The Yachats Lions Club was chartered on July 20, 1950, with 23 members.
Some community projects it has worked on include the following:
1st Yachats Rodeo in 1952
Built and operated a Civilian Observation Post in cooperation with WWII Air Defense
Worked on the landscaping at the Yachats School (now the Yachats Commons)
Assisted PUD (People's Utility District) installing water heater insulation at no cost to home owners
Built home access ramps for the disabled
Built a concrete stairway for access to the ocean
Built and maintain ocean viewing benches
Built a shelter at Yachats Memorial Cemetery
Built a Picnic Shelter behind the Yachats Commons
Adopted an Adopt-a-highway project
Other fundraising activities have included:
Farmers Market Sundays
Five Breakfasts a Year (Spring Break, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, and Christmas)
Crab Feed (4th Saturday in January)
Ongoing Service projects include:
Flags For First Graders
Eye Glasses & Hearing Aids
Food Collection for the Yachats Food Pantry
Mobile Health & Vision Screening
The Lion's Thrift Store is one way the Yachats Lion's Club raises funds to support its humanitarian projects.
Do you have stories and/or photos about this location? Did you ever work here? Live here? Have family and/or friends who told you anecdotes? Send interesting stuff to us and we may add them to the website.
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Site researched, designed, and maintained by T- (Theresa) McCracken of