As many days will be required
to put in the defense.
The star witness
of the day was Maud Hurt Creffield, widow of the deceased, who was with the
Holy Roller prophet when he was killed. She saw the killing and grappled with
her husband’s slayer. Her testimony was the most important offered by the
state. Contrary to expectations, she made no reference to the pernicious cult
of which her husband was the founder. Her testimony dealt with the material
facts of the case. She showed no animus. It was hard to believe that she was
Creffield’s widow.
Mrs. Creffield
was called to the witness stand late in the afternoon, after police officers, eye-witnesses and doctors had testified to the facts
surrounding the shooting. As she was led out of the witness room a hush came
over the courtroom. There was a craning of necks to see the woman who had been
at Creffield’s right hand in his outrageous fanaticism.
She was not the
type of woman that had been looked for. As she walked quickly down the aisle to
the witness stand, those in the courtroom saw a short, stockily built woman yet in her twenties, rather comely and of very ordinary personality.
She was in mourning, and the solemn black of her widow’s weeds harmonized with
her jet black hair and eyes and pale, olive
Her eyes were
the only unusual thing about her. In these there was a
strange expression--one that suggested a lack of sympathy with the things about
her and with the world at large. When she replied to the questions put to her
by the attorneys she spoke in a weak voice and displayed a very ordinary
education and a lack of individuality. It was not hard to understand why she
had been selected by Creffield as his lieutenant in propagating the teachings
of Holy Rollerism.
Replying to
questions from Mr. Miller, Mrs. Creffield told calmly and without display of
emotion of the killing of her husband by Mitchell. She and Creffield had arisen
early on the morning of May 7 she said. Passing along First Avenue they reached
a point in front of Quick’s Drug Store, when she was startled
by a loud explosion. Turning instantly, she saw her husband sway and
fall to the sidewalk. Then she saw Mitchell with a smoking revolver in his
“Why did you do
that? He did you no harm.” she quoted herself as having said. She stated that
Mitchell made no reply, but calmly placed his revolver in his hip pocket. Fearing
he might fire again, Mrs. Creffield said she rushed up to Mitchell and seized
him by the hands. He resisted, drawing his own hands free and seizing her by
the wrists. After a moment he released her and she dropped down beside her
Her examination
by the state was brief. The cross-examination was searching, but confined to
her statements on direct examination. The efforts of the prisoner’s attorneys
to question her regarding her husband’s lecherous cult were resisted by the
state. Judge Frater ruled that such questioning was not proper
cross-examination and to this ruling Attorneys Morris and Shipley, Mitchell’s
lawyers, took exception.
A lively legal
skirmish ensued, the jury being removed from the courtroom while arguments were
presented pro and con. Judge Frater stood by his ruling and an exception was
entered by the defense. Mrs. Creffield was then excused from the stand. It is
probable, however, that she will be recalled by the defense next week.
When the morning
session of court convened there was on hand a crowd such as has seldom if ever
been witnessed in a Seattle courtroom. Not only was every seat and chair
occupied, but the standing room, every inch of it, was
packed with curious humanity. Scores of people stood outside the corridors,
patiently awaiting an opportunity to crowd within. Women were largely
represented, at least 50 being in the courtroom.
Promptly at 9:30
o’clock the witnesses for the state were lined up before the bench and sworn.
They were then excluded from the courtroom, the jury
was brought into court and the opening statement for the state presented. This preliminary outline of the case for the prosecution was set
out by Mr. Miller. In a quiet and business-like manner he described the
events of the killing of Creffield by Mitchell. Mr. Miller said in part:
“About 7 o’clock on the morning
of May 7th, this defendant, George Mitchell, shot and instantly killed Edmund
Creffield on the streets of this city. Mr. Creffield and his wife arose early that morning to do
some shopping and were walking south on the First Avenue on the right-hand side
of the street. Near the corner of Columbia Street they crossed diagonally to
the left-hand side. Mrs. Creffield was on the inside, and they walked along
with their elbows touching close to the buildings.
“When they came to the Quick
Drug Store, this defendant was standing there and after they had passed fired a
shot from his pistol, which entered the base of Creffield’s brain, the ball
lodging in the right point of the jaw. His wife looked around and saw George
Mitchell with a smoking revolver in his hand.
