Creffield and the Holy Rollers made page one headlines from 1903 to 1907. When I was researching Holy Rollers: Murder and Madness in Oregon’s Love Cult I spent months transcribing hundreds of articles. I’m not sure why I was so obsessive. Maybe it was my way of immersing my self into a cult without joining one. Anyway, I’m posting them all for those who are really interested in the story, or are interested the history of journalism, or are interested in how a scandalous story played out in the "media" in a by gone era. Since I no doubt made typos and unconsciously corrected papers' typos, these web pages should not be cited in anything serious (e.g. your dissertation). For such projects they should only be used as starting points and you should refer to the original sources. If you want a shorter version of the story, buy my book. Enjoy.
December 30, 1903: Owner of Property Refuses to Permit Séances
Creffield Again Out in the Cold
Weekly Herald Disseminator (Albany) 1/7/1904 p2
Holy Rollers Again Scattered
Owner of Rented Property Refuses to Permit Seances.
[Telegram Coast Special]
Corvallis, Ore., Dec.
30--Mrs. Beach, the owner of the house across the river in Linn County in which
the Holy Rollers have been holding their seances, has ejected the entire outfit
from the premises. She says the house was rented by Frank Hurt with the
understanding that no one should live there but himself and wife, and she does
not propose for her property to be used as a Holy Roller tabernacle. So that
one more Apostle Creffield and his followers are scattered.
It was rumored yesterday that
Creffield had secured quarters somewhere in Corvallis, but a diligent search
last night by a few citizens interested in his whereabouts failed to locate
him. It is not believed that he will attempt to do business in this vicinity as
it is a well known fact that several determined citizens have mutually agreed
to donate him a coat that will shed water and keep out the cold.
Corvallis Gazette 1/1/1904 p2
It is rumored that Mrs.
Beach, the owner of the house across the river where the colony of Holy Rollers
has been located has succeeded in forcing them to vacate the premises and it is
also said that Parson Creffield is now in hiding near this vicinity. To save
trouble, this gentleman should be hunted up and made to leave this section of
the state for good. The story of one of his victim consigned to a living death
in Salem, bereft of reason, is fresh in the minds of every father and mother in
Corvallis. Who knows whose daughter will be the next victim. We have no room in
our county for men who murder reason. Save your own neck, Parson Creffield, and
the quicker you go the better for you.
Chapter of Holy Rollers where these articles are some of the sources:
Chapter 7: Esther, The Chosen One
December 29, 1903: Holy Rollers’ Not Liked at the Dalles
January 6, 1904: Holy Rollers Tarred and Feathered
Newspaper Articles about Creffield & the Holy Rollers
1897-1903: B.C. (Before Creffield)
October to December 1903:Holy Rollers Burn Furniture & Pets
January to March, 1904: Holy Rollers Tarred and Feathered
April to June 1904: Holy Rollers are Committed to the Asylum
July 1904: Creffield is Found & Arrested
September 1904: Creffield's Trial
April 1906: Men are Gunning For Creffield
May 1906: Creffield is Murdered, Murderer is Considered a Hero
May 1906: Holy Rollers Found Starving Near Heceta Head
June 1906: George Mitchell's Trial Begins
July 1906: Hurt Testifies of Debauched Wife and Debased Sisters
July 1906: Esther Mitchell Kills Her Brother
August to October 1906: Seattle Prepares for another Big Trial
November 1906: Maud Hurt Creffield Commits Suicide
April 1909-August 1914: Esther Leaves the Asylum
1953 Stewart Holbrook's Murder Without Tears
1951Startling Detective Magazine, Nemesis of the Nudist High Priest
Chapters from
Holy Rollers: Murder & Madness in Oregon's Love Cult
Part 1: The Seduction
Chapter 1: Trust Me, Brothers And Sisters
(Life Before Creffield [B.C.])
Chapter 2: God, Save Us From Compromising Preachers
(Creffield's Preachings)
Chapter 3: The Flock
(Profiles of the Holy Rollers Were)
Chapter 4: The Holy Rollers
(Things Start to Get Wild on on Kiger Island)
Chapter 5: Housecleaning
(There's a Sacrificial Bonfire)
Chapter 6: Community Concerns
(Officers Visit)
Chapter 7: Esther, The Chosen One
(Creffield Plans to Marry 16-Year- Old)
Chapter 8: Tar and Feathers
(The Men of Corvallis Act)
Chapter 9: Sane People Don’t Go Bareheaded
(Holy Rollers are Committed to the Asylum)
Chapter 10: More Beast Than Man
( Creffield is Arrested)
Chapter 11: God Will Plead Creffield's Case
(Creffield in Court)
Chapter 12: Scandal
(Shocking Testimony at the Trial)
Chapter 13: Calm Before the Storm
(The Holy Rollers Resume their Lives)
Chapter 14: Giving Up The Ghost
(Men are Gunning for Creffield)
Part Two: The People V. Creffield
Chapter 16: The Widow Creffield
Chapter 19: An Inherited Streak of Insanity
Part Three: The Madness
Chapter 23: Seeking Reconciliation
Chapter 24: Another Holy Roller Page One Murder
Chapter 25: What Can Papa Do For You?
Chapter 26: Human Life is Too Cheap In This Community
Chapter 30: The Final Chapter
(What Happened to Everyone Afterwards)
The Epilogue
(Heaven's Gate)