Jerry and Georgia Roslund, who owned the Fireside Motel, built and opened The Overleaf Lodge 1997. It is a family-owned business where three generations of Roslunds have lived and worked.
The name "Overleaf" was chosen by accident. During its construction, Jerry was thumbing through an architectural catalog when he saw a photo of a building he liked and mistakenly thought the architectural style was called 'Overleaf.' Turns out the term was instructing him to "turn the page" or "overleaf" for more information. Nonetheless, he loved the name and what it came to symbolize for the Lodge: "turning over a new leaf" in life.
This website,, is a work in progress.
I'm hoping to gather more stories about this location. If you have good ones, email me. THANKS!
Do you have stories and/or photos about this location? Did you ever work here? Live here? Have family and/or friends who told you anecdotes? Send interesting stuff to us and we may add them to the website.
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Site researched, designed, and maintained by T- (Theresa) McCracken of