“She rushed to him and
asked: ‘What did you kill my husband for? He never did
you any harm.’ He never answered, but continued coolly smoking his cigar.
“Officer Le Count came up
and found the defendant walking up and down, while Mrs. Creffield scuffled with
him, pushing him away from her husband. Someone pointed him out as the man who
had fired the shot, but in answer to the policeman’s question he said: ‘Wait
till I get to the police station and I’ll make a statement.’
“When he got there he asked
for a telegraph blank and sent this message to O. V. Hurt, Corvallis, Oregon: ‘I’ve
got my man. I am in jail here.’ That telegram, gentlemen, will be introduced in
“To Louis Sefrit, a
newspaper reporter, he said: ‘I came here Wednesday morning and had been
looking for him. I saw them a block and a half away, and when they passed me, I
jumped out and fired.’
“That, gentlemen, is briefly
our case.”
During this
recital the young defendant seemed to awaken from the lethargic state in which
he had been during the selection of a jury. He leaned forward in his chair and
followed the state’s attorney with the closest attention. In fact, Mitchell
showed close interest in the examination of all the witnesses.
During the time
Peter Wooley, and Italian bootblack who witnessed the tragedy, was on the
stand, Mitchell laughed repeatedly at the witnesses broken English. He seemed
in a good humor when court closed for the day, and seemed relieved that the
state had been brief in its case and had sprung no surprises.
The first
witness to be called to the stand was Dr. Emil Bories, the Seattle physician
who was at the scene of the tragedy immediately after it occurred, and who
performed an autopsy on the dead man. Dr. Bories stated that he found
Creffield’s body lying in the drug store. A woman was lying across the lifeless
form, stroking the hair and muttering, “Joshua, Joshua. They can’t kill
“I misunderstood
the woman, Creffield’s wife, thinking she said it was all a ‘josh,’” said Dr.
Bories. “I said to her: ‘Madam, this is no josh; this man is dead.”
This odd
statement created a ripple of merriment in the courtroom, which was instantly
stilled by the sharp rapping of the bailiff’s gavel.
cross-examination, the doctor stated that Creffield’s brain was entirely normal
and well developed and that the wound inflicted by Mitchell was such as caused
instant and painless death. The ball entered the back of the neck, he said,
penetrating at the base of the brain and shutting off lung and heart action.
Regarding Mrs. Creffield’s demeanor after the shooting, witness said she was
unusually cool and collected, showing little or no emotion.
“I could hardly
believe,” he said “that she was the wife of the man who lay dead on the floor.”
Dr. F. M.
Carroll, coroner of King County was the second witness. His testimony coincided
with that of Dr. Bories. He, too, thought death must have been instantaneous
and painless. Dr. Carroll was succeeded in the witness chair by J. Tuchten, an eye witness of the shooting.
Mr. Tuchten was
walking immediately behind the Creffields until a moment or two before the
shooting, when he chanced to cross the street. His attention
was attracted by the firing of a shot and he looked just as Creffield
sank in his tracks to the sidewalk. He ran across the street to the scene and
heard Mrs. Creffield ask the slayer why he had killed her husband. Mitchell
made no reply.
Tuchten said he was particularly impressed by the calm demeanor of the man who
did the shooting. Mitchell stood near the body, smoking a cigar, and
showed no signs of emotion. Similar testimony was given by W.
C. Capps, a dentist who has offices in the Washington block near the scene of
the shooting. he heard the fatal shot and saw
the body lying on the sidewalk. further testimony
substantiating the facts of the killing and all of a similar nature, was given
by John A. Whalley, and insurance agent, and Peter Wooley, a bootblack, at the
forenoon session.
afternoon proceedings were taken up by Mrs. Creffield, the officers who
arrested Mitchell and had him in custody and a newspaper reporter who
interviewed him shortly after the shooting.
Patrolman LeCount who made the arrest, said Mitchell submitted
quietly. he asked him why he killed the man and
Mitchell, after putting him off, finally told him at the police station, that
Creffield ruined his sister and was the leader of the Holy rollers, a cult that
was driving women out of their minds and robbing them of their chastity.
Corroborative evidence was presented by Charles Tennant, sergeant of detectives; Police Captain Willard and by Louis Sefrit, reporter for
the Seattle Times.
The last
witnesses of the day were Police Captain John Sullivan and H. P. Ford, who saw
Mitchell send a telegram immediately after the shooting to O. V. Hurt, Mrs.
Creffield’s father, at Corvallis. In this telegram he said: “I have got my man.
Am in jail here.” Mr. Miller then stated that the case for the State was before
the jury and adjournment was taken until Monday at 9:30 o’clock.
The fact that
Mrs. Creffield made no radical statements while on the stand today has given
the defense hope that the Holy-Rollers have made no organized plan for
assisting in Mitchell’s conviction. Esther Mitchell, the defendant’s sister,
was brought into court yesterday morning, but was not questioned by Mitchell’s
attorneys, who were busy with other matters. She will be on hand again Monday,
and will be closely questioned as to the causes of her prejudice against her
brother before being place on the witness-stand.
The opening
statement for the defense will include a full and complete outline of the causes
leading up to the shooting. This statement, it is believed, will take up the
greater part of Monday of itself. Thirty or more witnesses will be examined for
the defense and this will take up the remainder of next week and possibly part
of the week following, it is stated.
On every hand it
is believed that the jury will return promptly a verdict of acquittal. There
are few people in Seattle that have been following the case who believe
Mitchell will be convicted, even of manslaughter.
Chapter 18: The Trial

June 30, 1906: Mrs. Creffield's Testimony
Newspaper Articles about Creffield & the Holy Rollers
1897-1903: B.C. (Before Creffield)
October to December 1903:Holy Rollers Burn Furniture & Pets
January to March, 1904: Holy Rollers Tarred and Feathered
April to June 1904: Holy Rollers are Committed to the Asylum
July 1904: Creffield is Found & Arrested
September 1904: Creffield's Trial
April 1906: Men are Gunning For Creffield
May 1906: Creffield is Murdered, Murderer is Considered a Hero
May 1906: Holy Rollers Found Starving Near Heceta Head
June 1906: George Mitchell's Trial Begins
July 1906: Hurt Testifies of Debauched Wife and Debased Sisters
July 1906: Esther Mitchell Kills Her Brother
August to October 1906: Seattle Prepares for another Big Trial
November 1906: Maud Hurt Creffield Commits Suicide
April 1909-August 1914: Esther Leaves the Asylum
1953 Stewart Holbrook's Murder Without Tears
1951Startling Detective Magazine, Nemesis of the Nudist High Priest
Chapters from
Holy Rollers: Murder & Madness in Oregon's Love Cult
Part 1: The Seduction
Chapter 1: Trust Me, Brothers And Sisters
(Life Before Creffield [B.C.])
Chapter 2: God, Save Us From Compromising Preachers
(Creffield's Preachings)
Chapter 3: The Flock
(Profiles of the Holy Rollers Were)
Chapter 4: The Holy Rollers
(Things Start to Get Wild on on Kiger Island)
Chapter 5: Housecleaning
(There's a Sacrificial Bonfire)
Chapter 6: Community Concerns
(Officers Visit)
Chapter 7: Esther, The Chosen One
(Creffield Plans to Marry 16-Year- Old)
Chapter 8: Tar and Feathers
(The Men of Corvallis Act)
Chapter 9: Sane People Don’t Go Bareheaded
(Holy Rollers are Committed to the Asylum)
Chapter 10: More Beast Than Man
( Creffield is Arrested)
Chapter 11: God Will Plead Creffield's Case
(Creffield in Court)
Chapter 12: Scandal
(Shocking Testimony at the Trial)
Chapter 13: Calm Before the Storm
(The Holy Rollers Resume their Lives)
Chapter 14: Giving Up The Ghost
(Men are Gunning for Creffield)
Part Two: The People V. Creffield
Chapter 16: The Widow Creffield
Chapter 19: An Inherited Streak of Insanity
Part Three: The Madness
Chapter 23: Seeking Reconciliation
Chapter 24: Another Holy Roller Page One Murder
Chapter 25: What Can Papa Do For You?
Chapter 26: Human Life is Too Cheap In This Community
Chapter 30: The Final Chapter
(What Happened to Everyone Afterwards)
The Epilogue
(Heaven's Gate)